MISO v2.0 GuidanceNotes
Section 1 –Introduction...... 3
Section 2 - TheLogin Form...... 5
Section 3 – Site Areas (MenusandLinks)...... 6
Section 4 –ReturnCreator...... 8
Section 5 – CommonTasksGuide...... 9
Section 6 – Steps to submit areturnonline...... 11
Section 7 – Validatingyour Upload...... 13
Section 8 - Using MISO to report your spend without afileupload...... 15
Section 9 – Deleting areturn...... 17
Section 10 – Correctingvalidationerrors...... 18
Section 11 - Requesting a newcustomer URN...... 19
Section 12 –HelpfulHints...... 20
Section 13 – Support andGuidance...... 21
Section 1 –Introduction
How things operate by usingMISO
Step 1 – Each month the supplier will be informed that their MI template is available Step 2 – The supplier would login to MISO and decide whether to do Step 3a or Step3b
Step 3a – The supplier can download their MI template so they can complete it offline and once it’s completed the supplier would need to upload their completed MI template back intoMISO
Step 3b - The supplier can, whilst in MISO, enter their data directly into their MI template, once entered submit it back in MISO.
Although this method is possible we would recommend if you are loading a lot of data that it might be better using Step3a
Step 4 – Once the supplier has submitted their MI return to be uploaded by either Step 3a or Step 3b method, MISO will inform the supplier that it is automatically validating their MIreturn. If the MI return passes validation, the MI return will be pending approval.
Step 5– The MI Collection team will then check everything is acceptable, if it is then it will be approved. The MI return would be submitted to Crown Commercial Service Data Warehouse where the data is then available for further Government reportingpurposes.
Step 6– Equally once the template has been approved it will also be sent to the finance team for an invoice to be generated to thesupplier.
The Deadline for the Monthly MI submission is the 7th of the month.
All suppliers are responsible for submitting correct and accurate MI returns for theframework agreements that they are on by this deadline.
Section 2 - The LoginForm
The Loginform
The MISO URL is:
Fig 1 – Loginform
A.Please enter your username and password into thesefields
B.Once the username and password are complete, click this button tologin.
If you forget your password, you can use the Forgotten Password utility to reset yourpassword. Doing so will invoke the Password Recovery utility. Please enter your registered email address and click the send button. A password with your new email should follow. Please note, if you have failed to enter a correct password 5 times, your user account will be locked out and you must request a password reset from the MI Collection mailbox:
Section 3 – Site Areas (Menus andLinks)
Site Areas (Menus andLinks)
Fig 2 – Siteareas
These are the main site areas that you will see throughout thesite.
A.Utility Toolbar is a collection of utilities that will help you perform some of the most common functions in the MISO system without having to browse around differentpages to perform certain actions. For supplier accounts, the utilitiesinclude
Click this button to create a newreturnClick this button to submit a Nil Return. A nil return iswhen you have no data to report for a particular month. Under contract, you will still need to report in MISO you have no Orders/Invoices to report for thatmonth.
Download Template – A utility which allows you to download a template for any ofthe
frameworks supported byMISO.
B.Return items by status – This allows you to view all of your MI returns under each status. Select each status to return a report on all of your MI returns under thatstatus.
C.Global (application) menu - that will always appear here on everypage
This page brings you to the dashboard overvieworto the login page if you are not loggedin.
This section allows you to contact the MISO support teamdirectly.
This section provides a look up forcustomer URNs.
This section is for managing your user account (such as password changes and profile informationupdates).
Section 4 – ReturnCreator
The return creator launches whenever you click on an action to create a new return. Thisaction can be invoked from several places throughout the site,including:
- On the toolbar by clicking the Submit a Returnicon
- On the Home page by clicking on a return in the Not Submitted status and thenclicking on an outstanding MIreturn.
- On the Dashboard, by clicking on the action for notsubmitted.
The return creator is a control that is available throughout the application to guide youthrough the process of submitting a return online. Ithandles
- Fileuploading
- Validation
- Manual returncreation
- Reports and confirmation (part of the submissionprocess)
Section 5 – Common TasksGuide
Submitting a NilReturn
To report a nil (No Spend) return Clickon
- Select the Framework Agreement that you wish to raise a nil returnunder.
- Select your organisation’sname.
- Select the month this MI return isfor.
- Click on Continue, you will receive a message confirming that a nil return hasbeen submitted.
Downloading an MI template fromMISO
To download an MI template from MISO follow the instructions below
- Select the framework that you are reportingagainst.
- Click on the Download button. We recommend that you download a new template each month to ensure that you have the most current version. MI templates can be downloaded at any time. However it will only be possible to upload a completed MI return onto MISO once the month you are reporting data for hasended.
Section 6 – Steps to submit a returnonline
Steps to submit a returnonline
Open the return creator (refer to the Return Creator section on how to do this) and complete the followingsteps
1.Select the framework you are workingon
2.Select the/your organisation’sname
3.Select the month which this return isfor
4.If you require a purchase order number for invoice payment, please enter thishere.
5.Select whether or not you want to upload a file or enter data on the website. Ifyou choose to upload a file, follow steps 6 and 7, otherwise skip to step8
6.Click the browse button on the File Upload control that willappear
7.Select the file you want to upload from the Windows File Locator dialoguebox
8.Click the Continuebutton
If you have chosen to upload a file, the file will begin uploading. If you have chosen to create a return online, you can skip to the Using MISO to report spend without a file upload section.
File importer will run after your upload has completed. (Please note, the "UPLOAD" portion of the process refers only to getting your file from your computer to the server). File Importer will handle the task of getting the data out of your file and putting it in thedatabase
At the end of each import process, which is performed sheet by sheet using the workbook you've uploaded, you will be provided with a record count. The system will count the number of records imported by each sheet and you will need to confirm this at the end of File Importer's run.
Section 7 – Validating yourUpload
Validating yourupload
File Validator will run after File Importer. File Validator's job is to make sure the data imported from your spreadsheet meets the requirements specified in the collection process for that particular framework. If any of the checks fail for one or more reasons, you will be provided with a number of lines which failed validation and a message to inform you that that particular check has failed. This should give you an indication of where to look for theproblem.
Once you are satisfied you have read and understood the results, click the Finishbutton.
At this point, if your return passes all the validation checks, it will go to Pending Approval and the MI Collection will check and approve.
However, if you failed the validation, the system will present the return in the "ReturnViewer"
In this example, this file has failed to validate for the followingreasons:
- The customer post code was required but a value other than a post code wasgiven.
- The Customer URN was also required but a value which is not even a number was given. Customer URN is a numeric field, so these values triggered a validationerror
- A value was provided for the "Result" column but it was not one of the values expected. This column failed validation due to an incorrect value beingentered.
In order to correct these validation errors, the user would need to click on the row that they wanted to change and choose "Edit Row" from the "Click Menu" (as seen in thisexample)
Here is an example of the form that is generated whenever a user clicks on Edit Row as described in the previous example. Here you will simply need to make changes to thefields highlighted in red in order to clear the validationerrors.
You can also choose to change all matching values in this sheet by checking the Change All checkbox next to the fieldname.
This will make a sweep of the entire table looking for values that match the value you changed in that field and change it to the new value you've just entered in thatfield.
Once all of the validation errors have been cleared, the system should automatically push the return into "Pending Approval"status.
Section 8 - Using MISO to report your spend without a fileupload
Using MISO to report your spend without a fileupload
Apart from file uploading and validating explained above, you also have the option to report sales data using the input form. To do this, follow the instructions in Steps to submitting a return online selecting the option to enter data on the website in step 5 and ignoring steps 6 and 7.
This time when you press the Continue button, the system will create a new blank return for the selection (framework, supplier & month) which you can start entering data into. The blank return screen is shownbelow.
There are three action icons on the return viewer,including:
Click on the Save Changes button to submit your MIreturn.Click on this button to provide an overview of status of the MIreturn including who submitted it andwhen.
Click on this button if you wish to export the data from your MIreturn to an Excelspreadsheet.
The system will then open this return in the Return Viewer which will support 2 additional options
Add New Record – Click this button to invoke the form you must complete for each new record in thereturn.
Delete Multiple – Click this button if you wish to delete multiple lines of data from your MIreturn.
The above is an example of the input form that you must complete for each record in thereturn. This guide is not exhaustive of the kinds of fields that will appear as these are specific to each framework. Definitions to these fields and their requirements should have been provided in the original framework documentation youreceived.
This form consists of 2 actionbuttons;
Add Record – Adds the currently working record to thereturn
Close Form – Closes the input form and returns to the previousscreen
Returns submitted in this way do not require validation, because validation is done on the website as data isentered
Section 9 – Deleting areturn
Deleting areturn
Returns can be deleted from the Dashboard screen. Select the status under which the MI return is recorded and then click on the MI return to bring up the followingoptions:
- Open inEditor
- Deletereturn
- Submit return (if your MI return is notcompleted)
- Click on Delete return to delete MI return fromMISO.
Once you have clicked on Delete return, you will receive the followingmessage:
Click on Yes to delete the MIreturn.
Returns can be deleted if they have the followingstatus
- Working – A return that has been created but no data has beenadded
- Validating – A return that was uploaded but validation was notcompleted
- Contains Errors – A return that was uploaded but still contains validationerrors
- Importing – A return that was importing but the import process did notcomplete
- In Query – A return that has been sent back to the supplier for further clarification before it can beapproved.
To delete a return with any other status, please contact the MI Collection team:
Section 10 – Correcting validationerrors
Correcting validationerrors
To correct validation errors, there are twooptions:
Option 1 – Only a few validationerrors
If there are only a few validation errors within your MI return, you can edit each line withinyour MI return by clicking on the MI return within the Contain Errors status and clicking on Open in Editor
Once in the Editor select Errors and then click on each tab to bring back the validation errors. Validation errors are highlighted by red text, click on each line of data and click on Edit row, this will bring the data contained within that row where you can edit the MI return as required. Once you have made your changes, press Save Changes to update your MI return. Complete this for each validation error contained within your MIreturn.
Option 2 – Large number of validationerrors
If there are a large number of validation errors within your MI return, it would be best toamend your MI template and resubmit onto MISO. Please refer to the deleting a return section for instructions on how to actionthis.
Section 11 - Requesting a new customerURN
Requesting a new customerURN
Customer URN’s are mandatory for the completion of all MI returns. If customer information is entered without a customer URN this will be shown as a validation error which will require amendment.
Finding a customer URN
Customer URN’s can be found either by using the Find Customer URN function on MISO oryou can download a list of customer URN’s from the Crown Commercial Service website at the belowlink:
If you have a customer where there is no existing URN number on MISO or the Crown Commercial Service website at the above link or email the Crown Commercial Service customer service desk on who will organise for the new URN(s) to be set up and sent toyou.
We would suggest that if you require a new URN you allow sufficient time to obtain this from the customer service desk and enter into your MI return to allow submission by the 7thof themonth.
Section 12 – HelpfulHints
A.Extra Columns - This will give you a view of columns that are not in the default view. These columns are initially hidden to help the grid view fit on the page better, but you can still choose to see them by ticking the boxesaccordingly
B.Filtering - Filtering is offered on many of the grid views throughout the application. To filter on a value, click the thin bar located just below the header (where available) and select a value from the dropdown list that appears. The dropdown will only contain values that are available in the current view. You may only filter by one column at a time. Remove the filter by repeatingthe steps for filtering and clicking on the "Remove Filter" button that takes the place of the dropdown list when a filter is active on thatcolumn
C.Sorting - You may sort on any column which has the header highlighted as a button. Click on the header of any of these rows to sort by the values in that column in ascending order.Click it again to sort in descending order. You may only sort by 1 column at atime.
B/C NOTE: You can only sort or filter by 1 column at a time, but you can filter and sort by different columns at the sametime.
D.Paging - The gridview allows paging in many areas of the site. Paging keeps the load time down by only displaying a few records at a time. Default is 10. If you wish to view morerecords on a page, select number from the "records per page" dropdown list located at the top of the gridview.
WARNING: Increasing the page size will increase the loading time significantly. It is betterto leave this as a smaller number whenever youcan.
E.Click Menus - Many gridviews in MISO offer actions via clicking on the row. This is known as a "click menu". Some gridviews just perform an action when you click on the row. In Dashboard for example, the main return view that loads will provide different actions in the click menu depending on thestatus.
Section 13 – Support andGuidance
Support andGuidance
If you require any assistance or have any questions regarding the use of MISO for the submission of your MI returns please contact the MI Collection team by email, detailsbelow.
MI Collection Mailbox: