January 2015
Dear Parents,
RE: DANBURY YOUTH CAMP: 15th – 19th JUNE 2015
The Stanway School has been developing a Residential Experience as part of the curriculum for a number of years, and in June 2015 we are planning to take all Year 7 students to spend a week under canvas at Danbury Youth Camp.
The trip will take place in the week 15th – 19th June. The nature of the work covered at camp spans many subjects and includes activities such as Orienteering, Problem Solving and Outdoor and Adventurous activities, but this is just a fraction of what the students gain from the week’s experience. Living, eating, sleeping and working together as a team bonds the group together in many ways, promoting qualities such as reliability, tolerance and understanding. We feel that it really rounds off their first year at Stanway in a positive way and enables them to establish firm friendships for the remainder of their school career and beyond.
The cost of the week for your child will be funded from the Pupil Premium Grant. In order to confirm numbers, I would appreciate it if you could fill in and return the reply slip to Reception by Friday 13th February 2015.
Since so much of the visit is educational, and will be followed up in school, it is very important that all members of the year group participate. If you would like to discuss any difficulties or queries relating to the camp prior to returning the form, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I will be sending out final details, including medical forms and clothing lists nearer the time, but please note the only specialist equipment the students will need is a sleeping bag.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs L Rampley
Danbury Camp Organiser
NAME______FORM 7 ______
I give permission for my child to visit the Danbury Youth Camp on
Monday 15th June – Friday 19th June 2015 and confirm that I have provided the school with up to date contact/medical information.
Signed______Parent/Guardian Date______
Danbury Youth Camp trip 15th June – 19th June 2015