Lab Safety Contract
Please read these rules carefully and sign your name at the bottom of the contract to show that you completely understand what safety practices are expected during lab.
I will….
1. act responsible at all times in the lab.
2. follow all instructions about laboratory procedures given by the teacher.
3. keep my area clean.
4. wear my safety goggles, gloves, and/or apron when directed to do so.
5. know where the fire extinguisher is located and how to use it.
6. notify the teacher immediately of any emergency and/or spill.
7. know who to contact for help in an emergency.
8. only touch lab equipment when given directions to do so.
9. not eat or drink in the lab unless instructed to do so by the teacher.
10. treat living organisms with respect.
11. not horseplay in the lab.
12. dispose of waste correctly.
13. use the “wafting” method for smelling unknown substances.
14. always ask questions when I do not understand lab procedures.
I, ___________________________ have read each statement of the Lab Safety Contract and understand these safety rules. I agree to follow these rules and any other rules given by my teacher.
Student signature date
Parent signature date