Love Your Neighbor: Building Healthy Relationships
Sourcebook Credit: created as a Joint Project of United Synagogue Youthand Jewish Women International. Edited by Karen L. Stein, 2009
Teacher’s Guide Outline: Draft 1
- 4 units, corresponding to sections of LYN Sourcebook
- 3 concluding/wrap up sessions- taking it home, focusing on healthy decision making skills
Unit / Session topics / Core Concepts
Unit 1: Introduction
Jewish value/mitzvah: Ve’ahavtaL’reyachaKamocha /
- Me, You and Us – living in a world of others
- Ve’ahavta- love for myself, love for another
- L’reyacha- Friendship- having a friend, choosing our friends
- Kamocha- Being a friend
- Community, online communities
- Dissecting the term V-L-K, we must love ourselves before we can appreciate others
- How we choose our friends, how we become good friends, characteristics of friendship
Unit 2: Bein Adam L’Atzmo
Jewish Value/mitzvah: B’tzelemElohim, Kavod, K’dusha /
- “I’m Awesome”- individuality, equality and B’tzelemElohim
- Body Image and self esteem (separated by gender)
- Appreciating our Differences- equality
- Being a mensch
- Our first and longest lasting relationship is with ourselves. Body Image and self esteem through B’E)
- Equality- appreciating differences, gender appreciation
- Behaving toward another with Kavod and menschleichkeit
Unit 3: Bein Adam L’chavero
Jewish values/Mitzvot: ShmiratHalashon, K’dusha and Kavod (for oneself and for another) /
- Power of words- 21st century L’shon Hara
- Love and Dating (including same sex relationships)
- Soul Mate and Marriage
- Physical Intimacy and the Jewish teenager
- The impact of what we type, limitless L’shon Hara (cyber-gossip, cyber-harassment)
- Choosing a date, choosing a mate- friendship versus romantic love
- “The Bachelorette/Bachelor”- soul mate, love and marriage
- The “birds and bees” according to Jewish values (right time, right place, right person- K’dusha)
Unit 4: Issues in Relationships
Jewish values: Shalom Bayit, Kibud Av Va’em, Ve’ahavtaL’reyacha, K’vodHabryot /
- Conflict at home
- Conflict at school: Bullying and Bystander
- Dating abuse
- Peer Pressure
When Love Hurts
Peer pressure and negative impact of friendship
Conclusion (1 session that can be split into 2)
Jewish Values/Mitzvot: YetzerHatov and Hara /
- Making Healthy Choices Intro
- Challenges to Making Decisions and the Decision Making Process
- Now What? Using these skills, ideas, values and mitzvot in Your Life
Game of Life human board game