Restorative Inquiry Update for Former Residents

Greetings all,

We have enjoyed the opportunity to connect with some of you through some of our events. We are preparing for the next phase of the Restorative Inquiry, and your participation will help make a difference for children in care, for African Nova Scotian families, and for all Nova Scotians.

In the coming months we will hold several Sharing Circles where former residents can tell us about your experiences in several areas:

- With your caregivers, including social workers, Home staff, health-care workers, foster parents (if that applies to you), and anyone else who cared for you.

- In school and the education system.

- In the justice system. This could include your involvement in the settlement, and/or any interactions you may have had as a child or as an adult.

- With family and community, including with other residents.

We will hold Sharing Circles dedicated to each topic, as well as general Sharing Circles. These circles will bring groups of former residents together for facilitated discussions, with health support staff onsite. They will not be open to the media or the general public, so residents can share freely.

You do not have to share all the details of your personal story. The Restorative Inquiry has a mandate to focus on systemic changes and solutions, rather than individual wrongs. This is an opportunity to tell us the things that matter most to you about what happened, and what can be done differently to make sure nothing like this happens again.

Your input will make a real difference to show us what needs to be addressed and how we might make changes for the future. Government and community partners have committed to work closely with the Restorative Inquiry. As we learn from former residents, research, and conversations with communities and public agencies, the Inquiry can begin to make changes in real time that will help children and families, without waiting until the end of the Inquiry. What you say matters in this process.

We will be sharing dates for these circles soon, and we want to provide opportunities for people around the province and outside Nova Scotia to have input. There will be other ways to take part as well, beyond the sharing circles. If you are interested in participating in any way and would like to be kept up to date on Restorative Inquiry events, please contact Jenee Jarvis in the Restorative Inquiry office in one of the following ways:

-By email:

-By phone: 1-902-722-1300.

The Restorative Inquiry will not share your contact information with any outside agencies or third parties. We also cannot legally ask other agencies (including the Bruneau Group) to share your contact information with us, so if you want to become involved, you must contact us directly in one of the ways above. You can also find information, updates, and upcoming events on our website at .

As we prepare for this next phase, we are putting the Tea and Talk events on hold temporarily to re-evaluate how best to meet your needs throughout this process. We always welcome your feedback on the Restorative Inquiry, and you can reach us at the number or email address above. Former residents can also continue to contact VOICES at 1-844-780-5123.

Thank you, and we hope to hear from you soon.


Tony Smith
Co-Chair, Council of Parties
Restorative Inquiry NSHCC

Hon. Pamela Williams
Co-Chair, Council of Parties
Restorative Inquiry NSHCC