The Noise at Work Regulations 1989 formalised various forms of guidance on exposure to noise. The regulations require employers to carry out noise assessments if exposed to noise levels in excess of defined action levels.
These are currently daily personal exposures of 85 dB (A) and 90 dB (A) (first and second action levels (AL’s) respectively) and 140 dB (instantaneous noise).
There is a general duty to reduce the risk of hearing damage to the lowest reasonably practicable level, below 85-dB (A).
Following the noise assessment, the regulations require the following:
a)The keeping of records
b)The reduction of noise exposure above the second action level (90 dB (A)) by means other than PPE, so far as is reasonably practicable
c)The provision of information, instruction, and training to all employees
d)The enforcement of the use of ear protectors above 90 dB’s
e)The identification of ear protection zones
f)The regular maintenance of any protective equipment provided.
E4.23.1Procedure for the Initiation of Noise Assessments
i)Each Responsible Manager shall ensure that the personal daily noise exposure of all persons, within their area of responsibility (who are potentially at risk from hearing damage from noise at work), is assessed and their typical daily exposure measured or calculated by reference to exposure duration and noise levels at all locations occupied during a working day.
ii)The Health and Safety Manager shall arrange the provision of a suitable service provider.
iii)Each Responsible Manager shall arrange to repeat any noise assessment if circumstances should change in such a way which may give cause to believe that the results of a new assessment may differ significantly from the last, or in any case, at intervals not exceeding two years.
iv)Each Responsible Manager shall keep copies of all noise assessment records in a file marked ‘Noise Assessment Records’.
v)Each Responsible Manager shall copy all noise assessment data to the Company Occupational Health Consultant and the Health and Safety Manager, within one month of receipt.
E4.23.2Procedure for the Identification of Noise Areas
i)Each Responsible Manager shall ensure that the 85 dB (A) and 90 dB (A) level boundaries for all fixed plant and equipment, in normal operation are measured, marked on a plan and identified on site, by means of appropriate notices (see procedure E6.1 - Site Plan).
E4.23.3Procedure for the Reduction of Noise Levels and Exposures
i)Each Responsible Manager shall prepare an action plan, if necessary, based on the results of the monitoring undertaken, for the ongoing control of noise within their area of responsibility. The plan shall include as a minimum:
a)Identification of all causes of personal noise exposures in excess of the second action level (90 dB (A)).
b)Proposals for the reduction of noise exposures identified in (i) above as far as is practicable. Cost and record all such proposals.
c)A similar but less detailed analysis of noise exposures above the first action level, but below the second action levels (85-dB (A)).
ii)Each Responsible Manager shall submit their proposals, prepared in accordance with clause (i) above to their General Manager for approval, should the control measures required exceed their Capital Approval limit.
iii)Each Responsible Manager shall maintain a record of all submitted and approved noise reduction proposals. For any rejected, all supporting documentation shall be retained.
E4.23.4Procedure for the Maintenance of Noise Control Measures
i)Each Responsible Manager shall ensure the provision of suitable facilities for the storage of all re-usable ear defenders. Ear defenders must be inspected at intervals not exceeding six months and repaired or replaced as necessary, (see also procedure E4.25 - P.P.E).
ii)Each Responsible Manager shall ensure that an appropriate maintenance scheme is prepared and implemented to maintain noise control systems to a defined standard.
Issue Date: July 2005 / Company Procedures Manual / Page 1 of 2Issue Number: 3 / Health and Safety Management System