NAME ______
Chapter10 Study Guide
The Railroad Revolutionizes Transportation!—pages184-187
1.After the Civil War, Congress wanted to ______.
2.They decided to build a ______that would go from the East coast to the West coast.
3.The ______starting laying tracks from Nebraska. And the ______started coming eastward from California.
4.The Union Pacific hired immigrant workers from ______and other countries. The Central Pacific hired thousands of workers from ______.
5.Which railroad passed through the high Sierra Nevada? ______
6.The Union Pacific Railroad asked ______for help. They gave him a contract for ______million dollars to build roadbed from ______canyon through ______canyon.
7.President Ulysses Grant decided that the railroad would go to ______and not to Salt Lake City.
8.Brigham Young got contract from the Central Pacific Railroad where Utah men earned money by ______to make ______.
9.The railroads met at the top of ______, Utah.
10.The last railroad spike that was driven into the tracks was made of ______.
11.What work did the Chinese men do in Utah after the railroad was complete?
12.Over 2,000 Chinese workers died during the building of the railroad. List four risks these workers faced: ______, ______, ______,
13.______carried large amounts of minerals (ore from mines) and manufactured goods to buyers outside Utah.
14.The trains let Utah send large quantities of ______and ______.
Utah Railroads to 1890 (Map)
15.Which railroad connected Ogden to Salt Lake City? ______
16.Which railroad went south from Salt Lake City? ______
Early Mormon Settlements- page 194
- Whichcountieswere organizedafterUtahbecameastatein1896?
- WhatdidtheFreePublicSchoolActdo?
- Over theyears,schools struggledfromofsupportand
- WhenwastheUniversityof Deseretstarted?
- WhatistheUniversityof Deseret currentlynamed?
- Whatwasthe original nameforUtahStateUniversity?
- WhenwasWeberAcademyfounded?
- Who startedWestminsterCollege?
- Mostpeople stayedatnight.Athome,lights gaveoff a glow,andcandles even. Then,inthebig cities, changed allthat,atleastfor .
- Whenwasthe firstdisplayof electriclights inUtahandwhatwasitfor?
- Howdidthe electricstreetcars pickuptheirelectricity?
- Whatwasthenameof theamusementparkbuiltontheshoreofthe Great SaltLake?
- Whatamusementparkwasbuiltin1896halfwaybetweenSaltLakeCityandOgden?
- andthe verygotthefirstphones.
- Listthe 3SilverKings?
- WhowastheSilverQueen?
Timeline-pages 182-183
Match the year to the event.
- ______1869A. Brigham Young Dies
- ______May 10, 1869B. 1st telephone call is made
- ______1877C. Utah gets first electric streetcar
- ______1878D. Silver King Mining Co. in Park City
- ______1889E. John W. Powell explores the Green and Colorado Rivers
- ______1892F. The transcontinental railroad at Promontory Point