Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
Held on Thursday 7th September2017at 7.45 pm
In the Village Hall,Willoughby Waterleys.
Reference 007/2017
Present: Councillors: Mr David Campbell-Kelly,Miss E Dickens, Ms K West, Mr Phil Leech
In attendance:Mrs Helen Denton-Stacey (Clerk) and 1 parishioner
2017-56. Apologies for Absence: Arthur Lyons
2017-57. Minutes:
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting – 6th July 2017 were tabled and agreed to be correct by the PC
Resolved: Proposed by KW for DCK to sign as stand in Chair, LD seconded, Signed by Chair.
2017-58 Matters Arising:
DCK asked if the revised cemetery rates were now in place and published, Clerk confirmed they were.
It was confirmed that the green bin’s subscription had been renewed and was in place.
The PC asked the Clerk to contact the conservation officer at HDC to arrange a visit to the trees around the cemetery as scaffolding was now in place around Mr Van De Post’s house.
2017-59. Parishioner’s Time
Graham Hart had received correspondence from Jim Gannon with regards to the speed of his broadband as it is not sufficient, Graham Hart is happy to look into ths and find a resolve if possible
Resolved: DCK proposed for GH to look into and report back a solution, PL seconded, All agreed.
The deadline of the information to be published within What’s On Willoughby was given to the clerk to ensure the draft minutes are published.
2017-60. Planning Applications:
17/01430/TCAWorks to Trees, Thornborough House, 2 Yew Tree Close
The PC recorded no objections with 2 councilors declaring an interest as neighbor’s to the property.
17/01282/TPO Works to trees, Linden Lea,Main Street
The PC have no objections, one councillor has no objections in principle to work on this tree, but feels a 400% reduction seems rather excessive. They feel that the HDC tree expert should visit and determine the appropriate reduction in both height and breadth for this visually important tree within the conservation village.
17/01329/LBC Internal alterations, Manor House, Main Street
The PC have no objections to this application.
17/01321/TCA Works to trees, Ponies Retreat, Main Street
The PC supports this application with one Councillor declaring an interest as a neighbour.
17/01273/FUL Longways House,61 Main Street
The PC supports this application.
Resolved: PC have no objections but would like comments added to response’s as stated.
2017-61. Correspondence:
HDS confirmed correspondence was received from Grant Thornton confirming that the annual audit was now completed.
Neighbourhood watch email, but no news locally.
2017-62Leicester Bypass
Graham Hart presented a statement from the County Council meeting, he explained the reason for the proposal was to unlock economic development by putting transport infrastructure in place. I the next 3 years Midland Connect will receive £17 million pounds of government funding to complete planning design work. These include the benefits to Leicester of smart motorways for junctions 17-24. No further details have been released at the moment.
2017-63Waste bins on Public footpaths
HDS has received a letter from a parishioner regarding bins put onto footpaths.
Resolved: PL proposed for the Clerk to inform the parishioner that this is a matter for HDC, and to write to them for them to advise. DCK seconded, All agreed.
2017-64 Street LightingMaintenance
Clerk had spoken to Eon who have advised there is no formal maintenance contract in place, it is an informal agreement to maintain and replace when required.
Resolved: LD proposed for DCK to contact Phil Day to confirm if regular maintenance is needed now that the lighting has been replaced with LED’s, and to discuss at next PC meeting, KW seconded, All agreed
2017-65. Grass Cutting Contract:
HDS to look into other providers and prices and report to next meeting
2017-66 Cemetery Inspection
Clerk has completed inspections in June & August
2017-67 Village Tree Ownership
DCK is going to contact the tree specialist at HDC to confirm ownership of trees throughout the village.
2017-68. Finance Report:
Tabled at meeting, HDS to look at budget and amend precept amounts as incorrect.
Resolved: Report noted by PC.
H Denton-Stacey / Clerks Salary August 17 / 172.86H Denton-Stacey / Clerks Salary September 17 inc website hrs / 279.36
4 Counties / Grass cutting / 144.00
HMRC / Tax for Qtr 2 July-Sept / 40.60
Grant Thornton / External Audit Fee / 120.00
Village Hall / Room Hire Sept 17- April 18 / 60.00
2 Commune / Website Annual Fee / 330.00
Village Hall / Room Hire July 17 / 15.00
Resolved: Authorised for payment, DCK proposed, LD seconded.
Resolved: DCK proposed to pay village hall hire annually in advance, KW seconded, All agreed,
2017-69. Any Other Business
- Website Updating
DCK advised the county councillor details were incorrect on the website, Clerk to rectify this.
- Leaning Headstone
HDS to ask Phil Day for contacts of stonemasons to come out and quote remedy, either by making safe or re-erecting.
2017-70. Items to be discussed at the next meeting:Precept,
2017-71. Date of next meeting:
This was confirmed as Thursday 2nd November 2017.
The meeting finished at 8.44pm.
P Leech Chairman