Minutes of Mariners Trust Board Meeting

Date: 10th December 2016 | Time: 10:00 | Venue: Mariners Trust Bar
Item / Title / Details
1 / Attendees: / Terry Rudrum
Jon Wood
Hannah Dawson
Ian Townsend
Paul Savage
Stuart Raithby
Kristine Green
Andrew Nutting
Allan Rutter
Tom Roberts
Dave Otter
Christopher Thirwell
Sharon Dobbs
Peter Cribb / Apologies: / Handyn Sanvig
Allan Ogle
Rich Mills
2 / Previous minutes reviewed. SR informed the board that the footgolf competition will be rescheduled in the spring for better weather.
3 / Feedback from the AGM.
All felt the AGM went well and according to plan
All board members asked to sign a code of conduct in line with regulations. All present at meeting agreed.
c) / Meeting layout and future meetings
Skye and mobile devices to include exiled board members, can use club wifi and tablets bought by the trust during parkway consultation
Agreed that the next meeting date would be set at the end of the current meeting
Minutes and agendas to be sent out in a timely manor
5 / Roles and board succession.
List of rolls and suggested persons given out. To be discussed and decided upon by end of the week.
IT asked for assistance with merchandise orders
b) / Feedback from GTFC meetings
JW stated that there was not much to report from the GTFC board meetings. There is a lot going on in the background regarding the new stadium, but nothing to report at this time. JW also wanted to state that as a member of the board, he was fully involved with Paul Hurst’s departure and also the appointment of his successor, Marcus Bignot.
Meeting with club officials
During our last meeting with ?Ian Fleming and Steve Wraith, our representatives put forward our thought on the handling of the Doncaster Rovers ticket allocation. SW stated that they did not believe the allocation would sell out based on the information that they had at the time.
The trust has been asked to contribute towards the bill for the PRS license, which has significantly increased.
The board agreed on a sub committee to attend these meetings in future, but other board members may attend if required.
7 / SLO update
The board training run by SD will take place in the trust bar on Sunday 28th January. KG to send agenda.
KG has responded to the FSF questionnaire and emailed responses
KG attended SLO meeting at Wigan,
#KG has had good communication with Doncaster Rovers and everything is good with the Christmas arrangements for the kids.
AR offered KG with assistance with her role as SLO
8 / Memberships
There are still some free season ticket membership certificates to send, but this is in hand. CT assisting with this#
Membership cards to be distributed at the home games in the new year.
a) / Fundraising and events
Youth crowdfunder – there is nothing set out as to what is required yet, project on hold until further information is available
FA cup draw – IT to distribute tickets to be sold by board members. Needs to be pushed on social media
FA cup draw to be held during quiz night on 27th January
Fans forum to be organised with MB
10 / Merchandise
Black Friday saw a spike in November sales and some good money was made
Hannah has a range of novelty valentines day cards
Mercht – Bogle t-shirt selling well, trust to buy some to get signed by OB
PS in talks with Mercht about the possibility of children’s sizes in the future,
11 / Communications
All is well with things as they are
Christmas newsletter has arrived
12 / Juniors
Possibility of replacing birthday cards with recorded message from MB
13 / Community / Sponsorship
Quiet at moment.
Discussed getting more for our money from the things that we sponsor – to be reviewed.
14 / Bars
SD reports all going well in bars. Christmas draw taking place in players lounge later today.
YTD averaging 99p per crowdmemeber
15 / Treasurers Report
IT sent accounts via email.
100’s club prize money has to increase to meet legal requirement due to increased entries.
Next meeting: Saturday 14th January, 10am, Trust bar.