Department of Recreation, Parks and Tourism Administration

College of Health and Human Services

CaliforniaStateUniversity, Sacramento

RPTA 105 – Management in Recreation, Parks & Tourism

Assignment #1:Mission Leisure


This assignment is designed to assist you in understanding the importance of organizing a leisure service delivery system and practice developing your own mission statement and related goals and objectives. Applying principles and concepts of the planning function of management will increase the knowledge and skills needed to be an effective manager in the leisure service delivery system as well as other areas of your life (e.g., school, relationships).


  1. Choose a manager (group leader). Everyone must be the manager once during the semester.
  2. Write a description of your organization/agency/company (the more detail you have here, the more clear you will be on just what type of agency this is).
  3. Choose a leisure service orientation (see handout). Explain why you chose this.
  4. Create a vision statement(see chapter seven of the text) for your agency that makes sense based on your agency description.
  5. Develop a mission statement(see class handout and chapter seven of the text) including what your agency/organization is all about, how you will achieve your mission and the population you are serving.
  6. Select four (4) different categories or areas that your agency will need to write goals for…
  7. Based on your mission statement (and the categories you chose above), write eight (8) goals(two goals per category) that are directly related to your mission statement and that will help guide you to accomplishing your vision (look at the handout on goals and objectives for Coconino County for help with this – they have categories for their goals and the objectives relate).
  8. For each of the above goals, write three (3) objectives. Hint: Be SMART!
  9. Create an agency logo – this will serve as a kind of stationary for all of your submitted work. Give a short write-up of what your logo represents.
  10. Type the above assignment (it is crucial to agree on font style/size, margins, etc. if more than one person is doing the typing).
  11. Make sure at least one person in the group maintains a copy of all materials—you may want to refer to them on future assignments.
  12. Turn in the completed assignment.
  13. This project should have a cover page with everyone’s name on it. Your logo should be prominently displayed. A table of contents can help. The rest of the assignment will have headings such as Mission or Vision. Make this attractive, but informative.
  14. Have fun!

**The group leader for this assignment (the manager) must also submit a managerial report (see website) within one week of completing this assignment. Please note that it is the responsibility of the manager to make sure each group member (employee) is clear on her role within the group. We know that poor management can lead to poor employee performance. It is the responsibility of each group member to make sure she understands what her responsibilities are. Each employee will be given a numerical evaluation by the manager that will be factored into your final grade.


This assignment is designed to reinforce class discussions and text material through written expression. The Mission Leisure assignment will be graded on your ability to:

  1. Think independently, creatively, and critically
  2. Develop connections between class discussions, text material, and personal experience
  3. Analyze, apply, and synthesize information
  4. Thoughtfulness - ability to reflect and provide personal insight
  5. Put together a well-organized, neat appearing document based on the above requirements

Due Date:Please see assignment schedule

Writing SMART Objectives:





Time period