TCM Affiliate Meeting
Present: Jovanna Vink. SLI; Shawna Link, Caring and Compassionate Care; Shelli Barrett, Monaco; Rick Snodgrass, Monaco; Cynthia Fecchia, CLO; Coleen Hernandez, CDDO;
Susie Kirkwood, CDDO; Erin Toby, SLI; Rachel Kuehn, CDDO; Amy Shockey, SLI; Ann Barr, TARC; Mandy Kline ESCF; Donna Holstein, SLI; Sabrina Winston, CDDO; Renee Huelskamp, ESCF; Kristy Rasnic, STEPS; Tim Gorton, SLI; Ramona Macek, CDDO; Jillian Ericson, TARC; Tracey Herman, TARC; Jennifer Brancaccio, TARC; Sarah Feldhausen, TARC; Robert Smith, CDDO; Dawn Zabala, SLI; Ali Pontious, Sunflower Supports; Celeste Hund, Flower Supports; Nancy Rhone, CDDO; Paula O’Brian, CDDO; Larry Collins, SLI
CDDO Updates:
Ø The meetings opened with introductions.
Ø Ramona stated that she hoped all TCMs had attended the informational sessions held at the Holiday Inn Express on Aug. 23rd and 28th. She encouraged TCMs to go to each of the three Managed Care Organization (MCO) websites (handout) as each one has specialty areas. She went on to state that in November Medicaid recipients will be automatically assigned to a MCO, if they have Medicaid and that their doctors may not be contracted with that MCO and may be getting calls. In some cases TCMs could share the website information with families. Once they are assigned to an MCO they will be able to change MCOs by Dec. 31 then they will have from Jan. 1 to Feb 15 to switch MCOs but after that after that cannot change again for a year.
Ø Ameri-group is planning an informational meeting in October. They have asked for questions for that meeting. Ramona stated that if anyone has questions to email them to her by Sept. 21. She stated that she will email the dates once they have been decided.
Ø The Transition Checklist has been updated and uploaded into the BCI. Do not use the old ones.
Added to the checklist:
ü Page 5: List all documents not brought to the transition meeting, the responsible party, reason why documents were not brought, and the date the
ü documents will be exchanged. This is so that Sabrina and Coleen can see who is not providing the documentation and to ensure that all the information is exchanged and holds those who are not providing the information accountable.
ü Page 2: Shawnee County CDDO must be notified and invited to attend this meeting. SNCDDO Quality Management Coordinator will review to make a determination of the need for attendance.
ü Page 9: Under multiple providers two questions were combined into one which is “What is this person’s schedule for work/day service? “If multiple day providers list the specific schedule for each provider & when the person is supported by their agency?”
If you have any questions or comments contact Coleen.
Ø Robert asked if everyone understood when to use or not use the multiple provider code. It is not intended for just in case. That it needs to be specific dates for each provider and when they are providing the supports. It was stated every one needs to understand that the person needs to go to this provider all the time they are open and to this provider when this provider is closed and they provide a day service. And that the transition or team meeting (if only days are being change) needs to be completed prior to the change. Ramona stated that day service providers need to that if they are billing for a day service activity according to the KMAP manual and it does not match the PCSP they may be recouped on. She also stated that not every CDDO offers multiple providers and that this seems to be getting out of control. She said that she did not want to see multiple providers to end as the persons served seem to benefit from different day service providers. If there is an issue with the person served the CDDO needs to be called in to assist.
Ø Robert stated that the CSD day and residential POCs have started to come in but there are still a few needing to be submitted.
Ø Be sure to close out POCs as the state is tracking utilization of services. If someone is placed in a nursing home the close them out completely and if for some reason not utilizing a service then close them out temporarily.
Guest Speaker:
Ø Kristine Smith, LMSW, Adult Protective Supervisor, spoke about when to make an APS report and what happens once an APS Report has been received. She also talked about the process that it takes to get a guardian and that they needed a solid case to present to the judge. Guardianship does not happen just because an individual is making bad desiccations.
w There is an APS Stakeholder meeting scheduled for Nov. 7th from 10 am.-12 p.m. at the DCF Learning Center.
w If you have any questions contact Kristine Smith at 785-296-5824 or email .
Ø Sept. 27th – CDDO Quarterly Training (flier to be emailed)
The next meeting November 1st at 3 pm.