Meopham and District Allotment Association


As well as members of the 2015/16 committee 17 plot holders attended the meeting commencing promptly at 2pm

  1. Apologies for absencewere received from Roger Clark, Sheila Cave, Ken Jones and Robin Lee.
  1. Review and Acceptance of the 2015/16AGM minutes.Having been circulated at the meeting, the 2015/16 AGM minutes were following a show of hands accepted as a true record of events.
  1. The Committee Chairman Mike Shipwayoutlined his annual review of 2015/16 starting by starting that it had not been his intention to stand for Chairman but that in the lack of any volunteers he had put his name forward. Mike advised that during the year the plot number/row posts and identification had been purchased and fitted to ease plot identification, that a large skip had been provided for the purpose disposal of unwanted items with a view to tidy the site (although at a cost to the association of £250 + VAT) and that Sandy Ross had started a Facebook site for which pictures, questions etc. were invited from plot holders to use for the benefit of the site.

Mike further added thanks to Andy Tasker for looking after the issue of membership cards and the Committee for their continued support. Mike reminded those present the Committee are all volunteers, new Committee members were always welcome and that if any plot holder wished to organise an event that the Committee would facilitate and support where possible.

One person had been evicted during the previous period. There was no waiting list which could reflect upon the work to be carried out by the committee and running costs.

Finally Mike advised that volunteers for working parties were always welcome, reminding that just a few more people assisting would make the completing of tasks much easier.

  1. The Committee Treasurer David Lightowleroutlined his report of income and expenditure, and summary of the accounts for the year 2015/16 having been circulated in advance on Facebook, email and having been circulated at the meeting.

David provided an overview of the financial position which although remaining strong are declining due the increasing cost of site maintenance due in particular to a number of plots not being renewed. These 6 plots had been shown to new applicants but are in such a neglected state they were proving difficult to re let. As such David proposed an increase in the annual rent to £30. Following a long discussion the increase to £30 proposed and seconded before being put to a vote where it was agreed with 1 vote against and 0 abstention.

A question was asked with regard the possibility of electronic payment which having explained previous issues with this, David agreed to review.

David also advised that although he had relinquished his plot he would be standing down as a fulltime Committee member but he would be happy to continue in the role of Treasurer.

  1. The audited accounts for 2015/2016,having been proposed and seconded, were received and adopted with 1 abstention.
  1. Lettings Officer Peter Hughes gave his annual report advising that approximately 30 plots had been re-let in 2015/16, but that there were currently 10 vacant plots. Peter advised the return of keys when people vacated plots remained an issue (a cost) to the association and reminder those present that adjacent footpaths are the responsibility of plot holders.
  1. At this point the existing Committee members retired andelection of the 2016/17 Chairman and Committee members took place:-

The following committee members:-

Mike Shipway, RobinLee,Trevor Page, Steve Edwards and Peter Hughes were willing to continue in office and were duly elected.

Mike Shipway advised that in lieu of any volunteers he would stand again for Chairman. No other proposals were received and following vote with 1 abstention, Mike was voted back into the position for the period 2016/17.

Sandy Ross having been duly nominated and seconded was elected onto the committee

  1. It was agreed that as having a skip on the site had proved popular in the past, that another skip would be placed on site in 2016/17. The Portaloo will remain on site until the end of the school Summer holiday at an approximate cost of £15 per week plus insurance. As the committee do not regularly review the condition of the Portaloo, plot holders were encouraged to contact the supplier directly if the standard of maintenance was considered unacceptable, as this is included within the rental. Contact information to be displayed at next hire.
  1. Andy Tasker kindly volunteered to hand out membership cards to allotment holders, he will advise dates and times.
  1. It was agreed that the toilet plot and adjacent car park be resurfaced. After discussion the AGM voted against the committee’s proposal for an extension/additional car parking.
  1. It was discussed and agreed that the clearing of vacant plots and foot paths should continue. Several plot holders had volunteered in 2015/16 to help clear un-rented plots but sadly no one helped. Association funds will be required to undertake the clearance as well as the maintenance of the gate end of the site.
  1. It was agreed the treasurer could amend the bank account allowing him to undertake expenditure of £250 or less without a second signature.
  1. It was reported that last year over 50 plotholders had not paid their plot rent by the 1st February, the annual lease renewal date. It was agreed, to ease the burden upon the Treasurer, rather than send numerous email and make telephone calls to chase payment, that if annual payment of rent were was not received by midnight 1st February an additional £10 fee should be made making the rent £40 for that year.The committee proposed the additional late payment fee should be donated to a nominated charity. Following vote with 3 abstention the proposal was defeated by a majority with (following further vote) the £10 going to Association funds.
  1. Since the AGM Pascal Benn has been co-opted on to the committee. He will organize a survey and liaise with the Meopham Parish Council on matters arising from the survey.

The meeting was closed at 4pm

Committee members - Mike Shipway – Chairman, David Lightowler – Treasurer, Trevor Page – Secretary, Robin Lee, Steve Edwards, Peter Hughes, Pascal Benn, Publishing/Advertising– Sandy Ross.