McLean High School Cheerleading
2016 Fall Season
Thank you for showing interest in the McLean High School Cheerleading Program! It is an amazing sport that provides both a social and athletic outlet!
All information for the 2016 MHS Cheer Season can be located on the McLean Activities website ( ) in the Varsity Cheerleading section under the Team Files tab. This information includes coach contact information, McLean Cheer Rights and Responsibilities, up to date summer and fall calendars with mandatory events and dates, expenses, tryout information/schedules, and downloadable forms. Please pay special attention to the forms that are required in order to participate in both summer conditioning and tryouts. Per VHSL policies on student athlete participation, athletes cannot participate in conditioning or tryouts without completed forms. FCPS policy also requires completion of concussion education by BOTH parent and student in order to try out.
Beginning Monday, August 1st, clinic and tryout sessions for the fall season will be held over the course of four days, from August 1st to August 4th. Attendance is MANDATORY for ALL clinic/tryout activities during the tryout period. Team selection will be announced at the conclusion of tryouts by holding individual conferences. Once teams have been selected, a MANDATORY parent meeting will be held at 7 pm on Monday, August 10th in the McLean High School Cafeteria to discuss all information regarding the McLean High School Cheerleading program. Please see the tryout requirements on the following pages for detailed information.
Cheerleading at McLean is a rigorous andtime-consumingsport, yet it is a very exciting program to be apart of. We take pride of our successful program and have high expectations of our athletes. A 110% commitment is required throughout entire the course of the athletic season. We look forward to an exciting year with McLean Cheer! GO HIGHLANDERS!
MHS Cheerleading Coaching Staff
2016 McLean High School Cheerleading Tryouts
Fall Tryout Schedule
August 1 /- First Tryout Clinic
- All forms must be submitted this day to be able to participate in tryouts
Tryout clinic:
5:30 – 8:00 pm
August 2 /
- Tryout Clinic Day 2
August 3 /
- Timed sprints
- Tryout Clinic Day 3
5:30 – 8:00 pm
August 4 /
- Final Tryout Day
- Team Annoucements
August 5 /
- Uniform Distribution
- First Day of Practice
6:00 – 8:00 pm
August 8 /
- Parents Meeting
General Information
- Tryouts will be held in the McLean High School Dance Room
- Arrive 15 minutes prior to the tryout time dressed and ready to begin
- Attendance is MANDATORY for all days of clinics and tryouts. NO EXCEPTIONS!
- If you are late, you will NOT be allowed to try out.
- All candidates must wear a white t-shirt, black shorts, no-show socks, and white shoes. Seniors wear red shorts
- Ladies should wear a white or red bow with hair in a secure and teased ponytail. Be sure to pin back bangs and flyaways.
- Jewelry, hair ties on wrist, chewing gum, nail polish, or fake nails will not be permitted at any time. Nails must be trimmed neatly so they cannot be seen over fingertips.
- Forms and Concussion Education Training must be completed and submitted by the first day of tryouts.
Required Forms/Training*
- VHSL Physical Form (Must be dated after 5/1/2015)
- Emergency Care Card Form
- FCPS Concussion Education Training
- McLean High School Cheerleading Handbook Contract
Tryout Format
- Forms will be collected on the first day of tryout.
- All materials and skills to be performed for the tryouts will be taught at tryout clinics.
- Candidates will learn a cheer, 2 chants, and a dance.
- Small groups will perform designated skills in front of qualified judges.
- Each candidate will be required to perform: one cheer, one chant, a cheer dance, cheerleading jumps, stunting skills, and tumbling skills.
- Candidates will be required to complete a sprint of one lap, performed twice. The run is expected to be completed in two minutes or less. Candidates will receive time-based scores; there will be one-point deductions per 5-seconds over required run time.
- Candidates will receive a score based on overall impression, including but not limited to, showmanship, precision, presentation, and voice projection.
- Candidates of any class level may be on the JV or Varsity team.
- *Exception* - No seniors are permitted on the JV squad
- Tryout results will be provided on the final tryout day, August 5 after every candidate has performed.
- Results are final!
Team Placement
- Team placements will be based purely on score
McLean High School Cheerleading Information
Name: Tiffany Nguyen
Phone Number: 703-232-8781
Email Address:
Name: Haley Lange
Phone Number: 703-220-1085
Email Address:
General Expectations
Before making the decision to try out for cheerleading, please carefully consider the following:
- Cheerleaders must be committed to the McLean High School Cheerleading Program for the entire season, and additional duties may be expected throughout the school year.
- Cheerleaders will be required to attend ALL practices by his or her coach.
- Cheerleaders will be required to cheer at ALL McLean football games and ALL cheer competitions in which MHS Cheerleading participates.
- Cheerleaders are expected to wear designated attire to school on game days, at games, and at all cheer events. Overall appearance (including hair, nails, makeup, accessories, and outerwear) shall be in accordance with the pre-specified rules.
- Junior Varsity and Freshmen cheerleaders will attend all home Varsity football games for fundraising activities.
- There is a financial requirement which may include, but is not limited to, uniforms, practice wear, cheer shoes, athletic gear, camps and clinics, competition wear, and pompoms.
- Cheerleaders are expected to represent his or her squad and the MHS Cheerleading Program with respect and acceptable behavior at all times. Misbehavior and attitudes will not be tolerated, both in and outside of practice and cheer events.
Signing the contract at the end of this handbook indicates that the student and parent/guardian understands and promises to abide by all policies, rules, and regulations outlined in this handbook.
Projected Costs
Each member will be required to purchase practice clothes. New cheerleaders must purchase additional items such as bodysuits, bloomers, and shoes. We will try to our best ability to keep all costs up front for the season, but occasionally additional costs may arise.
Camp/Practice Wear / $90Camp / $150
Choreography & Music / $245
Shoes / $90
Competition Bow / $30
Bag / $45
Fleece Headband / $10
Total: $615
** If you need financial assistance PLEASE contact the coaching staff as soon as possible.
Rights and Responsibilities
The importance of being a Mclean High School Cheerleader is to promote spirit, sportsmanship, and pride among teammates, athletes, the student body, and the faculty members. The cheerleaders will work with others as a team, and learn the value of teamwork, dedication, perseverance, as well as build character, self-esteem, self-discipline, build a healthy body through exercise and proper eating and represent the school as scholar athletes.
Per the FCPS Students Responsibilities and Rights, all school-sponsored activities involving students shall be conducted within the letter and spirit of rules and regulations addressing appropriate behavior. All student activities, except those exempt in regulations, shall meet the following guidelines.
1.Student activities shall be open and available to all students deemed eligible.
2.Academic standing may be a qualification for any activity.
3.No group shall discriminate against any student on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, or disability.
4.Cheerleaders are to (1) be a positive representation of athletic programs at McLean High School and (2) conduct themselves in a positive and supportive manner at any practice, game, cheer event, or competition.
5.Cheerleaders have two main roles: (1) the support and spirit of team/games and (2) the competition/representation of McLean High School at any VHSL sanctioned event.
All prospective cheerleaders must meet VHSL eligibility requirements. This includes having a Virginia High School League (VHSL) athletic physical and Emergency Care Card on file with Mclean High School. The physical form MUST be dated May 1st or later of the same cheerleading season. Each cheerleader and one parent/guardian must also fulfill the FCPS Concussion Education requirement. Those without a valid physical, emergency care card, and concussion education training will not be permitted to participate in conditioning, tryouts and regular season activities. In addition, each athlete must sign the Handbook contract.
Incoming freshmen are automatically eligible. Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors must have taken and passed at least five (non-repeat) classes in the 14 – 15 school year.
Upon accepting membership into any squad, each cheerleader must understand that he or she is required to remain on the team for an entire season, which includes all practices, games, camps, competitions, and fundraisers.
During the fall season, McLean High School Cheer must take priority over ALL other extracurricular activities (including all star gyms, other sports, jobs, etc.).
Practice Commitment: During the fall season, prior to the start of school, Varsity cheerleaders practice up to six days per week and cheer at one game for a total of six days of cheer. JV and Freshmen will practice up to six days per week and cheer at one game for a total of six days of cheer.
Game Commitment: Cheerleaders are expected to attend all games, which are approximately 10 football games. In addition, cheerleaders will cheer at any conference, regional, or state games in which MHS is involved.
Camp Commitment: Attendance and full participation at camp is required.
Academic success comes before cheerleading. A cheerleader may be late to practice if she or he has a note from a teacher. Tutoring sessions should be scheduled around practice and games. “I didn’t finish my homework,” is not an acceptable excuse to miss a cheerleading related function. Coaches retain the right to make final decisions on what is or is not reasonable.
Student athletes are required to fulfill all cheer commitments unless they are administratively or medically withdrawn from the cheer program.
All practices, games, fundraisers, competitions, and meetings are mandatory. Games are defined as all Conference, non-Conference, Regional, and State events. This includes any rescheduled games and all post-season games. The Conference Semi-Finals, Conference Finals, Regional, and State cheer competitions are mandatory. Practices may be held on days when Fairfax County is not in school.
Monthly calendars with specified times will be provided. Cheerleaders must attend the full day of school in order to participate in practice or that day’s athletic events. If the athletic event occurs on the weekend, cheerleaders must be present for the entire day of school prior to the weekend event. This policy also includes tardiness to school and classes. The only exceptions are EXCUSED absences such as doctor appointments that occur during the school day.
Cheerleaders will be benched for absences and tardiness unless they are excused due to illness, a death in the family, a family emergency, or religious holidays. Work, doctor appointments, and babysitting will NOT be excused. A dated, written note by a parent, legal guardian, or teacher stating the reason MUST be submitted for the absence or tardiness to an activity and is subject to approval by the coach. A tardy or absence without a written explanation WILL NOT be excused. Pre-arranged absences are allowed at the coach’s discretion and require a written notice. Parents may call the coach. If the coach cannot be reached, a message may be left on a cell phone or with the school. It is UNACCEPTABLE to relay any message for a coach through another squad member.
Detention, cutting class or any unexcused absence from class will not be looked upon highly. These matters will be evaluated by the coaching staff to determine proper consequences.
As a cheerleader, continued lateness and absences without a note will not be tolerated, will be subjected to coach/cheerleader/parent interventions, and will risk the athlete’s position on the team.
If a cheerleader feels ill or is experiencing an injury or personal problem, he or she is to notify a coach immediately.
Stunts are performed throughout the cheerleading season. We follow all National Federation Guidelines and VHSL rules. All cheerleaders must make themselves knowledgeable of ACCAA safety rules, NFHS safety rules, and VHSL safety rules. The websites for the guidelines are:
Talking, laughing, or playing around will not be permitted at anytime during stunting or tumbling. There must be additional spotters when practicing new stunts. Stunting should take place on a cushioned surface. Cheerleaders cannot stunt or tumble without a coach present. Coaches will determine each individual’s stunting position to fit the team. Coaches reserve the right to remove cheerleaders from stunt group or stunting position to ensure safe stunting.
If a parent/guardian does not feel comfortable for their child to partake in stunting, notify the child’s coaches as soon as possible.
Cell Phone Use
Cell phone use is prohibited during all cheerleading events including practices, games, and competitions. Cell phone must be placed in the “off” or “silent” position prior to the arrival at an event and placed in a secure location; placing phone to “vibrate” is unacceptable. In the event of a true emergency, parents/guardians may call the cell phone of a coaching staff member or may come to the school to pick up their cheerleader.
By accepting the privilege and honor of wearing a McLean High School cheerleading uniform, the cheerleader accepts the fact that his or her actions are more prominent than those not associated with such activity. Cheerleading is a privilege, not a right. Exemplary behavior is mandatory at all times.
The coaches must clear all decisions, including but not limited to, what will be worn on game day, decorating the locker rooms, making team shirts, etc. Proper appearance is required at all times. Uniforms must be spotless at all times.
While in and out of uniform, each cheerleader should conduct him/ herself in an appropriate manner:
- Sportsmanlike conduct is expected at all times. Should a cheerleader be found in violation of this policy, he/she will be benched for the duration of the following game and/or additional conditioning exercises at the discretion of the coaching staff.
- Use of inappropriate language.
- Smoking, alcohol consumption, and drug usage are strictly forbidden.
Cheerleaders must be prompt at all activities and functions. Cheerleaders must maintain a positive attitude at all events. Insubordination to coaches or other officials will not be tolerated. Inappropriate behavior of an individual cheerleader also reflects upon the entire squad.
Practice/Game Policy
- Cheerleaders should be fifteen minutes early to every practice to ensure that they are prepared. Continual tardiness is grounds for dismissal.
- Prior to practice time, every cheerleader must be completely ready, along with the mats properly placed and taped. We will begin every practice on time.
- If a cheerleader requires assistance from the athletic trainer for tape, ice, or physical therapy, he or she must go prior to the start time.
- Cheerleaders may not leave practice early.
- If a cheerleader is to miss practice, he or she must contact the coach. He or she may not relay the message through another cheerleader or parent.
- If a cheerleader does not attend school the day of a game or practice, that cheerleader may not participate in any activity and it will be counted as an absence.
- Missing practice for a test or other approved academic reason will carry no penalty if the cheerleader has approved it with a coach prior to practice. A note from the teacher is required.
- Missing practice for a club meeting is not allowed.
- All members must dress out for practice even if they are injured or sick.
- If a cheerleader misses practice during the week preceding a competition, she will not compete and may lose his or her spot in the routine for other competitions. If a cheerleader does not attend the practice before a game, pep rally, or competition, he or she may not be eligible to participate. However, he or she must dress out and sit with the coaches on the sidelines.
- Eating, drinking (other than water), or chewing gum is not permitted during practice, games, or competition.
- Cheerleaders must have the proper uniform (including correct color spandex, bows, bodysuits, etc.) Cheerleader will be benched if not prepared in the proper uniform.
- Cheerleaders must look clean and presentable on game day. Hair must be pulled back and eye makeup must be in neutral colors; i.e. no blue, red, etc. eye shadow.
- During football season, each cheerleader is required to attend every game (home or away) on his or her official schedule. JV cheerleaders are expected to also attend every Varsity home game for fundraising.
- Cheerleaders must ride the transportation provided by the school to and from the athletic events. If a cheerleader is not on the bus, he or she will not cheer. Approval may be granted by a coach for a cheerleader to travel on his or her own, but this must be a pre-approved circumstance. Proper paperwork must be filled out in this case.
- Cheerleaders must be back and ready to cheer at halftime with two minutes left on the clock.
- All cheerleaders will cheer at pep rallies.
- At every game, cheerleaders are required to perform a minimum of 15 skills (tumbling, jumps, stunts) per quarter.
- Jumps: single and double jumps are considered as 1 skill; 3 or more connected jumps are considered as 2 skills
- Tumbling:
- Single back handspring (standing or running) – considered as 1 skill
- Series back handsprings or back tuck (standing or running) – considered as 2 skills
- Layout and full – considered as 3 skills
- Stunts
- Any type of stunt will be considered as 1 skill
- The only acceptable reasons to miss a performance (games, pep rallies, competition) are: a death, hospitalization, illness with a doctor’s note, or religious reasons. A call must be made to the coach in the case of one of these absences.
Competition Teams