3D Cell Model Grading Rubric
Craftsmanship (20pts)
Advanced (20) / Proficient (15) / Basic (10) / Minimal (5)Model is a 3D representation of the cell assigned. The student was creative in the chosen material and the material fit the organelle of representation. The model was neat and showed considerable effort in design and implementation. / Model is a 3D representation of a cell assigned but it is hard to decipher the presented cell. The student was not creative in the choice of material and very few materials chosen fit the organelles of representation. The model shows some neatness but there are obvious defects in design and implementation. / Model is a 3D representation of a cell assigned but it is hard to decipher the presented cell. The student was not creative in the choice of material and very few materials chosen fit the organelles of representation. The model shows some neatness but there are obvious defects in design and implementation. / The model is not a 3D representation of a cell.
The model is not an accurate representation of a plant or animal cell. The student showed no creativity in choice of material and none of the chosen material fits the organelles of representation. The model is not neat and has obvious defects of design and implementation.
Cellular Parts/ Organelles (15 pts)
Advanced (15) / Proficient (10) / Basic (5) / Minimal (0)All parts for the animal or plant cell are included in the model with care to place them in the correct cellular location. / Most parts for the animal or plant cell are included in the model. Student missed 1-2 organelles in the model (missing the organelle representation or placing the organelle in the wrong cellular location) / Most parts for the animal or plant cell are included in the model. Student missed 3-4 organelles in the model (missing the organelle representation or placing the organelle in the wrong cellular location) / Many missing cellular parts missing for the plant or animal cell. Student missed >5 organelles in the model (missing the organelle representation or placing the organelle in the wrong cellular location)
Advanced (15) / Proficient (10) / Basic (5) / Minimal (0)The student includes a label key legend not attached to the model to decipher the represented organelles. The label includes the identification for the organelle and its function in the cell. This was performed for each item represented in the cell and the functions are correct. / The student includes a label key legend not attached to the model to decipher the represented organelles. The label includes the identification for the organelle and its function in the cell. This was performed for most item represented in the cell and the functions are correct but the student made error in identification of the functions of <2 structures. / The student includes a label key legend not attached to the model to decipher the represented organelles. The label includes the identification for the organelle and its function in the cell.
This was performed for most items represented in the cell and the functions are correct but the student made error in identification of the functions of 3-4 structures. / The student did not include a label to decipher the represented organelles.
Or 2 of the following:
The label does not include the identification for the organelle and its function in the cell.
This was not performed for most items represented in the cell and the functions are correct.
The student made error in identification of the functions of >5 structures.
Total:______/50pts x 2
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