GROWL Minutes18thJanuary 2016, 10.00am
Museum, Graham Kerr building, Glasgow University
1. Introductions and apologies
PresentKim Craigie / Sarah Archer
Matt Keyse / Deborah Cooper
Morven Williams / Lauren Lochrie
Andrea Fisher / Eilidh Spence
Apologies:from Lynn Pike, Jayson Byles, Jacqui Frame, Joni Mackay
2. Updates and Review Action Points
2.1 First Aid Course completed. Very good and provider is recommended for future.
2.2 Photography Competition. Possible venues for exhibition include Pollock Park Education Room, Graham Kerr Building, Kelvingrove Museum, Paisley Museum, Skypark, Glasgow Science Centre, ADS (Architectural Design Scotland), The Briggait, Libraries.
2.3 Children’s Wood: Site visit 26TH January at 09:00am. Hearing in city chambers afterwards. More info on website. All welcome to come along. OWL members with OWL branding to go along to the event.
2.4 Willow Lohr course full next weekend but look out for it in the future. ACTION: Kim Craigie to feed back or skill share after attending course.
3. Finance
3.1 Update: Change of signatories forms sent in but due to backlog at bank and problems with Matt’s proof of identity this hasn’t been processed. Changing bank accounts being discussed but in the meantime Matt to remove name from account as quickest solution.ACTION: Eilidh to chase up account with Unity Trust including sending in a letter to remove Matt from signatories list.ACTION: Deborah to investigate other more accessible, but still ethical, banks.
4. Courses, projects and events
4.1Kindrogan National Networking Event: several GROWL members attending. Discussion of expenses. GROWL to cover milage at 45p/mile and £25 towards course cost. Car share being organised by Deborah.
4.2 ACTION: committee to create membership procedures booklet - to be looked at in future.
4.3Grant Update: Kit and storage can’t be done until we have the money to spend, the bank account setup and storage in place.
4.4Meetings and kit storage: The Whiskey Bond deemed too expensive for meetings and storage. ACTION: Lauren going to check if a partnership is possible at the Whisky Bond including running sessions for groups.ACTION: Deborah discussing meeting space with ‘On the Corner’ in Merchant City. Until organised otherwise we will meet at the Graham Kerr building.
4.5Launch Event. Work group to meet and discuss this soon (February mentioned). Focussing on When, Where, What? Children’s Wood proposed as a location. Andrea agreed to using this as a site. End of April proposed for a date (possibly the 23rd or 24th of April). ACTION: Matt to investigate OWL banners. ACTION: work group to organise meeting in February to begin planning of launch event.
4.6 £5,000 Development grant: need to clarify what’s on the application form. ACTION: Kim to contact Bonnie and get grant application form. ACTION: Eilidh to contact GCC to find out who is coordinating Outdoor Learningwithin the local authority.
4.7 Wallace Well Community Fellowship - Community Breakfasts – 28th Jan, 25th Feb, 31st March. Can some OWL reps go along to discuss projects including Rob Royston park? Support Becky Frank regarding funding and project work. ACTION: Lauren/Morven to contact about funding via Froglife for habitat creation in Rob Royston Park.
4.8 Mary Russell School Playground – to be discussed at future meetings. ACTION: Kim/Matt to contact teachers and liaise with Derek concerning Mary Russel School.
4.9 Elmvale Primary School visit request – someone to talk about outdoor learning. ACTION: Morven/Lauren/Matt to contact.
4.10Network with Dumfries and Galloway about procedures. Possible future event to be organised to share best practice.ACTION: Deborah to make contact and discuss a possible meeting or visit to D&G OWL.
5. Committee and administration
5.1 GROWL Aims and Objectives – final copy being sent out and added to constitution document. ACTION: Matt to send out aims and objectives as a last call.
5.2 Create a concise outdoor learning contacts list for Morven. To discuss at next meeting including database.ACTION: Deborah to speak to a couple of contacts about creating a database.
6. AOB
6.1Name for group was decided to be updated to Glasgow Regional Outdoor and Woodland Learning.
6.2 ACTION: Kim to contact Bonnie to confirm name/details for rubber stamp.
6.3 BANFF Film Festival: 16th Feb at 7:30pm at concert hall. Short films.Drinks afterwards.
6.4 25th March 12:00(tbc) tree dressing day at Cuningar. Ask Eilidh.
7. Next meeting
14th March 2016 at 2pm. Graham Kerr Building – in the museum.
Summary of actions:2. Updates and review action points
2.4 ACTION: Kim to feed back or skill share after attending Willow Lohr course.
3. Finance
ACTION: Eilidh to chase up account with Unity Trust including sending in a letter to remove Matt from signatories list.
ACTION: Deborah to investigate other more accessible, but still ethical, banks.
4. Projects, events and equipment
4.2 ACTION: committee to create membership procedures booklet - to be looked at in future.
4.4 ACTION: Lauren going to check if a partnership is possible at the Whisky Bond including running sessions for groups.
ACTION: Deborah discussing meeting space with ‘On the Corner’ in Merchant City.
4.5ACTION: Matt to investigate OWL banners.
ACTION: Launch event work group to organise meeting in February to begin planning of launch event.
4.6 ACTION: Kim to contact Bonnie and get grant application form.
ACTION: Eilidh to contact GCC to find out who is coordinating Outdoor Learning within the local authority.
4.7 ACTION: Lauren/Morven to contact about funding via Froglife for habitat creation in Rob Royston Park.
4.8ACTION: Kim/Matt to contact teachers and liaise with Derek concerning Mary Russell School.
4.9 ACTION: Morven/Lauren/Matt to contactElmvale school about a presentation.
4.10 ACTION: Deborah to make contact and discuss a possible meeting or visit to D&G OWL.
Committee and administration
5.1 ACTION: Matt to send out aims and objectives as a last call.
6.2ACTION: Kim to contact Bonnie to confirm name/details for rubber stamp.