Wensleydale RUFC Safeguarding Policy

WRUFC follows RFU Safeguarding Policyon young players (U18s) and vulnerable adults. Young players are the future of our game and deserve the highest standards of careand coaching we can provide. The club is committed to safeguarding the welfare of young players and vulnerable adults in involved in our sport. They are all entitled to protection from harm and have the right to take part in our sport in a safe, positive and enjoyable environment. We will strive to provide an environment where everyone is valued.

Young players means anyone under the age of 18 years except those with a YRFU / RFU dispensation to train or play at senior level and then only when they are training or playing at senior level.

Vulnerable adults are as defined in the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006.

Safeguarding Clearance of Volunteers and Employees

Any club volunteer or employee working or overseeing those working unsupervised orregularlywith Young Players or Vulnerable Adults will have current RFU enhanced DBS clearance. This includes all age group coaches, assistant coaches, team managers and certain club officials (inc. Secretary, Safeguarding Officer, Assistant Safeguarding Officers, Compliance Officer, Webmaster and Coaching Co-ordinator).

Roles and Responsibilities

Kevin Tasker is our Club Safeguarding Officer (CSO). He is the first point of contact for safeguarding and welfare concerns and leads safeguarding activities. The WRUFC website Officials page has his contact details.

CSOHas attended the RFU Club Safeguarding Officers course

Makes use of the RFU Safeguarding Toolkit

Ensures age group coaches and team managers are RFU enhanced DBS cleared and at least one from each age group attend the RFU Safeguarding and Protecting Young People in Rugby Union Course

Keeps members and officials aware of safeguarding policy and responsibilities and ensures RFU best practice guidance is followed

Supports young players at disciplinary panels, ensuring their emotional well being is considered throughout the process

Identifies and reports any signs of harm and reports them to the Yorkshire RFU Safeguarding Manager, RFU safeguarding team, NYCC and Police as appropriate

Ensures safeguarding policy meets RFU requirements and is reviewed and updated at least annually

Ensures safeguarding has an appropriate profile at committee

Records any concerns raised, the evidence presented and the findings of any investigation or enquiry

Ensures records relating to safeguarding concerns are kept securely by the club

Ensures an annual audit of safeguarding compliance is carried out


Two registered Assistant Safeguarding Officers support the work of the CSO

Deputise for the CSO when he is unavailable, including processing DBS applications


Are in a position of trust and authority over young players and vulnerable adults

Remember they are the face of the club and of rugby to young players, their families and friends

Always put player safety and welfare first

Endeavour to be positive at all times

Hold current RFU Enhanced DBS clearance

Understand and follow WRUFC Safeguarding Policy and guidance

Attendsafeguarding and coaching training as required by the club

Report any safeguarding concerns to CSO, YRFU, the RFU Safeguarding Team, NYCC Social Services and the Police as appropriate

Are always vigilant regarding safeguarding

Comply with WRUFC Coaches Code of Conduct


Remember and adhere to the core values of Rugby and WRUFC Codes of Conduct/Policies

Follow RFU Rule 21 and report all safeguarding concerns to club and outside bodies and agencies as appropriate

Support the club’s safeguarding activities

Club Officials

Understand and follow WRUFC Safeguarding Policy and guidance, supporting the club CSO and ASO’s

Ensure safeguarding is an agenda item at all full committee meetings and at the club AGM


Should report any safeguarding concern to the appropriate agencies, whether related to WRUFC and Rugby or not – if in doubt, ask for advice from the agencieslisted below!


RFU safeguarding policy and in WRUFC Codes of Conduct and Policies have best practice guidance

Key Points

WRUFC openly acknowledges the possibility of abuse

Volunteers and employees are vetted (with written references as required), trained and monitored as appropriate: WRUFC will exclude anyone who may pose a threat to young players or vulnerable adults

Anyone reporting suspicions or concerns will be treated seriously and confidentially and a proper investigation carried out

WRUFC will maintain adequate supervision using vetted coaches, only using other responsible adults in cases of unforeseen emergency (e.g. serious injury) to maintain adult/child ratios

Club tours involving young players or vulnerable adults will be comprehensively risk assessed. Adults on such a tour will be RFU DBS/CRB cleared (except when they only accompany their own children)

WRUFC will not tolerate any inappropriate activity between aclub official and a young player or vulnerable adult

Coaches and officials will set a responsible example to all (including when they consume alcohol)

WRUFC will not tolerate the use of performance enhancing or recreational drugs by club members or on WRUFC premises

WRUFC does not permit contact rugby between adults and young players

Help and Advice

Further guidance is available at: RFU Safeguarding Guidance

Yorkshire RFU Safeguarding ManagerJohn Shepherd07801 537130

RFU Child Protection Helpline 24hr Answerphone 0208 831 6655 (non-emergency)
NSPCC Helpline 0808 800 5000 (for adults 24 hours)
RFU Safeguarding concerns or queries 0208 831 7479
Child Protection in Sport Unit 0116 234 7278

Advice/Reporting Concerns:North Yorkshire County Council Social Care

Where there is an immediate risk to child safety contact the Police on 999

Help and Support for Young Players contact: Childline - telephone 0800 1111

Updated: Kevin Tasker, Club Compliance Officer Date: 07-04-14

Adopted: forWRUFCDate: 08-04-14Jim McRobertWRUFC Hon. Sec.

This Policy Will be Reviewed Annually and Approved by the WRUFC AGM