A Biological treatment of saline wastewater in a rotating disc contractor by using halophilic organisms.
A dynamic model of the high-rate algal bacterial waste water treatment pond
A geo-chemical model for removal of iron (II) (aq) from mine water discharges
A trickling filter application for the treatment of a gold milling effluent
Adsorption of basic dyes from aqueous solution by natural adsorbent
Aerobic studies on DDT biodegradation using phanerochaete chrysosporium
Algal growth in primary settled sewage: the effects of five key variables
Anaerobic Biodegradation of Aromatic Compounds - A Review
Anaerobic sequencing batch reactor treatment of dilute wastewater at psychrophilic temperatures
Anaerobic treatment on fishery wastewater using a marine sediment inoculum.
Anaerobic wastewater treatment and its scope in India
Analysis of bacterial group at the denitrification stage of coking wastewater denitrification
Application of grafted polysaccharides for treatment of coal washery effluent- A case study
Application of Polyacrylamide based flocculants for clarification of coal washery liquid effluents
Application of synthetic polymeric coagulant in water clarification
Applications of engineered membrane separation (EMS) systems and the impact on water recovery and recycle
Aquacultural approaches to recycling of dissolved nutrients in secondarily treated domestic wasterwaters-1
Arsenic and Nickel Removal by Wetland Sediments
Assessment of the Quality of Sewage Effluents From Dry Weather Flow Channel, Calcutta
Basic dyes removal from wastewater by adsorption on rice husk carbon
Bioindicators for toxicity assessment of effluents from a wastewater treatment plant
Biological decontamination of post-cyanidation tailings dam water
Biological sulfate removal and metal recovery from mine waters
Biological treatment of a high strength nitrogenous wastewater.
Biotreatment and chemical speciation of lead and zinc mine mill wastewater discharges in Missouri, USA
Biotreatment of an industrial waste oil condensate.
Carrier activated sludge process (CASP)
Case studies in zero discharge, site remediation, water recovery and re-use in the mining industry utilizing industrial membrane technology
Case study for treatment of oily effluents from workshop of coal mines
Characteristics of Tailings from iron ore beneficiation plant and their disposal - An Indian scenario
Chemical treatment of emulsified oil in wastewater
Chromium Removal and Reduction in COD of Tannery Effluents
Coagulation studies on ossein wastewater treatment
Colour removal from aqueous solutions by adsorption
Colour removal from pulp and paper mill effluent using waste products
Colour removal from textile effluent using Refuse Derived Fuel as an adsorbent
Combined pre-degradation and anaerobic digestion for the treatment of a Baker's Yeast factory effluent.
Degradation of basic yellow auramine O-A textile dye by semiconductor photocatalysis
Design of cost effective coal washery effluent Treatment plant for sustainable development
Design of cost effective coal washery effluent treatment plant for sustainable development
Design of cost-effective coal washery effluent treatment plant for clean environment
Designing for water usage in processing plants in tropical area
Development and calibration of a mathematical model for the simulation of the biofiltration process
Development of an innovative approach for management of coal processing waste with natural resource utilization by-products
Development of oil-adsorbing materials and their application for the removal of oils and other petroleum-containing pollutants from water
Dynamic process modeling of wastewater stabilization ponds
Effect of coal washery effluent on morphology and organic contents of paddy
Effective removal of suspended solids from coal washery effluent for sustainable water supply
Efficacy Analysis of Treatment Plants for Workshop and Mine Effluents in Mahanadi Coalfield Ltd
EMEW: A new contributor to process effluent control and management
Environmentally safe disposal of waste waters
Equilibrium uptake, sorption dynamics, process optimization, and column operations for the removal and recovery of malachite green from wastewater
Evaluation of Acidic Mine Drainage Treatment in Constructed Wetland Systems
Failure of an industrial wastewater lagoon in a karst terrain and remedial action
Flocculating Algal-Bacterial System : Study of continuous phase
Flocculating Algal-Bacterial System : A New Method of Wastewater Treatment
Fly ash for the treatment of Cu(II) rich effluents.
Ground water utilisation vis-a-vis problems on surface water
Harvesting of Scenedesmus obliquus in Wastewaters: Auto- or Bioflocculation ?
Heavy metals removal from wastewater using synthetic zeolite
How much do effluent treatment plant units cost?
Hyper concentrated cultures of Scenedesmus obliqus A new approach for waste water biological tertiary treatment
Improved neutralization methods for the treatment of acidic process waters for recycle
Improved nitrogen treatment by constructed wetlands receiving partially nitrified liquid swine manure
Improvement of the anaerobic biodegradation of olive mill wastewater by prior ozonation pretreatment
Industrial study on comprehensive treatment of coking wastewater after biological removal of phenols
Interaction of 2,4,6-trinitrophenol with copper, zinc, molybdenum and chromium ferrocyanides
Iron Retention and Vegetative Cover at the Simco Constructed Wetland: An Appraisal Through Year Eight of Operation
Iteration Method For The Analysis Of BOD Data
Kinetic parameters for the removal of lead and chromium from wastewater using activated carbon developed from fertilizer waste material
Low-activity-level process waste waters: treatment by chemical precipitation and ion exchange
Luxury uptake of nitrogen in flocculating algal- bacterial system
Manganese and Iron Removal from Coal Mine Drainage by use of a Green Algae-Microbial Mat Consortium
Mariculture - Biological Treatment Industry
Metal Removal in Wetland Treatment Systems
Methodology to Obtain the Settling Velocity Analysis Curve for Mixed Primary Solids
Methods for improving biochemical treatment of coke plant wastewater
Modeling of sequencing batch reactors treating inhibitory and non-inhibitory wastewaters
Monitoring of heavy metals in eucalyptus, acacia and melia growing on coalmine spoil irrigated with raw domestic sewage-A case study in Jharia coalfield
Nitrogenous Wastewater Treatment by Activated Algae
Nutrients removal and conservation by activated algae in oxidation ditch.
Outdoor Algal Mass Cultures - II. Photosynthetic Yield Limitations
Performance Evaluation of Water Treatment Plants Based on Micro-filter Technology for Rural Water Supply
Performance Evaluation of Water Treatment Plants Based on Micro-filter Technology for Rural Water Supply
Performance of sequential batch reactors in biodegradation of phenol wastewater
Photo catalytic degradation of leather dye, acid green using ZnO in the slurry and thin film forms
Post-treatment of a brewery wastewater using a sequencing batch reactor
Potentiality of Activated Algae in Domestic Wastewater Treatment and Control of Eutrophication
Prediction of nitrate concentrations in effluent from spent ore
Pretreatment and desalination of mine drainage water in a pilot plant
Prevention of environmental pollution through installation of facultative aerated lagoon system at Gevra area SECL
Process Development for removal of substituted phenol by carbonaceous adsorbent obtained from fertilizer waste
Process development for the removal of zinc and cadmium from wastewater using slag - a blast furnace waste material
Process water management and treatment at the Golden cross mine
Process water quality and treatment: Issues and methodology
Qualitative modeling with imprecise ecological knowledge: a framework for simulation
Recent Advances in Biological Treatment and Environmental Monitoring
Recovery of coal fines as a resource from coal washery effluent and recycling and reuse of waste water
Removal of ammonia from coke-plant waste water by using synthetic zeolite
Removal of basic dyes from wastewater using boiler bottom ash.
Removal of chromium (Val) from electroplating industry Wastewater using bagasse fly ash -a sugar industry waste material
Removal of Cyanide from coke - plant Wastewater
Removal of fluoride from spent pit liner leachate using ion exchange.
Removal of lead from mine wastewater by low cost biosorbent "Rice Polish"
Removal of lead from wastewater using Bagasse fly ash -a sugar Industry waste material
Removal of phenol by adsorption on coal fly ash and activated carbon
Removal of suspended solids from coal washery effluents
Retaining agricultural nutrients in constructed wetlands - experiences under boreal conditions
Saprobity system for the assessment of water quality of lakes of Jalgaon district, Maharashtra
Sequencing batch reactor: An emerging technology for wastewater treatment
Sewage Treatment by Oxidation Ditch for Small Community Flows
Specialized microbes in phenolic waste management
Spectrophotometric determination of arsenic, antimony and bismuth with iodide and TX - 100 in Tank and industrial wastewaters
Stability of water treatment sludge, climax mine, Colorado Part II: Leaching characteristics
Studies on the mechanism of phosphorus removal from treated wastewater by sand
Suitability of tower packs as filter media or UAFFB Reactors for treatment of high BOD Wastewaters
The control of water in tailings ponds
The Removal of Nutrients and Organics by Activated Algae
The role of Salvina rotundifolia in scavenging aquatic Pb (II) pollution: a case study.
The treatment of polluted mine water
Treatment chromium bearing waste water by adsorption on brick kiln ash and fly ash
Treatment methodology using clari-flocculator and activated sludge process for upgradation of effluent quality from a cotton mill- A case study
Treatment of Arsenic (lll) Containing Wastewater by Adsorption on Hydrocalcite
Treatment of Domestic Wastewater by Flocculating Algal -Bacterial System
Treatment of mine water for public water supply by chlorinating for disinfection and its test for determination of free and residual chlorine
Treatment of sewage, sludge and industrial waste
Treatment of Synthetic Phenolic Waste Through Anaerobic Filter Technology
Treatment of waste water containing heavy metal ions using resin
Treatment options for mining effluents
Types of Chlorination equipment in common use for disinfecting public water supplies using coal mine discharge as raw water source
Unified Basis for Biological Treatment Design and Operation
Use of peat in waste treatment
Use of Solar Energy for Decolourization of Dye Bearing Effluent by Photo Catalytic Oxidation
Utilisation of waste water from alumina production
Waste Water Treatment and Renovation by Different Duckweed Species
Water and mass budgets of a vertical flow constructed wetland used for wastewater treatment
Water, Waste Water Treatment Technologies
Zeolite: A single-use sorbent for the treatment of metals-contaminated water and waste streams