Chapter 1664 Bylaws (Proposed)
Section 1.Regular meetings of South Jersey Shore Chapter1664of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association, shall be held on the third Wednesday of each month at 1pm, unless a meeting is cancelled by previous chapter vote or by action of the chapter executive committee, with due and reasonable notice to members. The regular meeting in October shall be the annual meeting.
Section 2. Special meetings shall be called by the chapter president when necessary, or upon written request of ten members of the chapter’s voting members. Written notice of special meetings shall be given to each voting member at least seven days before such meeting.
Section 3. A quorum for conducting chapter business shall consist of ten members of the chapter’s voting members, but less than a quorum may adjourn to meet on a future date, of which due notice shall be given to each voting member.
Section 1. Executive Board.The South Jersey Shore Chapter1664 Executive Board consists of the elected officers. Four elected officer positions are specified in the Constitution and are: President, Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurer.Active members of NARFE assigned to Chapter 1664 are eligible to serve as elected officers.
The Executive Board must approve all disbursements from the Chapter accounts. The Executive Board is responsible for the planning and continuity of chapter business and represents the Chapter to the New Jersey Federation of Chapters and National NARFE Headquarters. The Executive Board is responsible for the filing of tax forms, liability insurance, charitable donations and all reasonable expenditures on behalf of the Chapter.
Section 2. Executive Committee. The Chapter 1664 Executive Committee shall consist of the elected chapter officers, committee chairs, and other appointed officers. Past-presidents are afforded a position to respectfully honor their contribution to leadership and value their prior experience.
The Executive Committee shall act as liaison between officers, chairpersons, and committeesto ensure resources are available for Chapter activities. The Executive Committee shall fill a vacancy in any office and shall exercise such other functions as the chapter may prescribe.
The Executive Committee may, by resolution, require the treasurer (or the secretary-treasurer) to give bond for the performance of his or her duties. The expense of obtaining a bond shall be paid from chapter funds.
Section 3. Chairpersons.
The president may appoint Chairpersons to conduct necessary and recurrent functions of the Chapter. Active members of NARFE assigned to Chapter 1664 may serve as Chairpersons.
AMembership Chairperson shall be appointed by the president as this is a necessary and integral function of the Chapter. The Membership Chairperson may form a committee of volunteers if necessary. It shall be the responsibility of the Membership Chairperson to develop an annual Membership Plan that describes organized efforts to attract and retain members.
The Public Relations Chairperson shall be appointed by the presidentas this is a necessary and integral function of the Chapter. The Public Relations Chairperson may form a committee of volunteers if necessary. The Public Relations Chairperson will keep the local community abreast of Chapter activities and issues important to our members, as well as, informing the National Association and State Federation of Chapter activities.
Other necessary and recurrent functions may include appointment of chairpersons for coordinating efforts to support the Scholarship Fund, Alzheimer’s Fund, NARFE- PAC, and the Federal employees Disaster-Relief Fund.
Section 4. Appointed Officers.
The Legislative Officer shall be appointed by the president. The Legislative Officer may form a committee of volunteers if necessary. It shall be the duty of this committee to:
- keep abreast of state and national legislative matters concerning federal annuitants and prospective annuitants, and
- make recommendations for action to the chapter, the National Association, and the State Federation.
The Service Officer shall be appointed by the president. The Service Officer may form a committee of volunteers if necessary. The Service Officer must be knowledgeable about retirement and benefit procedures to help members complete request forms or answer questions.
The Sunshine Officer/Chaplain shall be appointed by the President to lead invocations at the chapter meetings, visits the sick and looks after the welfare of individual members through counseling or well-wishes.
Active members of NARFE assigned to Chapter 1664 may serve as Appointed Officers.
South Jersey Shore Chapter1664 shall be affiliated with the New Jersey State Federation of Chapters, subject to the constitution and bylaws of that body.
The provisions of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern chapter business in all matters not in conflict with the chapter constitution and bylaws or the Association’s Articles of Incorporation and National Bylaws.
An amendment to these bylaws may be enacted by concurrence of two-thirds of the voting members present and voting at any regular business meeting, provided written notice of the proposed amendment has been transmitted to all chapter voting members not less than 30 days before the meeting at which the vote is to be taken. Amendments shall then be approved at National Headquarters before becoming effective.
The order of business at all regular chapter meetings shall be:
1. Call to order
2. Invocation (or moment of silence)
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Introduction of new members
5. Reading of the minutes
6. Officer reports
7. Committee reports
8. Unfinished business
9. New business
10. Announcements
11. Program
12. Adjournment
South Jersey Shore Chapter 1664 Secretary
Approved at National Headquarters
National Secretary
NARFE Chapter 1664 Bylaws