1. The Ginga:Mestre Bimba would hold a new student’s hands as they learned the ginga. The ginga is the fundamental movement of Capoeira.
  2. The Movements: Capoeira movements fall into several categories, including
  3. Traumatizing Movements (Traumatizantes)
  4. Unbalancing Movements (Desequilibrantes)
  5. Projections (Projeções)
  6. The History: The origins of the art of Capoeira and those who have had significant influence in it.
  7. The Styles: Respect all styles of Capoeira including: Angola, Regional Contemporânea.
  8. Angola - Mestre Pastinha: “Capoeira is malícia, it is cleverness, it is everything the mouth eats.”
  9. Bateria
  10. Chamadas de Bênção
  11. Ladainha, Louvaçāo, Chula & Corridos
  12. Toques
  13. Uniform
  14. Regional – Mestre Bimba: “I did not create Capoeira Regional for myself, I created it for the world.”
  15. Bateria/Charanga
  16. Cintura Desprezada
  17. Quadras & Corridos
  18. Sequência da Ensino
  19. Toques
  20. Contemporânea
  21. Banguela Contemporânea
  22. Miudinho
  23. Dances & Spirituality Associated with Capoeira:
  24. Candomblé
  25. Maculelê
  26. Puxada de Rede
  27. Samba


  1. The Batizado/Festa do Batizado: The public initiation ceremony, in which the student traditionally receives his or her Capoeira apelido (nickname).
  2. Troca de Corda: The public ceremony in which the student advances to the next cord.
  3. Formatura: Thepublic celebration ceremony for the graduation of an advanced student to a teacher cord.
  4. Cordel Cinza Roda: Each month cinza cords will be given to new students.
  5. Folcloric Show: The public will be invited to observe a folcloric performance of the history of the art of Capoeira in the academy performed by our students.
  6. Saudaçāo: The salute at the end of each class.
  7. Group Handshake: The greeting between members of the group.
  8. Group Uniform: A uniform consists of white abadas, your cord, and a group t-shirt. Wear a clean uniform during class and to all events inside and outside of the academy.
  9. Respect the Academy: If you are late to class, stay on the side of the room and wait for acknowledgement from the teacher before entering class. Say “Salve Capoeira” before entering the floor.
  10. Comportment in the Roda: In our roda, the berra-boi is the lead berimbau. It sets the tone and rhythm for the game. Depending on a visitingMestre, the médiomay lead.

a)The person playing the berimbau and singing generally controls the roda, deference is always given to Mestres.

b)During a roda, an instrument may never be set down. It should always be passed to a new person.

c)When an instrument is passed to a new person, the transition must be handled as smoothly as possible to minimize disruption. Only change one instrument at a time to minimize disruption. Never change instruments during a game in Angola rodas.

d)Enter the roda by squatting at the Pédo Berimbau. Make eye contact with the leader of the roda and wait for their acknowledgement before entering the roda. Never buy out a teacher unless they make it clear to you that you may do so.

e)No matter where you are in the roda, stay alert and engaged. Shift yourself to the left or right as needed to maintain the shape of the roda.

f)Clap and sing with energy during the roda.


  1. Gingaconstantly while playing. The ginga is the basic movement in Capoeira.
  2. Always dodgeand evade the opponent’s attacks, only block when you cannot evade.
  3. Always play with your partner, avoid playing against your partner.
  4. All movements must have a purpose.
  5. Obeythe rhythm of the berimbau.
  6. Protect your partner’s physical and moral integrity.More experiencedcapoeiristas have a responsibility to care for newer students to help them grow and develop in capoeira.
  7. Permission for physical contact should be sought throughout the process of all interactions and can be revoked at any time. In martial situations, permission is given by stepping into the training area. Permission is revoked by leaving the training area.


  • Practice common courtesy. Arrive on time, greet others, and clean up after yourself in the academy and the changing room areas. Be careful with fragile musical instruments.
  • Practice good hygiene. Come to class clean, keep your fingernails and toenails short, wear deodorant or ensure that you will not smell, do not wear jewelry, and wear a clean uniform.
  • Line up in cord order (and, for children, in size order) when saying the saudaçāo
  • All teachers should be addressed by their title (Professor, Contramestre, Mestrando, Mestre). If you receive permission from a teacher, you may call them by their Capoeira name (apelido) when outside of the academy or roda, but you must receive explicit permission first.
  • When a student gets an apelido, only address them by that name.
  • Be aware of the space you are using during class, conserve it so others have space too.
  • You may ask questions during or outside of class, but do not ask questions during the roda. Do not chat with your fellow students during class or the roda.
  • The Berimbau dictates the pace and style of the game in the roda.
  • Shake hands with the other capoeirista whenever possible after a game, especially if someone gets hurt in the roda.
  • During public events, such as demonstrations and outdoor rodas, do not fight. Avoid sweeping the other capoeirista. The goal of a public Capoeira event is to display skillful and beautiful games, not undisciplined and/or violent games.
  • If you see a problem in the academy, fix it. If you cannot, then ask for help.
  • You should support your school and your Mestre by helping to keep the academy clean for all to enjoy and use; attending and participating in events; purchasing Capoeira materials and equipment through your school; being a disciplined and respectful student; always trying your best; and bringing a positive attitude to class and the roda.


There are three categories to the Capoeira Guerreiros system of graduation.

  1. CordelCinza Roda: Each month cinza cords will be given to new students. The cinza cord is not a graduation, but an initiation into Capoeira.
  2. The Batizado/Festa do Batizado: The public graduation ceremony, in which the student traditionally receives his or her Capoeira apelido (nickname) and the first graduated cordel verde claro.
  3. Troca de Corda: The public celebration ceremony in which the student advances to the next cord from verde trançada to amarelo escuro.
  4. Formatura: Thepublic celebration ceremony for the graduation of an advanced student to a teacher cord.

Prior to receiving new cords students will play in one of two open rodas with the guest students from other academies. The rodas will be separated by levels. After the open rodas there will be one roda for graduation.

All students receiving the first verde claro cord will play one time with a Contramestre or Mestre. The certificate and registry will be signed by that teacher.

Students receiving verde trançadaor verde escuro will play three times. The first game will be with a guest student a level above them, an Instructor or Professor and finally a Contramestre or Mestre. The certificate and registry will be signed by any one of the teachers.

Students receiving verde amarelo or amarelo claro will play five times. The first game will be with a guest student a level above them, an Instructor, a Professor, a Contramestre and finally a Mestre. The certificate and registry will be signed by any one of the teachers.

Students receiving amarelo trançadaor amarelo escuro will play seven times. The first game will be with a guest student a level above them, two Instructors, two Professors, two Contramestres and finally a Mestre. The certificate and registry will be signed by the Mestre.

Students receiving amareloazulorazul will play nine times. The games will be with the Professors, Contramestres and Mestres. The certificate and registry will be signed by one of the Mestres.