Student Staff Liaison Committee
The SSLC normally meets one a term, with each meeting lasting approximately one hour.
The purpose of the SLC is to create a space for students and staff to discuss programmes of study in a safe and honest environment. To discuss what is going well and what is not; and to share ideas, suggestions and complaints.
The role of a Student Representative is, primarily, to represent the views of, and convey the feedback from, students studying on his/her degree programme, or contextual course, or core courses, or the Professional Programme.
The role of a Staff Representative is, primarily, to give appropriate immediate feedback at the meetings and to provide subsequent feedback once a matter has been discussed with the relevant subject faculty.
One meeting is held for each Year cohort.
For Year 1 and Year 2, attendees are:
Student Representative for each degree subject
Student Representative for each contextual subject [if a degree-subject Student Representative cannot serve]
Student Representative for the core courses and the Professional Programme
Staff Representative for each degree and contextual subject
Coordinator of the core courses
Convenor for the Professional Programme
Student Support Coordinator
For Year 3, attendees are:
Student Representative for each degree subject
Student Representative for the core course and the Professional Programme
Staff Representative for each degree subject
Coordinator of the core course
Convenor for the Professional Programme
Student Support Coordinator
Collegium normally meets at the beginning and end of Michaelmas term, at the end of Hilary term, and at the end of Trinity term.
Collegium is the gathering of all teaching staff at the College, full-time, part-time and sessional, plus the Registrar, so that the Master can update them about developments and initiatives, pass on the results of reviews and student questionnaires, iterate points of teaching and Collegiate ethos, ask for comments and suggestions, and hold an open discussion of College matters generally.
It is an opportunity for the full academic complement to share ideas and updates; and keeps everyone informed in addition to the regular communications throughout term from the Master, Registrar, and Convenors.
Programme Team
[Extract from Memorandum of Agreement - Schedule 2: Operational Management]
Programme Team Meeting
23. Programme Team meetings will be held twice in any 12-month period at NCH. Due to the major/minor structure of the courses delivered at NCH the Programme Team meetings will cover all validated courses
Attendees at the meetings will be:
NCH Programme Convenor (nominated Chair)
All SSU Link Tutors
All NCH Programme Convenors
One student representative for each Major Subject, elected by the student body
A member of NCH administrative staff to take the notes
The Chair will be free to co-opt support and involvement from NCH and SSU staff with the relevant expertise including Unit Leaders, as the need arises.
24. The quorum shall be 50% of the eligible membership in post (inclusive of 25% of NCH members in post and 25% of SSU members in post, and one student per Major Subject).
25. The Terms of Reference of the Programme Team meeting are to:
i. ensure the effective day-to-day operation of the course provision in accordance with the procedures and arrangements stipulated in the Memorandum of Agreement and this Schedule;
ii. review all aspects of the day-to-day academic operation of the provision, associated student support and administration, ensuring that the standards and quality of the provision and the student experience are appropriate and safeguarded, these aspects to include, inter alia, staffing, timetabling, space allocation/usage, teaching delivery, assessment/moderation arrangements and operation, student attendance, progress and achievement, proposals for amendment or modification of the provision or its operation, staff development requirements;
iii. consider issues arising from the operation of the provision, including any issues raised through student feedback mechanisms, and agree operational solutions and/or recommendations for action to be considered by the Partnership Management Group. Ordinarily where issues are discussed by the Programme Team that might require changes in operating practice, it is expected that NCH Programme Convenors will make the recommendations for the Programme Team and PMG to consider;
iv. consider External Examiner reports and NCH response relating to course;
v. monitor and review progress to Course Review and the agreed actions.