Rusk County Department of Health & Human Services Board Minutes
May 14, 2009
The Rusk County Department of Health & Human Services Board meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m. by Chair Phil Schneider.
Board members present: Sandy Roth, Henry Golat, Art Dixon, Tom Costello, Ron Grzeszkowiak, Randy Tatur and Gene DuSell. Charles Frafjord joined the meeting at 9.00 A.M. Staff present: Gary Rivers with appearances by Erika Robinson, Ron Moser, and Sue Hendricks. Excused absence: Marge Spangberg.
Motion made by Henry Golat and seconded by Tom Costello to approve the May meeting agenda. Motion carried.
Motion made by Art Dixon and seconded by Tom Costello to approve the April meeting minutes. Motion carried.
Motion by Art Dixon and seconded by Gene DuSell to approve the vouchers and out of County Travel request. Motion Carried.
No Members of the public were in attendance.
Dave Willingham provided a NorthernBridges update. On May 1, NorthernBridges rolled out the first two counties (Douglas & Barron) in the 11 county Long Term Care District and the roll out went well. The first two counties represent 1/3 of the total enrollment of the Long Term Care District. Actual enrollments were less than the projected numbers. NorthernBridges state contract details have been finalized (capitated rate) and the contract has been signed. The required Risk Reserve, which was originally to be a certain percentage of the annual budget has been changed to a flat amount – 2 million dollars. $500,000 is expected to be placed into the Risk Reserve in first year. NorthernBridges is also expected to have a 2 million dollar solvency fund as well. During the Risk Reserve building period, the state will enter into a Risk Sharing Agreement with NorthernBridges whereby the state will match dollars spent by NorthernBridges that exceeded their capitated rate. The IT system chosen is performing as expected. Currently, contract provider capacity is being focused on. A physical location and signed leases has now been selected for all the hub sites except for the hub located in Price County. The Rusk County hub is fully staffed with the exception of an administrative assistant. The Ashland hub is probably the hub with the most vacancies at this point in time. A draft report to stakeholders is currently being worked on. NorthernBridges has had their first annual meeting and three county representatives were reappointed to the Board. An open house is being planned, inviting legislators, directors, county board chairs and county board members. A discussion occurred regarding guardianship fees and who will be responsible for the fee.
Gary Rivers provided a personnel update. Joy Sisko, Kris DesJarlais, Trista Krukowski will be leaving the Department at the end of this month and starting with NorthernBridges. At the end of June, Deb Klund, Amy Lund and Joe Stearns will be leaving the Department and also begin work with NorthernBridges. The Board was informed of the Ad Hoc hiring committee’s decision to offer the position of Environment Health Specialist to Celina Cooper. Ms. Cooper’s start date will be tentatively June 1, 2009.
Phil Schneider provided a WCHSA Spring Conference report. The Governor’s announcement that the state budget deficit projections have increased from 5 Billion to 6.5 Billion dollars dominated the atmosphere of the conference.
A 2009 HINI Novel Influenza A update was provided to the Board as was an example of a county human resource strategies for a pandemic influenza.
Erika Robinson provided an ADRC/Senior Services update. ADRC customer traffic is picking up. A Disability Benefit Specialist started early in April and her schedule is being filled in. The new Elderly Benefit Specialist, Lindsay Ohmstead starts Monday. Lindsay’s background in Economic Support will be an asset to her in her Elderly Benefit Specialist role. The three county ADRC consortium is working well. The ADRC Board has elected officers and is beginning to consider policies for adoption. Problems have continued with the current food vendor for congregate and meals on wheels. If problems are not resolved, further steps may need to be taken. The potential contractual relationship between Senior Services and NorthernBridges for meals was discussed. The new Disability Benefit Specialist, Hillary Neste was introduced to the Board.
Ron Moser provided a Veterans Services Report. During the past month, Ron attended all service organizational meetings and received a total of $350.00 in donation for the Veterans booth at the Rusk County Fair. The article placed in the paper regarding Vietnam veterans health care is considered a contributing factor for 27 veterans inquiring into VA health care. Of the 27 Vets, 9 became eligible for VA health benefits with no co pays, 5 with co-pays and 8 are currently being reviewed. 5 of the 27 Vets were not eligible due to income limits. In addition 2 of the Vets have started to receive pensions. Plans are being developed for activities/resources for returning veterans from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and their families. The activities/resources are focused on supporting a positive readjustment to civilian life. 4 Free State park passes were distributed to county Vets who have 70 % or greater service connected disability. CVSO grant has been submitted. Future of CVSO grants is uncertain. More and more WWII and Korean War Vets are coming in for hearing aids and eye glasses. VA assistance does not require service connection but does require a VA doctor to say that the hearing difficulty and/or eye sight deficits can be contributed to the individual’s military experience. The Service Commission has received the resignation of Wayne Stevens. A replacement is currently being sought. With approximately only ½ of the county Vets currently in the system, VIMS shows that $1,094,000.00 was received by Rusk County Veterans in 2008 from the VA system. Further breakdown of the benefits is available.
Sue Hendricks reviewed the Children and Family Service report. Currently, one child is aging out of substitute care. Parental right termination may be initiated on a 4 year in care. Currently there are 10 kids in Kinship Care (with relatives). It is anticipated that 4 children in CLTS slots will be transitioning into Family Care through the ADRC before the end of the year. A wait list is still in effect for Family Support and CLTS. The proposed Governor’s budget with the severe reduction in funding for child abuse and neglect was discussed.
The Board was informed that the 2008 financial reconciliation report will be available to them at the next board meeting. Preliminary projections show that a positive budget balance will be present.
The next meeting date was set for June 11th. A motion was made by Henry Golat and seconded by Tom Costello to adjourn. Motion carried.
Minutes as prepared by staff – Gary Rivers