(As Inspected by Mr. N.Dhamarajan Senior Pavement Specialist)
Subject: Consultancy Services as Independent Engineer during Operation & Maintenance of 4-lane divided carriageway facility constructed on BOT (Annuity) of Panagarh-Palsit-Dankuni Section from km 520.103 to Km 649.072 of NH-2 in the state of West Bengal
Address the issues on Flexible Pavement
1. Certain deficiency on flexible Pavement-.
2. Mr. N.Dhamarajan, Senior Pavement Specialist deputed for from M/s Unihorn India Pvt. Ltd.,
3. Project Highway Site investigations and Detailed Report
Reference: Team Leader, M/s Unihorn India Pvt. Ltd., Burdwan, Letter No.
Unihorn/NHAI/NH-2/O&M/IC-5/2014/313, dated 10.08.2014.
Objective of the Visit:
Mr. N.Dharmarajan Senior Pavement Specialist from M/s Unihorn India Pvt. Ltd. input was sought for on this project Panagarh-Palsit-Dankuni from Km 517.000 to Km 645.600 (Durgapur Expressway)(New Chainages from Km 520.103 to Km 649.072) a Total of 128.600 kms and a new length of 128.969 divided into 2 packages.The main purpose of the visit is to address some of the Pavement issues arising or experienced during Operation & Maintenance Period.Accordingly Mr. N.Dharmarajan, Senior Pavement Specialist visited the Project Highway with effect from 25.08.2014 for about 17 days.Reported to the Team Leader, M/s Unihorn India Pvt. Ltd., Independent Engineer for this project presently on 25.08.2014 A.N.Had interactions with the Concessionaire’s representatives and Independent Engineer’s representatives Team Leader, Highway Engineer Mr. Durgesh and Assistant Highway Engineer Mr. Himadri at Team Leader’s chamber.The Project site was inspected along with Concessionaire’s General Manager Mr. Teong Leong Ang, M/s Mapex Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd., M/s Emas Expressway Pvt. Ltd. and M/s Gamuda-WcT (India) Pvt. Ltd. and other site representative’s along with Independent Engineers representatives with effect from 26.08.2014 to 31.08.2014.The project site was inspected from the starting point Palsit to end point Dankuni both LHS and RHS.
Core cutting and trial pit excavations were carried out on the Project Highway at a few places where the cracks are pronounced.
Analyzed the material composition and thickness of pavement both LHS & RHS of the Main Carriageway at places/locations where some surface cracks observed due to pealing of fine particles from Bituminous surface (Bituminous Concrete) leaving the surface scabby/or fungus due to Abrasion effect of wheel pressure of loaded vehicles.
Figure 1.1 – Project Location Map
The surface Unevenness of Bituminous concrete surface is also experienced especially on the LHS Main Carriageway though it is found to be within the tolerance limits as per Bump Integrator Test results conducted in the recent past.
The outcome of the site inspections and observations are summarized as under.
From the site inspection, it is observed that the Concessionaire is putting all out efforts to maintain the Project Highway during Operation and Maintenance period to a desired and satisfactory level and there by fulfilling his Contractual obligations in a class of its own.
On review of records, it is seen that the Road Roughness value measured twice in a year by a properly calibrated Bump Integrator device before the monsoon and soon after the monsoon (Conducted in the months April and November of every year).
The Roughness value found to be well within the acceptable Tolerance limits 3000mm /km as per Concession Agreement.
The structural condition of the flexible Pavement of the Project Highway assessed every year by conducting Benkelman Beam Deflection Test and working out Characteristic deflections of homogeneous sections of the Project Highway as per IRC: 81:1997.
It is found from the records that the same is conducted during March every year before the monsoon. It is advisable to carry out the test preferably after the rains during which period the Pavement will be at its worst condition.
Ensuring compliance to Technical Specifications and various stipulations as contemplated in the Concession Agreement and a high standard of professionalism, Quality Assurance during implementation and supervision of O&M Works.
Project Stretches details and salient futures:-
Stretch I:-
1. Panagarh (Km 517.000) to Palsit Km 581.457) New Chainage from Km 520.103 to584.929
2. Lengths in : Kms 64.457
3. Concessionaire: M/s Mapex Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd.,
4 Date of Commencement of services: 21/06/2002
5 Date of Commercial operation: 09.06.2005.
6 Annuity Payments 30 installments: at IRS 555 Million each on 21st June and 21st December of each year from 2005 to 2019
7 Concession Periods: 17 Years & 6 Months
Stretch II:-
1. Palsit (Km 581.457) to Dankuni (Km 645.060) Durgapur Expressway (New Chainage from Km 584.929 to 649.072
2. Lengths in : Km 64.143
3. Concessionaire : M/s Emas Expressway Pvt. Ltd.
4 Date of Commencement of Services: 27/10/2002
5 Date of Commercial Operation: 20.06.2005
6 Annuity payments 30 installments : at IRS 399.98 million each on 27th August and 27th February of each year from 2005-2020
7 Concession Period: 17 years and 4 months (ending on February 26, 2020)
3.0 Appointment of Independent Engineer (IE)
M/s Unihorn India Pvt. Ltd., have been appointed as Independent Consultant vide NHAI letter on 03.09.2013 (NHAI/15019/1/2004/CGM(Tech)/Vol-II/173/43204, dated 03.09.2013.
The Agreement was signed on 30.09.2013
The Contract Period is for 2 years initially
The Date of Commencement of Services 19.10.2013
4.0. Operation & Maintenance requirements:
The O&M requirements are as set forth in schedule I of Concession Agreement. The Concessionaire to ensure that during Concession Period the project facilities are maintained as per standards and specifications set out there in.
All materials used in the maintenance repair and maintenance of any kind of the project facilities shall meet the design requirements, standards prescribed in the DPR.
5.0 Maintenance Requirements:
All the road work and pavement contained in the project facilities during operation period shall be maintained in traffic worthy condition as per intervention levels 1 and 2 provided in the table 1-2 of Concession Agreement for various maintenance activities.
The Concessionaire is fulfilling his contractual obligations in this regard and ensures smooth and uninterrupted flow of traffic during normal operating conditions for all 24 hours of a day by doing routine maintenance works such as.
Routine Maintenance
In order to ensure smooth and uninterrupted flow of traffic during normal operating conditions for all 24 hours of a day routine maintenance of the Project facilities is being carried out by the Concessionaire such as.
- Prompt repair of potholes and patch works,
- Maintain shoulder to design and standards to the possible extent. Still lot of improvements required.
- Re-grading of Granular shoulders to design standards to avoid any pool of rain water on the road surface there by damaging the Pavement.
- Making good the deficiency of material on the shoulders and redressing as advised or as pointed out.
- Carrying out repairs to Pavement by crack sealing/repairs when and as required
- Maintaining the approach roads to under passes, over passes and drainages within the Project in accordance with good Industry practice. However, adequate care shall be exercised.
- Keeping the project site/project facilities in a clean, tidy and orderly condition.
- Taking all practical measures to prevent damages to the Pavement.
- Undertake maintenance work in accordance with the O&M Plan and O&M Manual.
- For routine maintenance works, the Concessionaire generally follow the operational and performance criteria specified in the respective IRC/MORT&H Standards and Specifications for each of the performance indicator covered under Pavement Condition Survey, Roughness and BBD deflections.
- The Concessionaire regularly carryout the necessary preventive maintenance activities for the project facilities to ensure adherence he the design requirements/construction requirements throughout the Concession Period to avoid any damage to the Pavement.
- An effective surface and sub surface drainage system of Pavement Structure is designed and adopted as stipulated in IRC:SP: 42:1994 and is well maintained during Operation & Maintenance period to avoid any damages to the Pavement.
5.1. Periodic Maintenance:
Periodic Maintenance to be carried out during 5thYear,10th Year and 15th Year from COD in respect of Panagarh-Palsit Section and Palsit-Dankuni Section as per the Concession Agreement.
Accordingly, the specified over lay thickness on Panagarh- Palsit section would be 40mm on both sides.
Similarly, the Specified overlay on Palsit to Dankuni section would be 5omm on both sides.
It is Concessionaire’s contractual obligation to fulfill the above requirements at his own cost and risk.
5.2. Strengthening/Rehabilitation:
It is Concessionaire’s responsibility to fulfill the Contractual obligations as per Concession Agreement.
5.3 Work Plan
Total work Plan comprising detailed work Programme, Methodology, Job Mix Formulae for 10th Year renewal course is already submitted by the Concessionaire for both the section of NH-2.
5.4 The Tests
The Concessionaire has carried out traffic Count and Axle Load Test for Panagarh-Palsit and Palsit- Dankuni section. Report submitted. Slide presentation conducted regarding Pavement Evaluation on 07.03.2014.
5.5 Right of Way
The Right of Way ROW generally varies from 45meters and 60 meters and is in the order of 90 meters in respect of Palsit-Dankuni section and Palsit- Panagarh section.
5.6 Raising of Height of Median Kerb
The Median Kerb are raised to the required level by laying Concrete in order to accommodate the Over Lay.
5.7 Design of Pavement Composition & thickness and Trial pit excavation details on Panagarh to Palsit Section.
Pavement Composition / Thickness Adopted (LHS) / Thickness Adopted (RHS) / Actual Trial Pit Excavation ThicknessLHS / RHS
Bituminous Concrete / 50+40mm / 50+40mm / 240 / 240
Dense Bituminous Macadam (DBM) / 150mm / 150mm
Wet Mix Macadam (WMM) / 250mm / 250mm / 255 / 245
Granular Sub. Base (GSB)
Dnainage Layer / 200mm / 200mm / 195 / 200
150mm / 150mm / 150 / 155
Total / 840mm / 840mm / 840 / 840
Designed for 100 Kms Speed/Hour
Designed for Maximum Standard Axle Load (MSA) :- 100 msa
Design Life Period 20 Years for Flexible Pavement
30 Years for Concrete Pavement/
Rigid Pavement.
As such the Composition and Thickness adopted is in compliance with the proposed thickness in the Design.
No structural deficiency is noticed except the surface peal of at places all along the Project Corridor with 3mm to 5mm and more at places with wide cracks to a depth of 3 to 4mm. At places, it is more just like elephant foot prints, crocodile type and alligator type especially on the LHS of the Project Highway
This is pronounced throughout the Project Corridor from Panagarh to Dankuni.
Un authorized parking of such heavy vehicles may also cause damages to the Pavement and hard shoulders due to Lack of adequate parking area.
Significant distress/or Fatigue stress is not seen on the surface but it looks like surface fungus or scabby and gradually getting deteriorated.
Also, it is notable that the entire Project Highway is passing through predominantly Agricultural (Durgapur Expressway) Paddy field with irrigation canals on either side of the Highway.
Proper camber shall be provided to the earthen shoulders as per cross section. May be 3%
Proper open Drainage is cut on either side of the Project Highway and is well maintained. The Earthen shoulders are not dressed properly to the required camber and cross fall of 3% and compacted properly. Reverse slope is seen at many places resulting in Pool of rain water on the Bituminous surface damaging the Pavements.
Any lapses, deficiency and defects noticed shall be rectified forthwith by the Concessionaire at his own cost and risks as per the Concession Agreement.
The thickness of periodic over lay in Palsit to Dankuni Section is 50 mm thick and in Panagarh- Palsit section it will be 40 mm on both sides.
This periodic overlay shall be maintained and executed at the end of 5th,10th and 15th year from the date of completion COD as per the original Pavement Design.
However, THE Concessionaire is requested to do the Benkelman Beam Deflection test after the monsoon preferably to identify the worst condition of the Pavement.
All Quality control testing as required shall be conducted as per section 900 of MORT&H Specifications and in compliance with Concession Agreement.
Stability Voids and Density shall be checked for compliance. Bitumen Content must be optimized while carrying out the overlay.
5.8 Maintenance Requirements
Road Works:-
A. Maintenance Standards.
The Concessionaire ensure that the 4 lane divided Carriageway is maintained in traffic worthy conditions as per the Intervention levels 1 and 2 provided in table 1-2 of Schedule-H of Concession Agreement during the Operation period like
- Roughness by Bump Integrator once before monsoon (in March to June) and once after the rains (in November) every Year.
- Pothole/ Patch repairs
- Percent cracking
- Rut depth not exceeding 10mm
- Drainage including shoulders on Main Line and Service Roads.
- Drainage including shoulders to avoid visible pool with in the Project Highway.
- Characteristic deflection as per IRC: 81:1997. The structural condition of the flexible Pavement of the Project Highway assessed every year by taking Benkelman Beam Deflections and the characteristic deflections of homogeneous sections of the Project Highway as per IRC ; 81 : 1997.
- Also, in case of cement concrete Pavement, joints being thoroughly checked/inspected every year and the loss of sealing compounds made good.
5.9In this connection the Pavement evaluation Report submitted by Solo Consultancy on the 7th March 2014 for Operation and Maintenance of Panagarh to Palsit (PP) Section of NH-2 is taken for study and review/comments (before the rains). Preferably after the rains would be better.
The observations are as under
- The Concessionaire’s commercial operation date(COD) is 9th June 2005
- Concessionaire’s operation period is from 9th June 2005 to 20th December 2019
- 3 Stage Design approach is adopted with an overlay of bituminous concrete of 40mm and 50mm for the Panagarh-Palsit and Palsit- Dankuni section respectively.
- Pavement was designed for a period of 10 years with further over lays after 5th, 10th and 15th year of COD proposed to serve the facility for 20 years.
Stage construction as per IRC: 37: 2001 Clause and the Pavement is designed for a life period of 20 years.
- Periodic Maintenance with an overlay of 40mm Bituminous Concrete during the completion of 5th, 10th and 15th Year of COD as per Concession Agreement
- Accordingly existing crust thickness from Trial Pits is determined.
- Average daily traffic is computed(ADT)
- VDF(Vehicle Damage Factor) determined from Axle Load Survey 7 days 24 Hours count and one day 24 hours count
- The Characteristic deflection by Benkelman Beam(BBD) is determined
- Road Roughness Value evaluated by Bump Integrator
- Compared the structural(SN) number of each layer(composition) of the Pavement against the (SN) Structural Number derived from MSA.
A) Trial Pit Details for Panagarh to Palsit (Taken on 9th & 10th January 2014)
SI. No. / Pavement Composition / As per as built Drawing thickness on LHS mm / As per as built Drawing thickness on RHS mm / As per Trial Pit at KM 570+467 (LHS) mm / Actual at Trial Pit at Km 524+950 (RHS) existing (Old Road) mm1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
1. / Bituminous Concrete (BC) using 60/70 Grade Bitumen / 90mm
mm (A) / 90mm
mm (A) / 240 mm
(50+40) / 240 mm
(A) + (B)
2. / Dense Bituminous Macadem (DBM) / 150mm
(B) / 150mm
3. / Wet Mix Macadem (WMM) / 250mm / 250mm / 255mm / 255mm
4. / Granular Sub-Base (GSB) / 200mm / 200mm / 195mm / 200mm
5. / Granular Sub-Base (GSB)
Drainage layer (Graded Aggregate) / 150mm / 150mm / 150mm / 155mm
Total / 840mm / 840mm / 840mm / 840mm
6 / Subgrade CBR >7% / 500mm Selected soil from approved borrow area with soaked CBR > 7% / 500mm Selected soil from approved borrow area with soaked CBR > 7% / 500 mm using 80% FlyAsh +20% sand or sand 100% / 500 mm Brick Bats + sand mixed.
Remarks:The Concessionaire has complied with the Design requirements.
B. Trial Pit Details for Palsit-Dankuni Section of NH-2
SI. No. / Pavement Composition / As per as built Drawing thickness on LHS mm / As per as built Drawing thickness on RHS mm / As per as built Drawing Actual Thickness on LHS mm / As per as built Drawing thickness on RHS mm1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
1. / Bituminous Concrete (BC) using 60/70 Grade Bitumen / 100mm
mm (A) / (50+50)
(100mm) / (50+50)
100mm / (50+50)
2. / Dense Bituminous Macadem (DBM) / 150mm / 150mm / 150mm / 150mm
3. / Wet Mix Macadem (WMM) / 250mm / 250mm / 250mm / 250mm
4. / Granular Sub-Base (GSB) / 200mm / 200mm / 200mm / 200mm
5. / Granular Sub-Base (GSB)
Drainage layer (Graded Aggregate) / 150mm / 150mm / 150mm / 150mm
Total / 850mm / 850mm / 850mm / 850mm
6. / Subgrade sand & FlyAsh CBR 80%+20% CBR >7% / 500mm Selected soil from approved borrow area or sand / 500 mm 80% Flyash+20% sand / 500 mm sand / 500 mm sand
Note: - LHS Graded Aggregates is used as GSB Drainage layer
RHS Brick Bats used as Drainage Layer
Trial pit Excavation taken at KM 612.400
6.6. Based on ADT of commercial Vehicles obtained/day and Axle Load survey carried out at KM 578 Truck Lay By. The Axle Load configurations identified and noted for different categories of commercial Vehicles.
The Vehicles weighed (each type) on Axle Load Pad for Front and Rear Axles and compared with Standard Load.
The Maximum permissible Weight for a particular Vehicle Configuration is carried out and found to be 16.2 Tones as per standards where as the actual weight of the same vehicle in loaded condition presently found to be 26.98 Tones.
Accordingly, the total damaging weight of the vehicle or vehicle Damage factor is thus derived at is 32.386(sample of 6 vehicles at random sampling basis) Tones.
Based on the above, the Vehicle Damage Factor VDF calculated for all types of vehicle is found out.
The VDF thus arrived at is used as a multiplier to convert the number of commercial vehicles of different Axle Loads and Axle configurations in to number of repetitions of Standard Axle Load of magnitude 80 KN.
It is defined as ESA (Equivalent Standard Axles) per commercial Vehicle
The VDF varies with Axle configuration and Axle Loading.
Accordingly, the VDF & Axle Load calculation for a 2 Axle Truck was found to be 37.900/6 Nos.
Average of 6.317
For various types of vehicles like LCV, 2 Axle Truck, 3 Axle Truck and Multi Axle vehicle checked. It was calculated and found to be much higher than the VDF adopted at the time of Pavement Design
Consequently, the projected MSA (Maximum Standard Axle Load) based on the present VDF& ADT on the (LHS) and (RHS) is worked out to be higher respectively on completion of the Concession period from the date of COD.
Accordingly, the projected Design MSA arrived at with the present data for the Year ending is as follows with a Growth Factor of 0.05
Year / MSA / Cu MSA / Design MSA / LHS2014 / 22.75 / 22.75 / 22.75
2019 / 29.04 / 154.75 / 132.00
2024 / 37.06 / 323.21 / 168.46
It is on the higher side than the Axle Load survey conducted at the time of Design of Pavement before during the preparation of Detailed Project Report.
Similarly for the right hand side (RHS)
Year / MSA / Cu MSA / Design MSA / LHS2014 / 12.50 / 12.50 / 12.50
2019 / 15.96 / 85.04 / 72.54
2024 / 20.37 / 177.63 / 92.59
Based on the above findings, the VDF is found to be much on higher side.
Correspondingly, the Projected MSA is on the higher side due to higher VDF.
Atmospheric temperature variation from 100 C to 400 C, may be polluted with salt or sulphur content causing Bitumen losing its binding property.