Present: Cllr J Chalke (Chairman), Cllr N Holmes, Cllr J Edwarde, Cllr K Hawes (left at 8.30pm), Cllr C Simmons, Cllr T Mitchell, Cllr G Korbel, Cllr C Park, Cllr J Smith
Apologies: Cllr P Crane , Cllr M Burbridge, Cllr A Higgins, Cllr S van Maurik
In Attendance: Mrs D Little (Clerk)
1. Apologies for Absence were received from Cllrs Burbridge, Crane, Higgins and van Maurik
2. Declaration of Interest – none
3. Minutes of Strategy Committee meeting held on 13th October 2008 –Minutes were approved and duly signed.
4. To Report on Matters Arising from Previous Meeting: - None
5. Coal yard Update –
i) Cllr Chalke reported that he and Cllr Holmes had been down to Lewes that day and signed the Deed of Easement. This had been held up due to ESCC mapping being unclear and indicating that someone else might own a strip of land. Cllr Holmes had worked with the Highways team and this strip of land has now been proved to be definitely owned by ESCC.
ii) Colin Lissenden. Development Director, Town & Country Housing Group has confirmed that, although communication has been poor and that exchange had still not taken place, they were working hard towards the planning application, which was nearly complete. One more issue needs to be agreed between respective solicitors and then exchange can take place.
iii) The final issue relates to foul drainage. If Town & Country is unable to lay drainage, they would need an alternative mechanism. This would require an outflow from the septic tank across Medhurst land or Buckhurst land. To this end, a clause has been entered into the contract stipulating that if related costs exceed £15,000 then Town & Country would reduce the cost price of the land by the exceeded amount. It was unanimously agreed that this is open ended and totally unacceptable. Cllr Holmes to instruct Vance Harris that this is not acceptable to HPC and should be dealt with as a service requirement.
6. Develop an Action Plan for 3 Year Forward Plan –
i) Youth Hut – Cllr Chalke confirmed that Cllr Mitchell has started work on the youth hut. He has replaced the cistern unit and pipes. He has cleared the blocked drains so they are all working, but require drain covers. Two of the windows require glass to be replaced and paintwork needs to be done to stop the rot. Cllr Holmes had spoken to members of the Community Association who confirmed that they were ineligible to receive some grants because the Youth Hut is owned by HPC. Cllr Mitchell to co-ordinate Working Party to remove wire frames from windows, renew putty and paint. The weather boarding needs a coat of creosote which will also serve to remove the graffiti. The cleaner is to clean thoroughly with the help of some children with special needs.
ii) Coleman’s Hatch Bus Shelter – Cllr Holmes confirmed that she had received quotes from Ridge Top Building and Roofing and Prestige Builders & Decorators. Ardon Construction had visited site but wanted to carry out more work than was felt necessary. Generally felt that if the shelter was patched up, it would last another ten years. Cllr Simmons agreed to meet on site with Prestige Builders, who submitted lowest quotation, to clarify what he is proposing. Approval to accept Prestige Builders at full PC meeting on April 6th 2009.
iii) Fingerposts - Cllr Chalke confirmed that he had driven around the Parish and taken photographs of the ten fingerposts. Some worse than others. Still awaiting confirmation from ESCC that they will pay for half the maintenance costs. Cllr Mitchell to assess costs and co-ordinate repair – need rubbing down, primer and paint.
iv) Handyman – Cllr Chalke confirmed that £500 had been placed in the budget for reactive repairs to enable the use of a handyman. Cllr Holmes reported that she knows an ex-builder who charges £80 per day. He will meet with Cllr Mitchell to discuss potential jobs, although it was pointed out that the budget only allowed for six days work.
v) Lower priorities on the forward plan were not discussed at this meeting.
Some Councillors felt that the Strategy meeting should have been held prior to setting the budget to enable further discussion of the Forward Plan. Generally felt that this could happen next year when there may be increased funds to be allocated depending on priority.
7. Parish Council Quality Status – Clerk reported that PC were mostly fulfilling required criteria although it would be necessary to formulate a Statement of Intent regarding training requirements for both Clerk and Councillors. At subsequent reaccreditation, it would be necessary to produce evidence that this had been adhered to. Clerk to put together in conjunction with Chair and Vice Chair.
8. Process for Dealing with Consultation Documents – Currently the Clerk circulates consultation documents to Councillors but they are rarely responded to. Clerk suggested that two or three Councillors on a rotating basis could deal with consultations, but this was not agreed. After some discussion, it was agreed that Clerk should place consultation documents on the correspondence list but only circulate if she felt something was particularly important/relevant to Hartfield. Cllr Holmes expressed concern that HPC would be considered as being parochial rather than considering the wider implications for the whole County.
9. Matters for Reporting and Inclusion in Future Agendas – None
Meeting closed at 9.50pm