California Department of Education

Career Technical Education Incentive Grant

Annual Progress Report Instructions

Updated: 8/16/17

Instructions for completing the Career Technical Education Incentive Grant (CTEIG) Annual Progress Report (APR) are below. Be sure to complete all of the pages. Blank or incomplete responses will have a negative impact on grant renewal.

1.CTEIG APR Cover Sheet

Complete items one through four of the CTEIG APR cover sheet. Type "Yes" or "No" for the question regarding a consortium. If "Yes," provide the names and County-District-School (CDS) Code for each local educational agency (LEA).

2.Career Technical Education (CTE) Program Requirements

Provide a concise, focused, and detailed narrative to each of the 10 questions. Include activities completed with matching funds if applicable. DO NOT LEAVE ANY OF THESE BOXES BLANK!

3.CTE Industry Partnerships and Advisory Board

Provide/enter the names of the business partners serving as Advisory Board members and those business partners providing support in other ways such as guest speaking, field trips, internships, or any other areas. For Non-Advisory Board business partners, provide at least one name for each industry sector pathway offered by the district.

4.Technical Assistance Contracts

Provide a concise, focused, and detailed narrative to each of the two questions.

5.CTEIG Renewal Application for Round Three

To be considered for renewal, LEAs must provide the following to the California Department of Education (CDE):

-Annual Fiscal Expenditure Report with matching funds (Due annually in October)

Upon completion of the application, e-mail a signedPDF version to. Save a copy for your records. DO NOT send a hardcopy of the application to CDE.

California Department of Education

Career Technical Education Incentive Grant

Annual Progress Report Instructions

-CTEIG APR (Due annually in December)

-CTEIG Grant Renewal Application

Please make sure to follow these steps when completing the Renewal Application:

-STEP 1 – Indicate the maximum amount of matching funds the grantee can match from other sources. All sources must be identified. The match must be two dollars ($2.00) from the grantee to one dollar ($1.00) from the grant.

-STEP 2 – Create a preliminary grant budget based on the total maximum matching funds divided by two.

-STEP 3 – Complete a three-year sustainability budget and identify the source of funds.

6.Assurances and Superintendent Sign Off

  • Four documents that must be reviewed and kept on file by the applicant.
  • Obtain Superintendent electronic signature.

Cover Sheet
LEA Name
Is this a consortium? Yes or No
If yes, list the names and CDS Codes of the Consortium Members

CTE Program Requirements

Provide details of how the CTEIG and/or matching funds were used to encourage new CTE programs and maintain existing CTE programs with regards to the 10 CTE program requirements. Be sure to include as much detail as necessary to describe progress towards the 10 CTE program requirements. DO NOT LEAVE ANY BLANK AREAS.

1) Describe how monies were used to create new, or maintain existing, coherent sequences of CTE courses that are aligned to the California CTE Model Curriculum Standards? Provide specific details regarding activities conducted.

Describe plans for the new grant term.

2) Describe how monies were used to develop quality career exploration and guidance programs for CTE pathways. Provide specific details regarding activities conducted.

Describe plans for the new grant term.

3) Describe how monies were used to provide pupil support services, including counseling and leadership development. Provide specific details regarding activities conducted.

Describe plans for the new grant term.

4) Describe how monies were used to develop or enhance system alignment, coherence, and articulation, including regional and local partnerships with postsecondary educational institutions. Provide specific details regarding activities conducted.

Describe plans for the new grant term.

5) Describe how monies were used to form ongoing and structural industry and labor partnerships, documented through formal written agreements and through participation on advisory committees. Provide specific details regarding activities conducted.

Describe plans for the new grant term.

6) Describe how monies were used to provide opportunities to pupils to participate in after school, extended day, out of school internships, competitions, and other work based learning opportunities. Provide specific details regarding activities conducted.

Describe plans for the new grant term.

7) Describe how monies were used to reflect regional or labor market demands and how it focuses the career pathways on current or emerging high-skill, high-wage, or high-demand occupations. Provide specific details regarding activities conducted.

Describe plans for the new grant term.

8) Describe how monies were used to develop pathways leading to industry credentials, certification, appropriate postsecondary training, or employment. Provide specific details regarding activities conducted.

Describe plans for the new grant term.

9) Describe how monies were used to assure the CTE courses are staffed by skilled teachers (CTE Credentialed Teachers) or faculty and the types of professional development provided to the CTE teachers or faculty. Provide specific details regarding activities conducted.

Describe plans for the new grant term.

10) Describe how the data reporting requirements will be completed in California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS). The data to be reported includes the following:

  • The number of pupils completing high school
  • The number of pupils completing CTE coursework
  • The number of pupils obtaining an industry-recognized credential, certificate, license, or other measure of technical skill attainment
  • The number of former pupils employed and the types of businesses in which they are employed.
  • The number of former pupils enrolled in a postsecondary educational institution, a state apprenticeship program, or another form of job training.

Provide specific details regarding activities conducted.

Describe plans for the new grant term.

11) Describe how CTE pathways are included in the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) for 2017–18. If they are not, describe plans to include them for 2018–19.

Upon completion of the application, e-mail a signedPDF version to. Save a copy for your records. DO NOT send a hardcopy of the application to CDE.

California Department of Education

Career Technical Education Incentive Grant

Annual Progress Report Instructions

Industry Partnership and Advisory Board Members
Provide/enter names of those business partners serving as Advisory Board members and those business partners providing support in other ways such as guest speaking, field trips, internships, or any other areas. For Non-Advisory Board business partners, provide at least one name for each industry sector pathway offered by the district. Do not list school district employees.
Name / Company/Affiliation / Role (e.g. guest speaker, mentor, advisory member) / Phone Number / E-mail

Upon completion of the application, e-mail a signedPDF version to. Save a copy for your records. DO NOT send a hardcopy of the application to CDE.

California Department of Education

Career Technical Education Incentive Grant

Annual Progress Report Instructions

Technical Assistance Provider Contacts

1) Indicate the number of times you have worked with the CTEIG Technical Assistance Contractors. Describe the types of activities and support provided to the LEA.

2) Describe other services the LEA would like to receive.

Upon completion of the application, e-mail a signedPDF version to. Save a copy for your records. DO NOT send a hardcopy of the application to CDE.

California Department of Education

Career Technical Education Incentive Grant

Annual Progress Report Instructions

Round Three CTEIG Renewal Application

In order to be considered for renewal the following two reports must be completed and sent to the CDE:
1) Annual Fiscal Expenditure Report with Matching Funds due annually in October
2) CTEIG Annual Progress Report due annually in December
3) Round Three CTEIG Renewal Application

Upon completion of the application, e-mail a signedPDF version to. Save a copy for your records. DO NOT send a hardcopy of the application to CDE.

California Department of Education

Career Technical Education Incentive Grant

Annual Progress Report Instructions

Round Three CTEIG Renewal Application

The CDE will not allocate more than a grantee can match. In the table below, list the maximum amount of funding dollars the grantee can providefrom other funding sources, excluding California Career Pathways Trust. Other sources may include LCAP, Ag Incentive, Perkins, Partnership Academy, etc.

STEP 1 - CTEIG Matching Funds Budget(Enter whole numbers only)

Object Code and Description of Line Item / Maximum / Source of Matching Funds
Matching Funds / (Required Information)
($2.00 to $1.00)
1000 - Certificated Salaries
2000 - Classified Salaries
3000 - Employee Benefits
4000 - Books and Supplies
5000 - Services and Other Operating Expenditures
6000 - Capital Outlay
7000 - Indirect Costs
Total Maximum Matching Funds

Round Three CTEIG Renewal Application

Based on the Total Maximum Matching Funds, the CDE will take this amount and divide it by two to determine a maximum preliminary allocation. This is not a guarantee of being awarded this amount. Grantees are awarded a proportional share of the 2017–18 allocation to the CDE ($198,000,000).

STEP 2 – Preliminary Grant Award Allocation Budget– Total Maximum Match divided by two.

Object Code and Description of Line Item / Preliminary Grant Award Budget
1000 - Certificated Salaries
2000 - Classified Salaries
3000 - Employee Benefits
4000 - Books and Supplies
5000 - Services and Other Operating Expenditures
6000 - Capital Outlay
7000 - Indirect Costs
Preliminary Grant Award Allocation (Total Maximum Match/2) **

Round Three CTEIG Renewal Application

Per CHAPTER 16.5. California Career Technical Education Incentive Grant Program [53070 - 53076], grantees must be able to show how they will sustain the CTE programs for three years beyond the end of the grant. This budget must include staffing, benefits, supplies/services and other costs needed to keep the CTE pathway programs in place.

STEP 3 – CTEIG Sustainability Three-Year Budget

Object Code and Description of Line Item / 2019–20
Budget / 2020–21
Budget / 2021–22
Budget / Source of Funds
(Required Information)
1000 – Certificated Salaries
2000 - Classified Salaries
3000 - Employee Benefits
4000 - Books and Supplies
5000 - Services and Other Operating Expenditures
6000 - Capital Outlay
7000 - Indirect Costs
Total Amount Budgeted

Upon completion of the application, e-mail a signedPDF version to. Save a copy for your records. DO NOT send a hardcopy of the application to CDE.

California Department of Education

Career Technical Education Incentive Grant

Annual Progress Report Instructions

Assurances and Superintendent Sign Off

The four documents listed below must be reviewed and kept on file by the applicant:

1.California Department of Education General Assurances (CDE-100A)

2.Drug–Free Workplace Certification (CDE-100DF)

3.U.S. Department of Education Debarment and Suspension (ED 80-0014)

4.U.S. Department of Education Lobbying (ED80-0013)

By signing below, the applicant is assuring the information entered in the CTEIG Renewal Application is correct. The applicant has read the information provided regarding the CTEIG and understands that during the 2017–19 grant term, the LEA will be required to match the grant award $2.00 (two dollars) for every $1.00 (one dollar) received for this grant period.

Superintendent Name:

Superintendent Signature:______

Date: ______

Upon completion of the application, e-mail a signedPDF version to. Save a copy for your records. DO NOT send a hardcopy of the application to CDE.