Minutes of GJCA committee meeting held 5/10/14 at St.Mary’s clubrooms

Chair:Dennis Davie Minutes: Ian Pritchard

Present:, Werner Weigl, Trevor Elliot, Peter Jepson, Joe Garipoli, Tim Henry, Glen Potter (BPCA), Paul Madden, David Barnes

In attendance;Grant Dew

Apologies: Tony Jefferies

Opened 7.30pm

Business arising

  1. Junior ‘Code’ posters are being distributed by Dennis Davie (cost about $375 each).
  2. Underage ruling: committee discussed our need to be aware of how we are seen in the community and discrimination issues. Resolved to assess each application on its merit in the future, even those out of U17 age group. E.Belmont player allowed play in U17 comp, There are exceptional circumstances in this case which need to be considered. Lara player also able to play in GJCA and also in disabled comp at MCG.

Tony Jefferies to put this on the website ‘interim rulings for over 17 players on the basis of a medical certificate’.

Concerns were raised about liability issue, need to consult Julie Allan

  1. Friday night catering: Resolved that each Friday night club to do their own thing.While on Sat home club to provide food.

Agenda Items

  • Coloured clothing

We are generally happy with the implementation of coloured clothing but reserve the right to assess each club clothing before next season. We suggested that lighter colour would be are OK and that umpires/coaches should also be provided with club gear/fluorescent tops.

  • Representative cricket: 16th Nov. against Ballarat, grounds, umpires are organised, some balls to be provided by Dennis (umpires to be paid $100/game).

Some clubs have nominated 4 players which has resulted in too many players especially in U13.

Resolved that players that cannot attend trials are able to train with higher age groups of other days. Also delisted rocket players will be selected automatically. The Gisborne games will be in Gisborne on hard wickets (7th Dec.) Trial games and training sessions to be held 9th Nov.

BPCA details on the website. Trevor Elliot to provide batting and bowling restrictions to Joe.

  • Country Week: Will be first week of January 2015, launch will be Sunday 4th Jan. Dennis still needs to organise grounds. Colac Assoc. proposed to send Rep players to Warrnambool and second sides to Country week.
  • Finance/budget: Balance in GJCA account $7214.08 at Nov. A cheque has been send for posters
  • Age coordinators: U11 nothing to report

U13 There has been a large movement of players this season to assist other clubs make up numbers. We think this is a good thing

U15 Round 1 dispute between Anglesea/Aireys Inlet and Bannockburn. David to send request to each club for their version of events

U17 StJosephs player played a round 3 game before he was cleared by Highton a age coordinator. David to seek explanation

  • Clearances: 91 clearance have been put through by Werner all now resolved
  • Grounds:Concerns have been expressed about Sth Barwon No 4 and Hurst Res. We also will need to check the status of Windmill Res. Many other ground under stress and we will need to do ongoing assessments.
  • Rules:Revised bowling rules for one day and two day games causing some problems at club level since not understood (may need to be rewritten) but hope that education of coaches will solve. Need to reinforce new rules on website. The 5 overs from each end also seems to be problematic since has not resulted in more over being bowled.
  • MyCricket:Ian to confirm all results for first 3 rounds with not right to dispute. Tony has noted a number of players in each age group playing out of their age group, the Age coordinators to investigate if possible. Ian to do U17 for Paul who doesn’t have access


  1. Roles on junior committee/administrator:David Barnes is happy to provide any assistance he is asked to.
  2. Monday 17th Nov 2014 Junior Coordinators meeting need an agenda (David)
  3. Discussed the U15 rules governing end of score/innings after 10 wickets have fallen and ability to continue batting up to 13 players in U15. This needs further discussion since committee was divide on this.

Next meeting Wednesday3rdDec, 7.30pm at E. Belmont.

Meeting closed at 9.15pm