Hopson Middle School Matrix

Entryway / Hallways / Lunchroom / Gym / Locker room / Bathroom / Library / Office / Bus
Together / Appropriate language & contact. / Share space. / Include everyone. / Appropriate physical contact. / Appropriate language. / Appropriate language & contact. / Appropriate language & contact
Responsibility / Go home in a timely manner. / Walk.
Stay grounded.
Be on time.
Stay out of others' lockers.
Keep your locker secure.
Get materials between classes.
Close lockers quietly. / Stay in line.
Keep hands to self.
Quiet voices.
Take only what you will eat
Visit bathroom before returning to class. / Use appropriate language.
Play by the rules.
Use equipment as intended.
Clean up after yourself. / Respect others' property.
Keep facility clean.
Lock up your belongings.
These lockers are for GYM GEAR only. / Respect others rights to privacy.
Leave walls unmarked.
Practice good hygiene. / Respect each others' right to learn.
Follow library etiquette; return books on time. / Follow adult directions.
Wait quietly.
Use respectful language.
Stay in your assigned spot.
Own your own behavior. / Listen to the driver.
Follow posted directions.
Keep the bus clean.
Be ready to board the bus when it arrives.
A+ Attitude / Keep responses positive. / Use positive language
Smile. / Use good manners.
Smile. / Be positive
Show good sportsmanship. / Close lockers quietly. / Be quiet and polite. / Be a good sport during library game days. / Hear both sides of the story.
Cooperation / Stay clear of doorways; allow access. / Wait for space to open at your locker. / Wait your turn.
Take your seat and remain there. / Share equipment. / Share space. / Finish and get back to class / Reminders of responsibilities listed above. / Follow adult directions. / Share seats.
Kindness / Open doors to assist others. / Speak politely to others.
Help others. / Say "please" and "thank you". / Include everyone. / "Please and thank you" go a long way. / Leave the bathroom clean for the next person. / Please and thank you go a long way. / Help others if needed.

Hopson Middle School Matrix

Parking lot / Assembly / Fire drills / Field trips / Student Store
Together / Watch out for the safety of others. / Use appropriate language.
Have appropriate contact.
Sit with your class. / Walk calmly and quickly.
Stay with your class.
Line up / Stay with group. / Wait your turn.
Wait patiently.
Responsibility / Appropriate language and contact.
Respect others' property.
Watch for moving vehicles.
Lock up your bike. / Stay seated.
Give the speaker/performer your best attention. / Follow adult instructions.
Listen for your name during role call. / Show respect for chaperones and guides. / Use good manners.
A+ Attitude / Be safe. / Follow adult directions. / Complete the drill. / Stay focused on the purpose of the trip. / Throw away your trash.
Bring your own money.
Cooperation / Keep ramp clear.
Once you have entered, stay in the building. / Return to class in a timely manner. / Help classmates to follow field trip procedures. / Leave hallway clean.
Kindness / Get adult help if needed. / P & T / Help each other. / Help classmates with special needs. / P & T

Hopson Classroom Matrix

Class Entry / Class Exit / Direct Instruction / Independent Work / Computer Use / Testing / Passing things in/out / Class discussions
Together / Enter calmly.
Get ready to work. / Wait to be dismissed. / Face the speaker / Talk quietly.
Keep yourself and others on task. / Remain quiet until everyone is finished. / Make sure everyone gets the necessary materials / Respect others' opinions and ideas.
Responsibility / Enter one at a time.
Use a quiet voice.
Have materials.
Follow class procedures.
Be on time.
Stay grounded.
Have pencil sharpened. / Follow class procedures.
Write down homework assignment.
Take all your things with you.
Stay grounded. / Listen attentively.
Stay awake and alert.
Bring materials to class. / Respect others' ideas.
Follow teacher instructions.
Ask questions if you need help.
Complete your assignment. / Stay on task.
Return computers to cart when you are finished and plug them in.
Chargers stay in the cart. / Be on time.
Follow all instructions.
Have a pencil and other materials. / Hand the materials to each person.
Double check that everyone has gotten/has turned in materials. / Listen when others are talking.
Contribute to the
A+ Attitude / Be ready to learn. / Walk calmly. / Participate in class activities. / Accept constructive feedback.
Be self-motivated. / Take care of your computer. / Keep answers to yourself.
Do your best. / Wait your turn patiently. / Be willing to take risks.
Cooperation / Follow teacher directions. / Follow classroom procedures. / Share ideas.
Share materials. / Ask a peer/explain to a peer.
Clean up after yourself. / Buddy check. / Silence during testing.
Lend pencils. / Hand out and collect things in a timely and orderly manner. / Give the speaker your attention.
Kindness / Help others.
Use good manners. / Help others.
Use good manners. / Share class notes.
Accept others' ideas. / Motivate and encourage others.
Complement others' work. / Ask before taking pictures. / Encourage others to do their best. / Remember "please" and "thank you." / Give others positive feedback.

Hopson Classroom Matrix

Breaks/Transitions / Group work
Together / Stay in assigned groups.
Responsibility / Follow directions.
Move in a quiet and timely manner.
Put away materials.
Get new materials. / Respects others' points of view.
Do your part of the group work.
A+ Attitude / Be ready to learn. / Be a positive participant.
Cooperation / Work together.
Keep others on TRACK. / Share materials.
Kindness / Encourage others.
"Please" and "thank you" go a long way. / Make positive comments.
Keep comments on task.