Bridestowe Parish Council
Mr P.J. Daniels. Clerk to the Council
4 Trescote Way Bridestowe Okehampton Devon EX20 4QB
Tel: 01837 861244
Matters raised by the public: (prior to parish council meeting).
(a) Dog fouling: A member of the public commented on the new WDBC dog fouling measures due to be introduced later this year.
(b) Footpath Inspection: A member of the public asked for clarity on which footpaths have been walked. Numbers 1, 4 and 7 have been walked by Paul Callan, a Bridestowe resident. Volunteers can choose which other paths they inspect.
(c) Village Hall repairs: Iain Rice from the Management Committee of the Village Hall gave a detailed account of the defects associated with the construction of the Village Hall, mainly due to water ingress, fungal infestation and incorrect ground levels, compromising the damp proofing. The hall will gradually over four years have the floors replaced with concrete to solve the current defects. This will not affect the use of the hall to any great extent. Ian explained the legal steps taken to try and recover costs from the architect and the developer. A reasonable settlement with the architect was achieved but it was pointless to continue the case against the developer as there were no assets that could be claimed against. CM thanked Iain Rice for his tremendous dedication and hard work over a substantial period of time. CM said it has been a difficult time for the village hall. The Village Hall is such a big asset to the community
METHODIST HALL: 16/07/14 at 7.30 pm
PRESENT: (Councillors): C. Mott (Chair); A. Young (Vice chair); R. Haythornthwaite;
D. James; R. Rattenbury; J. Hockridge (WDBC councillor); 5 members of public present;
P. J. Daniels (Clerk).
Councillors held a short silence in memory of Joy Trant who recently passed away. Mrs Trant served a number of years as a Bridestowe Parish Councillor
Apologies: B. Coward; J. Leonard. There were no declarations of interest from councillors.
The minutes of the last PC meeting (21/05/14) were agreed as a true record. Proposed DJ. Seconded AY. Unanimous.
(a) Brambles in churchyard: The remaining brambles in the churchyard to be removed. (Action: BC & DJ)
(b) Emergency plan: AY and RR to draft parish emergency plan. Agenda item for next meeting (Action: AY and RR)
(c) External Audit: The external audit has been carried out by the Grant Thornton, the PC’s auditors. There were no matters arising and the accounts were signed off.
(d) Bus shelter: Grant for £1000 for bus shelter near garage on old A30 has been received from DCC. An appropriate site for the shelter opposite the garage has been marked out by Devon Highways. Quotation obtained from Peter Green of £1050 + VAT. This quotation was considered best value when compared with other companies prices. (Shelter Store: £3200; Bailey Street Scene: £2850). Proposed by AY that this goes ahead and a deposit of one third of the cost (£420) be paid to Peter Green. Seconded RR). Unanimous.
(e) Handrail at Riverside Stores: This to be installed by shop in due course.
(f) Kersford Quarry: Enforcement investigations are continuing by WDBC. Further information has been received by WDBC and this is currently being evaluated
(26) Martin Ashley (Grass cut-2nd and 3rd cut) £499.20
(27) Martin Ashley (Grass cut-4th and 5th cut) £499.20
(28) Methodist Church (Room hire) £52.00
(29) Bridestowe Church Partnership (grant) £100.00
(30) P. Fleming (Parish plan: Survey) £299.00
(31) Peter Green (Bus shelter:1/3 of cost) £420.00
It was proposed these be paid. Proposed DJ. Seconded RH. Unanimous.
Balance in current account after all outstanding cheques cleared: £10,774.03
A detailed financial summary of predicted receipts and expenditure for the remainder of 2014/5 is attached to these minutes.
(a) DCC. Bus timetable changes in Bridestowe. Explanation as to why Beacon bus service has been withdrawn. Buses are very little used and subsidies have been reduced. New “fare Car” service for Bridestowe. As the bus shelter in the village centre is no longer used, timetables of Western Greyhound and Plymouth Citybus to be placed in bus shelter indicating where the nearest bus stops are situated. (Action: PD)
(b) WDBC. Training workshop at Bridestowe Parish Hall on Renewable Energy at 10.00 am on Friday 25th July in Bridestowe Parish Hall. AY and RR to attend. CM as reserve.
(c) DNP: Grants available for Dartmoor projects.
(d) DNP: Information on Affordable housing.
6. STANDING ORDERS: NALC have provided model draft standing orders. These to be circulated to councillors for comments leading to adoption at next PC meeting. (Action: PD)
7. CLERK’S CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT: NALC model contract to be used as starting point. Chair and clerk to finalise contract for councillors’ comments/approval at next meeting. (Action CM & PD)
8. LENGTHSMAN: Identify with Sourton PC what work needs to be carried out. (Action: PD)
9. POSSIBLE SITES FOR HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS: Three sites have been identified by WDBC in Bridestowe as possible future sites for housing development with 15 houses per site. Some of the advantages and disadvantages of each site have been identified in outline. This is a very early stage for consideration.
10. REQUEST FOR GRANT: The two churches have requested a grant of £100 for an exhibition being held in the Bridestowe churches on the 100 year anniversary of the First World War. Proposed by CM, seconded by RH. Unanimous that the grant be given.
WDBC have informed PC that Bridestowe is proposed to be in a two member ward along with the parishes of Bratton, Beaworthy, Coryton, Germansweek, Lewtrenchard, Marystow, Thrushleton and Brentor. The intention is to keep 31 WDBC councillors. WDBC are not happy with these proposals. They outline four main concerns: the reduction in the number of wards represented by a single councillor, the size of the proposed Bridestowe and Dartmoor wards, the accuracy of projected electoral figures and the impact on communities with common interests and links.
John Hockridge and BPC both share these concerns. Parish councillors thought it didn’t make any sense to enlarge the wards that are then shared between two councillors instead of one. RR in summary, highlighted the conflict between the stipulated numbers of electorate/ward and the geographical area that is very large in our (proposed) sparsely populated ward.
Contact Boundary Commission. Thank them for their acceptance of BPC request that Bridestowe and Sourton should be in same ward. Put before them the concerns of BPC. (Action: PD)
(a) Retrospective planning application for permanent occupation of Millaton Farmhouse. WDBC have informed that application has been withdrawn.
(b) Modification of plans for erection of new vicarage on land adjacent to St Bridgets House, approved by PC Planning sub-committee and subsequently by WDBC..
(c) Certificate of Lawfulness for siting of mobile home at Rivermead. PC sub-committee objected to the proposal.
(d) Yellands Farm: Prior approval for change of use of barn to dwelling and associated works. PC approved in principle subject to approval of detailed plans.
(e) 26 Fore Street, Bridestowe. Re-siting of front door to side. WDBC report planning not required.
(a) Northern links: Report of last meeting from AY attached to these minutes.
(b) Village hall: See Ian Rice’s report above. RH commented how difficult it had been, previously to report back on the necessary repairs to the Village Hall whilst legal processes were taking place.
AY and RR reported on the need to upgrade the Parish Plan to a Neighbourhood Plan. This latter plan would give parishes the statutory right to significantly influence planning decisions including future housing developments, that reflected the wishes of the whole community. A Parish Plan gives no such right. Michelle Luscombe, the Strategic Planning officer for WDBC spoke to the Bridestowe Futures meeting on 15th July 2014 and explained the process of neighbourhood planning in more detail. Bridestowe councillors, AY, RR and CM who were among those who attended the meeting, are convinced of the need to upgrade the Parish Plan currently in preparation. AY felt that the work all ready completed for the Parish Plan was relevant to a Neighbourhood Plan.
If this upgrade is to go ahead then funding is available, but applications require to be submitted to WDBC by mid-August. BPC are in favour of the upgrade. BPC to seek Sourton PC’s views on a possible upgrade to a Neighbourhood Plan. Contact Sourton PC clerk. If positive response then application for funding to be initiated.
(a) Poppies for WW1 commemoration: RR suggested the possible planting of poppy seeds at the entrance to the village as has been done in Northlew. CM suggested this could be something for the future.
(b) Next meeting: Wednesday 24th September 2014 at 7.30 pm in the Methodist Hall.
(c) Meeting closed: 9.15 pm.