College of Engineering, Forestry and Natural Sciences –Geology

Geology 112– Geologic DisastersSummer 3-week session 2013

9:00am – 12:15pmMTWTh

3 semester hours credit

Instructor:Dr. David M. Best, Professor Emeritus of Geology

Office:Geology Annex, Bldg 13, Room A-203

Office Hrs:1:30pm – 3:00pm Tor by appointment (please email to set up)

Phone:928.523.7205 (no voice mail accepted)

E-mail: (Please enter GLG 112 in subject line)

Textbook: Earth’s Natural Hazards, Best and Hacker, Kendall/HuntPublishing Company

Course Prerequisites: None. Note that GLG 112L, Geologic Disasters Lab, is a corequisite (see Note 3 below).

Course Description: Geology 112 is a liberal studies course that meets the distribution requirement forscience/applied science. When a student completes GLG 112L, the two courses can be used to meet the Distribution Requirement for alab science. Important note: these courses cannot be used to fill both the science/applied and lab science requirements—the student must select one. GLG 112 is a three semester credit hour course that covers the fundamental physical concepts in geology, including dynamics of Earth and how they relate to natural disasters.

Student Learning Expectations/Outcomes for this Course: You are expected to review the material in the text prior to each lecture. This allows you to have a familiarity with the terms and concepts that will be presented in class. Upon completion of the course, you should have an understanding and appreciation of the basic processes that have contributed to Earth as we see it today.

Course structure/approach: The course is centered on lectures that will introduce and enhance material presented in your textbook. You should use the text and lectures as your basis for learning about the geology of Earth and disasters that occur in and on it. Be sure to check the course web site regularly (web site found at). You should bookmark this link.

Course Policies and Comments:

1. Because this is a three-week class, it is imperative you be present each day as we cover the equivalent of a week’s worth of material during a regular semester. If you do miss class, you should get the notes from a fellow student so you are aware of what was covered. There could be unannounced handout exercises to complete as part of the lecture material.

2. Be respectful of your fellow students and of me—please don’t chat, talkor text during lecture, eat any food,or try not to arrive late or leave early. If you must arrive late or leave early,please sit along the aisle at the entry door. Also turn off cell phones and all other electronic devices while class is in session (except laptops).

3. Lab (GLG112L) is graded separately and carries its own one semester hour of credit. YOU MUST COMPLETE BOTH LECTURE AND LAB IN ORDER TO RECEIVE CREDIT FOR GEOLOGY 112 AS A LAB SCIENCE. The lab portion of this course meets on Mondays and Wednesdays from 1:30pm to 4:30pm.

4. All lecture exams could contain multiple choice, matching, and short essay questions. No exams will be given earlier than the scheduled date. No makeup exams will be given.

5. Please see me early in the course if you are having problems. Don’t wait until it’s too late to correct any issues you might be having.

6. NAU policies regarding Safe Working and Learning Environment are available on the web at

Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes:

Methods of Assessment: There will be three in-class exams that will generate your grade in this course. You may not request extra credit—any that might arise will be offered by me.

Grading System:Points

Three exam scores (100 pts each) 300TOTAL

Final course grade breakdown:

A = 270 points or higher (90% or higher);

B = 240 - 269pts (80 – 89%);

C = 210 - 239pts (70 – 79%);

D = 165 - 209pts (55 – 69%);

F = <165 pts (<55%)

COURSE OUTLINE – Geology 112

(subject to change that would be announced)

Dates / Topic/Chapter
May 13 / Introduction - Overview of Natural Hazards - Chapter 1
May 14 / Dynamic Earth System - Chapter 2
May 15 / Volcanoes - Chapter 3
May 16 / EXAM #1 ; Earthquakes - Chapter 4
May 20 / Tsunami - Chapter 6; Mass Movements and Subsidence – Chapter 5
May 21 / Global Climate and Hazardous Weather – Chapter 8
May 22 / EXAM #2 ; Flooding and Streams - Chapter 9
May 23 / Coastal Regions and Land Loss – Chapter 10
May 28 / Hurricanes, Cyclones and Typhoons - Chapter11
May 29 / Wildfires – Chapter 12
May 30 / EXAM #3