/growing together today, for tomorrow
111 Larkspur Road
Brampton, Ontario L6R 1X2
Phone: 905-799-2952 Fax: 905-799-8109
February 2018
Every WednesdayWalk to School Wednesday
February 1Mixed Junior European Handball Tournament @ Springdale PS
FDK Registration (9am – 3pm)
FDK Registration Evening (5 – 8pm)
February 2Sweater Day
FDK Registration (9am – 3pm)
February 5School Council Meeting @ 6:00pm
February 6 & 7Peel Children’s Safety Village (Grade 1 classes)
February 8Term 1 Reports/Kindergarten Communication of Learning distributed
February 9Professional Learning Day (No School for Students)
February 14Valentine’s Day (Red/White/Pink Spirit Day)
February 16Grade 4/GLD Class to Chinguacousy Park
February 19Family Day (School Closed)
February 20 – 23Peel Health Dental Screenings (JK/SK/Gr.2/Gr.4)
February 23Character Assembly @ 8:50am
February brings with it much excitement as we look forward to longer days and more seasonal temperatures. During this month, we will wrap up our first half of the school year; taking the time to reflect on what we have learned and accomplished and set goals for Term 2.
The Elementary Report Cards for grades 1-5 will be sent home with students on February 8th. This presents an ideal time to speak to your child about their growth and progress over the last few months of school, to celebrate their successes and to together identify strategies that will support next steps in learning. If you have a child in Kindergarten, you can expect to receive a Kindergarten Communication of Learning that outlines your child’s growth and development related to four main areas: Belonging and Contributing, Self-Regulation and Well-Being, Literacy and Math Behaviours, and Problem Solving and Innovating. Supporting your children to become autonomous, self-regulating, and lifelong learners is our focus in Kindergarten, and these four areas provide a framework that aligns with this philosophy. Your support is integral to your child’s education at all ages, and we look forward to continuing our partnership with you as we embark on Term 2!
G. HarrisJ. ChallinorS.Bloom
Principal Vice-PrincipalVice-Principal
Intramurals Update
January marked the end of the Junior Handball Intramurals. Students in Grades 4 and 5 had fun learning a new sport and showed great progress throughout the month in terms of understanding the game and using taught strategies on both the offensive and defensive side of the ball. February will mark the beginning of our basketball intramural league for students in the junior grades.
The Grade 2 Intramural Sports League also wrapped up in January with students playing a variety of games from backboard dodge ball to four-corner soccer. Cooperation, inclusion and leadership were emphasized during these activities, and were demonstrated consistently by students throughout the eight week intramural. We will welcome both the Grade 1 and 3’s down to the gym in February to take part in similar low organized sports; where the focus will be on further developing their gross motor skills, while continuing to reinforce our school character traits.
Larkspur’s co-ed basketball team travelled to Royal Orchard Middle School on Monday, January 29th. The team played very well throughout the tournament exhibiting excellent dribbling, passing and shooting skills. They skillfully executed a number of offensive and defensive strategies in game situations, earning them the championship title at the tournament. Our team represented Larkspur extremely well and should be proud of the great season.
On Thursday, February 1st, Larkspur took their most skilled handball players over to Springdale Public School to compete in a tournament. The team put forth a tremendous effort over the course of the 5 games showing great passing and throwing skills. They were very thorough in their pursuit of the ball and pressured their opponents in all game situations. We are very proud of the effort our students put forth during this tournament.
Healthy Bite Basket
January 24thkicked off our Healthy Nutrition Snack Program which will take place everyWednesdayfrom now until March Break.During 1st Nutrition Break, studentswill get the chance to come down to the office and "quickly" grab a nutritious snack option. Every week there will be a new nutritious snack.To date we’ve had apples, bananas and clementines. There are so many nutritious snacks out there that are good for the body and the brain! Put down that cookie and come try a healthy snack every Wednesday until the March Break.
Walking Wednesday’s
Walk to School Wednesday’s continue throughout the winter months. Please do your part to "getactive"and help reduce the traffic congestion surrounding our school. There will be special “Walk to School” Valentine's Day prizes given out to walkers on February 14th! Walk to school and get active!
Larkspur PS puts the spotlight on Black Heritage
In December 1995, the House of Commons officially recognized February as Black History Month, following a motion introduced by the first black Canadian woman elected to Parliament, the Honourable Jean Augustine.
During Black History Month, students, staff and parents from across Peel will participate in a number of activities that promote the understanding of the many contributions made by black Canadians. Here is a list of events happening at Larkspur Public School:
Feb 2 - FanaSoro bilingual “YamoYamo” presentation
Feb 5 - Trustee Kathy McDonald (Storytelling)
Feb 16 - Olympic Wrestler OhenewaAkuffo
Feb 23 - Character Assembly (Cooperation/Black History/Gotcha Draw) *Parents can attend!
TBA - Lougheed Public School Dance Performance
Larkspur Pubic School Parent Council Meeting Minutes
January 8, 2018
Teachers’ Staff Room
Staff Attendees: Greg Harris, Jennifer Challinor, Susete Bloom, Janet Giugovaz, Catherine Allegretti-Costa, Surya Naidu
Parents: Sharon Niemeyer, Nadine Jacobi, DarinderKhehra
Agenda & Quick Welcome
Principal’s Report – Mr. Harris
- Sign is now working well
- Purchased 20 Chrome books for the 1st floor
- Used some of the funds from Pizza orders
- Received Funds from Ministry of Education
- Used funds to purchase 10 laptops to be used by Special Needs for EQAO testing
Move-a-thon – April 20, 2018
- Agreed to use Ms. Bince as the DJ again this year
- Would like to get the PDSB Print shop to create envelopes to collect donations
- Meeting with Teachers on March 5th to go over donations, glow sticks and prizes
- Student Move-a-ton Kickoff assembly April 6th
- Glow Product & Popcorn Sales end April 13th
- Looking into different sites to order glow products from (,,
- Looking at doing smaller prizes possibly 1-2 for each grade with a larger grand prize
- For the Grand Prize doing ballots for each $10 raised
- Looking at different options
- Great Wolf Lodge
- Canada’s Wonderland
- Cineplex Family Pass
Healthy eating workshops
- No update this meeting as Kuldeep was unable to attend
Any Additional Items/Questions/Concerns
- We need to indicate what we are fundraising for
- Can allocate funds by percentage to various school projects
- A message to be sent to the teachers to see what they feel needs funding
- Programs that came up in the meeting
- PALs group
- Outdoor learning space
- Healthy food baskets
- Healthy School Initiative
- Received some funds from the school
- They are meeting this week to work out some more details
- Synervoice Message for next meeting
- Ms. ChallinorDarinderKhehra to work together to preparer Synervoice for next meeting.
- Will go out on the Friday prior
- Hope that it will increase the attendance
Next Meeting: Monday Feb. 5th @ 6pm
It's time to register children born in 2014 for kindergarten
We inspire success, confidence and hope in each student…and it all starts in kindergarten! If your child was born in 2014, he or she can start kindergarten in September 2018. You can register your child at any time during regular school hours—just visit the school he/she will be attending to register.
Peel schools will also hold a Kindergarten Registration Week with special registration activities during Jan. 29 to Feb. 2, 2018. Visit Larkspur Public Schoolfrom:
- Jan. 29 to 31, 2018 – from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- Feb. 1, 2018 – from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 5 to 8 p.m.
- Feb. 2, 2018 – from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
What you will need to bring to register your child:
Proof of child's age (one of the following)
- Canadian birth certificate
- Canadianpassport
- citizenship card/certificate
- Permanent Resident Card
- confirmation of permanent residence
- work permit
- refugee permit
Proof of address (one of the following)
- Ontario driver's license
- utility bill
- bank statement/client slip (directly from financial institution)
- credit card statement
- federal government forms (e.g. Social Insurance Number, Service Canada documents)
- purchase agreement
Proof of custody– children must live with their parent(s) unless provided documentation supports an alternate living arrangement
Proof of immunization– proof that your child has been immunized/vaccinated
Conference helps parents empower modern learners
The Peel District School Board is hosting its annual parent conference, co-presented by the Peel Elementary Teachers’ Local, onSaturday, March 24, 2018, at Mississauga Secondary School in Mississauga. The conferencewill focus on Empowering Modern Learners. Parents will have the opportunity to attend workshops on topics, including numeracy, literacy, special education, technology and science.
This free learning event is open to Peel parents of students at all grade levels.
Our keynote presentation will be delivered by Dwayne Matthews, a life and education strategist, who converges and shares knowledge on modern learning, disruptive technology, and the evolution of work. Dwayne will present Learning in the 21st century: Why it's different, why it matters and how to help children thrive in a rapidly evolving digital world.
Registration opens Feb. 5, 2018
Stay up-to-date!
For more information, visit .
Offence Declaration required for returning volunteers
Parents play an important role in the development and education of their children and in the success of the school community. At (insert name of school), we welcome and encourage the participation of parents and community members, and are grateful for the countless hours our volunteers contribute throughout the school year.
To volunteer at our school, you must complete a short interview and a criminal record check. A criminal record check is required for all school volunteers in Ontario. Even if you want to accompany your child on a field trip, you need this record check.
Once you have completed the process, you are on file with the Peel District School Board as being a school volunteer. All returning volunteers will receive an Offence Declaration form that must be filled out and returned to the board office each year. Completing the Offence Declaration will ensure that you can continue volunteering in the next school year. Expect to receive the form in mid-February.
Bus cancellation and closing schools due to bad weather
During the winter months, we may need to cancel buses or close schools because of inclement weather.
Information regarding details of cancellations or closures will be announced on radio and television stations listed below and will also be available on Twitter @Peelschools, Facebook at and or by calling
905-890-1010 or 1-800-668-1146.
FM Z103.5FM93.1FM Q107
CFRB – (Bell Media)
One of the following messages will be announced (highlighted text only):
Peel District School Board buses are cancelled
This means that schools remain open for students and staff, but buses are cancelled. Bus cancellations could occur in all or parts of municipalities. Buses will remain cancelled all day. All activities that require busing will also be cancelled. Permits, night school classes, child care and other activities in schools will operate as usual.
All Peel District School Board schools and board offices are closed
This means that all schools and Peel board offices are closed to students and staff. All activities in schools and board offices are also cancelled, including child care, night school and permits.
All evening programs and permits at the Peel District School Board are cancelled
This means that all activities in schools and Peel board offices are cancelled, including continuing education courses and events. The buildings will be closed.
All weekend programs and permits at the Peel District School Board are cancelled
This means that all activities in schools and Peel board offices are cancelled, including continuing education courses and events. The buildings will be closed.
Help your family stay warm this winter
Peel Public Health recommends the following cold weather guidelines for preventing cold-weather injuries:
- Reduce amount of time children (grade 8 and under) spend outdoors when the temperature is –20 degrees Celsius or colder, with or without the wind chill.
- Keep children indoors when the temperature is -25 degrees Celsius or colder, with or without wind chill.Some medical conditions may increase sensitivity to cold. Parents should consult their physician (Source: Environment Canada).
- Allow indoor breaks if children say they are feeling cold or during extreme temperatures.
- Ensure children are dressed warmly, covering exposed skin: insulated boots, winter weight coats, mittens, hats, neck warmers.
- Change wet clothing or footwear immediately.
- Although these conditions are unlikely to occur during the school day, ensure that all staffareable to recognize and treat symptoms of frostbite and hypothermia. Given plenty of warm fluids to prevent dehydration.
- When children are outside, be watchful for shivering or signs of numbness in faces, ears, hands or feet.
- Educate children in dealing with cold weather:drinking plenty of fluids, dressing warmly, and recognizing signs of cold injury.
Healthy Body! Healthy Mind!
When we invest in our physical health, will be able to combat stress and anxiety with greater success. This includes being:
- Well-rested
- Well-nourished
- Well-exercised
Some Tips:
Set a Sleep Schedule – Set an alarm to go to bed! Our body likes a regular schedule. Bedtimes and wake times should not vary by more than one hourfrom one day to the next.
Drink plenty of water - Many of us go through life dehydrated—causing tiredness, low energy, and headaches. It’s common to mistake thirst for hunger, so staying well hydrated will also help us make healthier food choices.
More steps – Step side to side. Start by doing it 10 times per foot. Do this while watching TV, working on your computer or brushing your teeth. Do it with your children to make it fun.
What you need to know about head lice
What is head lice?
Head lice are tiny insects that live on the scalp where they lay their eggs. They have three stages: the egg (nit), the nymph and the adult. Head lice do not spread diseases and cannot be spread between animals or pets and humans, only through direct contact between people.
Head lice spread easily, especially where people are in close contact. They are very common among school-aged children or children attending child care, where they spread through direct hair-to-hair contact or directly by sharing things like hats, combs, hairbrushes or headphones.
One of the first signs of head lice is an itchy scalp. However, children can have head lice for several weeks with no symptoms. If you think your child has head lice, check their hair for nits right away, then again after one week and after two weeks.
What to do if your child has lice
Parents are advised to keep their child at home until they have been treated for lice. Students may only return to school if they are “nit-free.” If your child has live lice, ensure that they avoid head-to-head contact with other children until the lice are gone. Children should not share combs, hairbrushes, caps, hats or hair ornaments. You should also check all family members for head lice. Be sensitive to your child’s feelings and let them know that having head lice does not mean they are not clean.
Head lice can be treated with the following approved insecticides:
- pyrethrin (found in R&C Shampoo + Conditioner)
- permethrin (Nix Creme Rinse or Kwellada-P Creme Rinse)
- lindane (Hexit Shampoo or PMS-Lindane Shampoo).
Celebrating Faith and Culture
February 2018
/ Celebration / Faith and CultureFebruary / Buxwlaks & Bear Moon / Aboriginal Spirituality
February 1 or 2 / Imbolc / Wicca
February 3 / Setsubun-sai / Shinto
February 6 - 24 / month of Mulk / Bahá’í
February 13 / Mahashivaratri / Hinduism
February 14 / Ash Wednesday / Christianity
February 15 / National Flag Day / Canada
February 16 / Lunar New Year/Maitreya Bodhisattva’s Birthday/Losar / Buddhism
February 19 (J) / Clean Monday / Christianity
February 19 / Family Day / Ontario
Feb. 25 to March 1 / Intercalary Days / Bahá'í