

The Modern Language Association of America has endorsed this format for use in scholarly manuscripts and student research papers.

MLA reports contain a method of citing sources called parenthetical reference. MLA reports involve several distinctive format features.


In the header box, choose right alignment from the toolbar so the cursor moves to the right side. Type your name at this point. Space one time; then click on the “Insert Page Number” icon on the header/footer toolbar. It is the piece of paper with the # sign on it.

Margins and Page Numbers

1.MLA-style reports are formatted with one-inch top, side, and bottom margins.

This includes all pages, even the first.

2.All page numbers (including the first page) are keyed at the right margin one-half inch (.05”)

from the top edge of the paper. The writer’s last name precedes the page number. (See above.)

3.The entire report is double-spaced. This line spacing includes the Works Cited page as well as

long quotations.

First-Page Information

1.MLA reports do not include a title page. Title page information is keyed on the first page of the

report at the left margin, 1” from the top of the page. The information is double spaced and

should include the writer’s name, the instructor’s name, the course title, and the date. EX.

Your Own Name

Mrs. Santanna

Basic Keyboarding

08 January 2003

Standard Format for an MLA-Style Research Report

The first line of the report appears 1 double space below the identification information. The first line is indented 1 tab, or ½ inch. These features are very different from the short report format.

Long Quotations

1. Quotations of more than 4 lines are set off from the rest of the text by indenting the text 1” from the left margin. The quotation is double-spaced and no quotation marks are included. No paragraph indention is needed when quoting a single paragraph from the same source.

a. If the writer’s name introduces the quote, only the page number needs to be placed in

the parenthetical reference. (18)

b. If there are several works by the same author, the title or part of it should be included

with the reference. (Writer’s Guide 18)

c.If the writer’s name does not introduce the quote, it should be added to the parenthetical

reference. (Miller 18)

Works Cited

Works cited in the report are listed alphabetically by author surnames (last names) at the end

of the report on a separate page. Use Insert>Break>Page Break or Ctrl Enter to advance to a new page The margins are the same as the rest of the report. The writer’s last name and the sequential page number are at the upper right, ½ inch from the top.

Key the heading, “Works Cited,” 1” from the top of the page. Each reference is DS. The first line of each reference begins at the left margin; other lines are indented 0.5.” (Use your hanging indent.)

Use correct spacing between words and punctuation marks when keying the Works Cited.

Works Cited

Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 4th ed. New York: The Modern

Language Association of America, 1995.

Harcourt, Jules. A. C. “Buddy” Krizan, and Patricia Merrier. Business Communication. 3d ed.

Cincinnati: South-Western Educational Publishing, 1996.


Formatting Works Cited entries can be troublesome for many students. The best source of information is the MLA Handbook for Research Writers. Make sure it is a 5th edition. Most English teachers, as well as our library have these books.

If you are at home and need help, try doing a search online for MLA citing. There are many sources on the Internet. Some good ones include the Writing Center at Purdue University. Many colleges maintain good sites as references for their students. Make sure it is an updated site using the 5th edition. Try this: