Sample Terms of Reference for Contraceptive Security Committees
The Terms of Reference of the Contraceptive Security Committee was approved on ______, by the Minister of Health of ______(country). The Committee adheres to the Reproductive Health Council (depending on the country) which establishes best practices and standards for managing advisory bodies.
Legal Framework:
Constitution, (mention articles related to guaranteeing health status to citizens)
1.0 Mandate
The mandate of the CS Committee is to provide a group of stakeholders from public and private organizations in ______(country) with on-going expert broad strategic policy advice on commodity availability and the safety and therapeutic effectiveness of marketed contraceptive products. It will also provide a mechanism to involve the public, providing them with a forum to have their views heard by experts who can discuss their input and incorporate it into the advice provided. Incorporating the views of citizens and stakeholders is critical for effective regulation in the public interest.
The establishment of this committee is part of a series of measures to guarantee contraceptive products availability for all segments of the population, through sound and effective national and operational policies.
1.1 Scope
The committee will constitute an integral part of the national family planning program of the Ministry of Health and it will carry out its mandate by advising country stakeholders on broad strategic policy issues including, but not limited to: how to improve logistics systems of both public and private institutions, the relevance and impact of effective and transparent contraceptive procurement mechanisms; and sustainable financing mechanisms. As well, the CS Committee will provide guidance on contraceptive technology updates and new products in the market. Contraceptive security issues managed by the CS Committee will be a structural part of the health system in ______(country), impacting their activities in the health system network nationwide.
2.0 Governance
The committee provides its advice to its members and reports semi-annually to the Minister of Health. The Executive Secretary will be the Director of the Reproductive Health Program, as delegated by the Ministry of Health.
3.0 Membership
The committee is composed of the following organizations from the public and private sectors: Ministry of Health, MOH family planning program, MOH HIV/AIDS program, Finance and Administration Branch of MOH, family planning nongovernmental organizations, association of pharmacies, social marketing organizations, association of OB-GYN physicians, Ministry of Education, and Ministry of Finance. Special membership as external advisors include international agencies such as USAID and its implementing partners, UNFPA, Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), World Health Organization (WHO); and representatives of academia.
Membership of the CS Committee should include, but not be limited to, the following areas of expertise: logistics system and supply chain, product forecasting, procurement mechanisms, advocacy for reproductive health/family planning and contraceptive security (CS), quality assurance methods, public health, financing mechanisms for contraceptives, system strengthening, and contraceptive use and demand.
Members, the Chairperson, and Co-Chairperson of the committee are appointed by vote by all members of the CS Committee. The Executive Secretary will serve for a two- or three-year term, which may be extended to a maximum total period of six consecutive years.
3.1 Membership Considerations
In considering whom to recruit to the committee, the CS Committee will consult with the Minister of Health; other government organizations; external organizations, associations, or experts; and with the Chairman and members already on the committee. In appointing committee members, the CS Committee is committed to diversity and inclusiveness. For example, it may select members from specific population groups or geographic locations, when appropriate.
3.2 Transparency
CS Committee members are appointed as individuals on the basis of their individual expertise, and they are not to represent their firms, organizations, or associations. They serve as knowledgeable individuals in their own right and in the best interests of all ______(country of citizenship), aiming to promote contraceptive availability.
A non-health government employee may be a member of this committee, as long as the employee is acting in an independent capacity and is not representing the government.
Transparency will be further adhered to through posting on the MOH website the committee information such as the agendas, and the names and biographical information on members. The CS Committee will also make public how the advice, combined with other information and scientific expertise, was brought into the CS Committee and member organizations; and, if applicable, the decision-making consequence and next step(s).
3.3 Affiliations and Interest
To be considered for appointment, potential members of the committee must submit a delegation letter from his/her supervisor to actively participate as a member. It is incumbent upon the member to update its appointment, in writing, if their personal and/or professional situation changes.
Committee members are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner, i.e., the use of their positions cannot be reasonably construed to be for their private gain or that of any other person, company, or organization.
4.0 Responsibilities
4.1 Responsibilities of Members
Members of the CS Committee have a responsibility to offer their independent and objective advice to the Committee. Other responsibilities include:
- being available and prepared to participate in meetings;
- being available and prepared to attend a public input activity related to the committee's mandate, if necessary;
- considering information that is relevant to the Committee's mandate, that may include information that the Committee has received, for instance, through meetings, interviews, public forums, or in writing;
- participating in discussions before the committee prepares its report to the MOH;
- notifying the Executive Secretary of any changes in the status of their affiliations and interests relevant to the CS Committee mandate; and
- making a verbal statement of affiliations and interests at the beginning of a meeting, if asked by the Executive Secretary.
As qualified experts, members—based on their expertise on CS and declared affiliations and interests—will be asked to participate in sub-committees.
As well, in the event expert advice is sought on a specific issue, with respect to CS, select members may be asked to join a one-time expert committee which would be supplemented with additional technical expertise.
4.2 Responsibilities of the Executive Secretary
The Executive Secretary provides leadership and strategic advice in the management of the committee and works closely with representatives of the MOH and other CS committee members. In particular, the Executive Secretary is responsible for preparing and delivering to the CS Committee members the committee's annual report.
4.3 Responsibilities of the Secretariat
The secretariat, which is housed in the MOH, acts as a liaison between members and the MOH, as a resource for members, and works closely with MOH officials. In addition, the secretariat:
- coordinates preparation of the meeting agendas and minutes; records of discussions and reports; and maintains any information about the committee, its mandate, or work that may be posted on the MOH website
- coordinates the processes for the affiliations of members
- coordinates preparation of information related to contraceptive security and any of its elements
- maintains a list of forward agenda items and responsibilities
- helps to prepare the committee member designated as media spokesperson, if appropriate
- monitors and evaluates the efficiency and effectiveness of the committee
- carries out additional duties, as appropriate, in support of the committee.
4.4 Subcommittees
(Include functions of subcommittees, for example)
Functions of Logistics Management Sub-Committee:
- Appoint coordinator, secretary, and reporter.
- Prepare agendas for Sub-Committee meetings.
- Write meeting reports summarizing agreements and actions to be taken.
- Submit meeting reports to the other subcommittees and the Executive Secretary, not to exceed 5 working days after each meeting.
- Send invitations to regular and extraordinary meetings.
- Keep files of the sub-committee.
- Gather logistics data from service provider to keep indicators of progress at the national level.
- Monitor the quality of the forecasting of contraceptives, by provider and nationwide.
Financing (follow the example for the other sub-committees)
Information sharing
Monitoring and Evaluation
4.5 Media
The Executive Secretary, in consultation with the MOH, will appoint a member of the CS Committee to be the media spokesperson, when circumstances warrant this.
5.0 Management of the Committee
5.1 Frequency of Meetings
The CS Committee meets every two months. Additional meetings may be held at the request of the Executive Secretary, in consultation with CS committee members. These or any additional meetings may be undertaken using in-person, web-based, or other communication vehicles.
5.2 Meeting Agendas
CS Committee members are canvassed for agenda items one week in advance of regularly scheduled meetings. The agenda is then developed by the Executive Secretary. The agenda, along with supporting meeting materials, are provided to committee members a minimum of one week prior to the meeting.
5.3 Committee Reports
Advice from the committee is in the form of recommendations. The CS Committee is encouraged to reach consensus in providing advice, whenever possible. When consensus is not possible, the meeting record will reflect the diversity of opinions. The committee will not provide recommendations unless a quorum is present. The quorum for the CS Committee is determined to be one half of the members plus one.
Reports will include the basic CS indicators used widely and be published after the committee has approved the content. Reports posted online will be available in the official language.
5.4 Invited Guests
The Executive Secretary, in consultation with CS Committee members, may invite individuals with particular expertise or experience to provide input on a specific topic or agenda item. However, an invited guest may not participate in the formulation of advice or recommendations.
5.5 Review of the Committee
The Executive Secretary will review the CS Committee mandate, activities, terms of reference, and relevance annually to ensure that it continues to meet ongoing needs. Recommendations for improvement will be considered on an ongoing basis.
Glossary of Terms and Acronyms