PRAYER NETWORK April 1, 2018
“An affirmation to say everyday: The healing power of God
is working in me right now. Every day I get better and better in every way.”
Joyce Meyer
- Prayers are requested for Norah who has health issues. May God surround her with his healing hands.
- Prayers are requested for Kathy who has health issues. May God surround her with his healing hands.
- Prayers of healing are requested for a couple who are experiencing marital difficulties. May God help to open their hearts for more love, help to open their minds for more understanding of each other and bless their lives now and in the future.
- Prayers are requested for Sandi who is suffering from vision loss. May God surround her with his healing hands.
- Prayers of strength and healing are requested for Reni, Andrew, and their unborn child, Bence, who are facing complications. May God Surround this family with love and guidance.
- Prayers are requested for Thelma, 63 years of age, who is paralyzed from the waist down and now transferred to a Rehabilitation Hospital. May God surround her with his healing hands that she may be able to walk again.
- Prayers are requested for full recovery and healing for a young woman who was randomly attacked and has a concussion and retrograde amnesia. May the Lord lay his healing hands on her.
- Prayers are requested for Josephine, who had a double mastectomy on December 21st. May God surround her with his healing hands.
- Prayers are requested for Misty and Lorraine who are both in their forties and going through surgery for cancer. May God surround them with love and support.
- Prayers are requested for George who is near death and for his family. May God surround them with love and support.
- Prayers are requested for Evelyn who is gravely ill. May God surround her with love and support.
- Prayers are requested for Tony who is dealing with lung issues. May the Lord lay his healing hands on him
Prayers are requested for Doonie as she deals with heart problems. May God surround her with love and support.
- Prayers are requested for Ruth, 55 years of age, who has Stage 4 breast cancer. May God surround her with love and support.
- Prayers are requested for Rick who is in Grand River Hospital very ill with cirrhosis of the liver, retaining fluid, and lack of oxygen. May he and his family receive God’s special peace at this difficult time.
- Prayers are requested for Millie who had three strokes over one weekend. May God’s will be done for her.
- Prayers are requested for Mary Margaret who was hit by a car and is suffering from much pain. May the Lord lay his healing hands on her.
- Prayers are requested for a parishioner who is dealing with dementia and for his family. May God surround them with love and support.
- Prayers are requested for Danielle who is only 17 years of age and going through some health issues. May the Lord lay his healing hands on her.
- Prayers are requested for Paul who has health problems. May the Lord lay his healing hands on him.
- Prayers are requested for Tony who is struggling with lung issues and on dialysis. May the Lord lay his healing hands on him.
- Prayers are requested for Bob, who started chemo on May 29th for an aggressive stage 4 lymphoma. May he have strength to endure 5 months of chemo treatments and may he be cured if that is in God’s plan for him.
- Prayers are requested for Ted who is dealing with health issues. May the Lord lay his healing hands on him.
- Prayers are requested for Margaret who is dealing with terminal health issues. May God surround her and her family with love and support.
- Prayers are requested for little Natalia who is undergoing treatment for Leukemia. May the Lord lay his healing hands on her.
Prayers are requested for a fractured family within Karen’s family unit. May they reach a level of peace and harmony with the Lord’s help.
- Prayers are requested for Marisa who is in hospital. May the Lord lay his healing hands on her.
- Prayers are requested for Rick who has been diagnosed with spindle sarcoma. May the Lord lay his healing hands on him.
- Prayers are requested for Zachary (17 1/2) and Dylan (16) who were adopted when they were 7 and 5 years old - that they will open their hearts to God's love andpeace.
Prayers are requested for Ben, a young adult who had surgery to remove a brain tumor and is awaiting test results, for healing and strength for he and his family
- Prayers are requested for a very special intention for Veronica regarding health
- Prayers for guidance and support are requested for Angela as she is going through many health issues. May the Lord lay his healing hands on her.
Prayers are requested for Ron who will be undergoing major surgery in the near future.
- Prayers are requested for Deb who is overcoming breast cancer. May the Lord infuse her with strength and courage on her journey to complete recovery.”
Prayers for guidance and support are requested for Luba.
Prayers are requested for Joy who is going through a very difficult time after fleeing an abusive situation with her young girls. We ask for courage, wisdom, perseverance and support. We ask fordivine intervention within the court system andfavour to grant more time for adequate representation.
Prayers are requested for Christina as she battles depression. May her guardian angels surround her with love and support.
Prayers are requested for an 80 year old woman with severe spinal stenosis who is very fearful of any surgical intervention. May the Lord comfort and support her he guides the hearts and hands of those involved in her care.
Prayers are requested for a couple who are experiencing marital difficulties. May they reach a level of peace and harmony with the Lord’s help.
Prayers are requested for those dealing with chronic and severe pain. May the Lord surround them with comfort and support so that they may find a way to cope. If there is a cure, please guide them to it and if there is no cure please give them the strength to bear it.
- Prayers are requested for all those suffering from cancer. May God guide their path to recovery as He surrounds them with His love and blessings. May God also strengthen the guardian angels as they guide and watch over their charges: John , Mary , Jerrie , Stefan , Bernadette, June , Don , Brian , Donna , Helen, Blanch, Sandra , Joe, Jennifer , Ray , Irene, Joan, Patricia, Joan, Nicky, Dale, Bill, Patricia, Diane, John, Debbie, Bonnie, Maria, Rita, Cathy, Mary, Dineen, Tina Gene, Sandra, Norbert, Christopher, unnamed gentleman, Larry, Kalman, Naara, Deb, Rozella, Mary, Austin, Nicole, Lara, Ruth, Tom
O Christ Jesus,
when all is darknessand we feel our weakness and helplessness,
give us the sense of Your presence,Your love, and Your strength.
Help us to have perfect trustin Your protecting love
and strengthening power,so that nothing may frighten or worry us,
for, living close to You,we shall see Your hand,
Your purpose, Your will through all things.
St. Ignatius of Loyola
For prayer requests please call the office at 519-893-6960.
Please remember to update your prayer requests (progress and when to remove them). Please let us know if anyone of your acquaintance would benefit from/appreciate a shawl from the prayer shawl ministry.