Episode Number: NINEEpisode Title: All Good
Focus: ART and Adherence
VO1: Sister Constance
1 / Opening Program Signature tune / 45”
2 / VO1
VHT (JENNIFER) / Signature tune fades out as the Presenter’s Intro comes in…
Hook: Our Village Health Team members have been busy in our village of Obbanywa, changing people’s lives. What has VHT member Jennifer been up to?
Let us find out in our ninth episode of Obbanywa, Uganda’s first ever distance learning radio program for Village Health Teams. Once again, I am Sister Constance and I work at the Health Center 4 in Obbanywa. And once again, I am glad to be with you here this week, at this same time, on our favourite radio station. Remember that Village Health Team members are volunteers in your community, who have been selected by the community members, to work in teams to mobilize individuals and households for better health in your village.. All thanks to the Ministry of Health, these Village Health Teams help to provide basic health information, and refer people to health centres for further help.
So, this radio program is designed to give the Village Health Team member more information on health so they can do their job better and get more community support.
At the end of the episode, and just like we have done with all the other episodes , Village Health Team members will be given an assignment for them to carry out and also share with other Village Health Team members in their listening group. They can also share these assignments with the health workers at the health center, and the VHT Coordinator during their regular meetings. So, back to Jennifer, our woman VHT member.
Having HIV does not mean that it is the end of your life. Many people are living healthy lives with HIV. They have access to ARVs in most government health centers near them. Justus and Nora are both married. They have a 8-month old baby. Justus and Nora are both HIV positive. Is it any easier for them now? Come with me to Obbanywa and find out
In fades the Obbanywa tune… / 1’15”
3 / ‘Obbanywa’ tune (Intro) / 30”
4 / The Drama –
- The first two scenes of the drama
- Break - Infomercial from HIV partner dealing in ART
- After break - Last scene of the drama
5 / ‘Obbanywa’ tune (Outro) / 30”
6 / VO1
VO1 / Issue & Focus
So, there you have it listeners. Another success story in the life of a VHT member. We have learnt that ARVs are important in keeping the person with HIV healthy. But a person using ARVs has to practise behaviors that improve the quality of his or her life like regular medical check ups, eating regularly, avoiding dangerous lifestyles such as drinking alcohol and using illegal drugs. Otherwise, getting better will not happen if they do not listen to the VHTs and their doctors.
I have actually met more people who have needed just a little encouragement like Justus did, to turn their lives around. Being a VHT member has been rewarding to me, especially when I have been able to help people to live a longer life. When it comes to ARVs, I try to talk to people about their benefits and how these medicines help them to stay healthy. Some of these benefits are:
- The person doesn’t fall sick regularly hence saving money
- ARVs help people live longer, productive and healthy lives and Just asked, yes, they get to see their children grow.
As a VHT, I cannot decide when a person should be taking ARVs. But what I can do is refer a person to the health center. I can also help encourage someone who is taking ARVs to keep taking their medicine and to stay healthy.
You keep saying, “To stay healthy”. What does this mean exactly for someone living with HIV/ AIDS?
Helping someone to stay healthy means:
- Advising someone to abstain from sex or ALWAYS use a condom to protect a negative partner from getting HIV.
- Encouraging individuals living with HIV to talk to their partner about it. It is also important that they tell trusted family and friends that they have HIV. This is called disclosure.
- Making sure individuals on treatment are taking the ARVs at the right time every day. It’s important they do not stop taking the drugs, even if they feel healthy.
- And if they are not taking ARVs yet, encouraging them to visit a health worker often for check ups and practice key positive living behaviors that will keep them healthy. These include; prevention of infection and transmission of new strands of HIV, appropriate nutrition, prevention of opportunistic infections and early testing and treatment of TB.
- Supporting those in my community who are HIV positive to join support groups.
- Encouraging individuals to avoid alcohol and smoking because it weakens the body.
- Recommending a healthy diet, at least three meals a day with a variety of foods, including vegetables and fruits. AND lots of water!
Now, Sister Constance, as a VHT member, I need more help. How can I easily identify the cases I should refer straight away to the health center?
Well, some of the people that may need treatment are:
- Adults who have HIV and are often sick.
- People who have had unprotected sex with a person who has HIV
- People who have been forced to have sex.
- Women who are HIV positive and pregnant
But let me ask you this Sister Constance; Should a person on the ARVs stop taking their treatment if they get these side-effects?
No no, my dear. Side-effects should NOT make someone stop taking their ARVs because in order for the drugs to work well it is important to take them at the same times, in the right amounts, every day for the rest of your life – even if someone starts feeling strong and healthy. However, just like we have already said, it is always better to go back to the health centre and talk to the health worker about these kind of problems. / 9’
7 / VO1 / Tip of the Week (ANNOUNCED)
- VHT members, remember, ARVs are not a cure; it does not prevent the spread of HIV to other people. That’s why PLHA need to use condoms or abstain from sex even when they are taking ARVs. Tell them this.
(Sweeper – “You are listening to Obbanywa”) / 1’
8 / VO1 / Call to Action (Animated voice – “And now, your call to Action”)
VHT members,
- Support people living with HIV/AIDS to get treatment and to take their ARVs as recommended by the doctor. If taken correctly, ARVs will help them to live a healthy and longer life.
- Always refer people living with HIV/AIDS to any health facility where you see a yellow and blue “treat for life” sign
- For additional information, talk to your local health worker or call toll free number 0 800 200 600.
9 / Closing Program Signature tune…(fades under)
Closing statement. “You have been listening to an episode of Obbanywa - A production from the Ministry Of Health. Please, tune in next week, at this same time, on this exact radio station. for another episode of Obbanywa”
Closing tune fades back in, then ends / 20”
- NORA:(WORRIED) Justus, I think we should go to the health center. I am really worried.
- JUSTUS:(SOUNDING SICK) The way this stomach is paining, huh! I don’t think I will get through the night.
- NORA:Don’t say those things, Justus. Of course you will make it.
- JUSTUS:I need something to reduce this pain. Please go get me some pain-killers.
- NORA:But Justus, where am I going to get pain-killers now? There’s no place open at this time of night. We should have gone to the health center when I told you so.
- JUSTUS:Those things of taking me to the health center. You know I don’t like that place.
- NORA:Now if you don’t want to go to the health center, what do you want me to do for you Justus?
- JUSTUS:(GROANS IN PAIN) This pain! Eh! I think I have a few pain-killers I kept… could you please check up there in the ventilation hole.
- NORA:Ha! That medicine you kept up in the ventilation hole… is it even still working? Let me check and see (AFTER A PAUSE) JUSTUS!!!! What are all these tablets doing up here? Are these your ARVs????????? Justus!!!! Have you been hiding your ARVs and not swallowing them??? (AND TO HERSELF) And what is this…. WARAGI !!! (UNBELIEVING) Are these tots of waragi??!!! Justus?! What is all this????
- JUSTUS:Come on Nora. Now is not the time to get into that…
- NORA:(NOW LIVID) Not the time? Justus, you have been hiding your ARVs. And to make it even worse, you are drinking again. And you say am making it a big deal???
- JUSTUS:Me, I don’t like those tablets. I… I am just fed up with them.
- NORA:How can you say you are fed up of taking your ARVs, Justus? If it was not for the ARVs we get at the health center, how could have stayed this healthy?
- JUSTUS:You and I are not the only people living with HIV. And I am sure there are people somewhere who don’t take these stupid tablets. For you, if you want, continue taking yours. Me, I have told you; I am fed up with them.
- NORA:No wonder you have been getting sick a lot these days! I was killing myself trying to understand why your health has not been good these days. I went and bought for you meat We must go to the health center first thing in the morning.
- NARRATOR:(JENNIFER) And that is what Nora told me when I met her some weeks later at the health center. That is how her story with her husband Justus goes. They are both living with HIV. They have had to go through a phase in their lives as a couple living with HIV. In the beginning, when they both discovered they were HIV positive, it was not easy. There was so much going on their lives. Nora was pregnant and Justus had to get started on ARVs since by the time they tested, his health was on and off. So much trust was lost. But thanks to proper counseling at the health center, all this was put behind them… So, imagine her disappointment and pain when she found out he was not taking his ARVs. (FADE DIRECTLY INTO NEXT SCENE WITHOUT USING TRANSITIONAL MUSIC)
- B/G SFX:
- SFX: (BABY CRYING, AS NORA SOOTHES HER TO STOP CRYING) So Jennifer, that is how it was. Anyway, I was happy when Justus was put back on treatment… But it’s not easy Jennifer
- NORA: These days, she cries a lot. I guess babies at this age do that a lot, don’t they? (SOOTHS THE BABY AS THE BABY STOPS CRYING)
- JENNIFER: Babies can surprise you. Baby Jacinta is making 8 months now, right?
- NORA: Yes. Actually, she will be making 8 months next week.
- JENNIFER: So I imagine you had brought her for a check-up
- NORA: (QUICKLY) No no. My baby’s fine. I had her checked last week. I had actually come to get my check-up.
- JENNIFER: Are you walking back home now... I could walk with you…
- NORA: Yes. Thank you. I have to get back and prepare food.
- JENNIFER: Here. Let me hold her Baby Jacinta for you.
- NORA: (PLEASED) Oh. Thank you Jennifer. I hope she doesn’t urinate on you.
- JENNIFER: Some people consider it good luck for a baby to urinate on you… So, how is Justus doing these days?
- NORA: I don’t even know what to tell you Jennifer.
- JENNIFER: What is the problem now?
- NORA: (SUPPRESSED BITTERNESS) Justus does not listen to anything I tell him anymore.
- JENNIFER: (AD-LIBS) Oh, dear.
- NORA: (RESIGNED) That’s Justus these days. (PAUSE) Jennifer, I think Justus is tired of me. I have a feeling he has another woman he runs away to.
- JENNIFER: Why do you think like that?
- NORA: He has started drinking again.
- JENNIFER; That is not good at all. Isn’t he back on his medication?
- NORA: He refused to take the ARVs that were given to him at the health center. He keeps saying that he does not like the way they make him feel.
- JENNIFER: Okay. That is a very serious thing. Has he told you how the ARVs make him feel?
- NORA: Has he told me aate? He comes back late in the night, drunk, and he refuses to talk sense. He won’t even say who he has been with. (AFTER A BRIEF PAUSE) In fact, it must be another woman!
- JENNIFER: (AMUSED) Come on Nora. Maybe… maybe he is looking for work.
- NORA: Which work! Sha! I doubt it.
- NORA: Even when he comes back that late in the night, he wakes up and leaves home very early in the morning, and happens everyday. Why else would he leave me that early in the morning? Why then would he avoid me?
- JENNIFER: I am sure there is an explanation. Anyway, here we are at your home.
- NORA: Well Jennifer, thank you so much for walking me home. Let me have Baby Jacinta now. Thanks for carrying her for me… (PAUSE) Eh! Jennifer, you see? Justus is home. This early! Hm. Miracle! (CONSPIRATORY) I told you! He’s avoiding me. He only comes home when he knows am not here.
- JENNIFER: Well, since he is here, do you think he will mind if I tried and asked him to find out why he does not like the ARVs he is taking?
- NORA: (SCOFFS) Ha! Be my guest. Wait here… Let me first see the mood he is in…
- B/G SFX:
- NORA: Justus… you are home early today…
- NORA: (AFTER A MOMENT’S PAUSE) Jennifer is here. She walked me from the Health center…
- JUSTUS: (STILL BORED TONE) That is good.
- NORA:(AGAIN, AFTER A MOMENT’S PAUSE) Justus, Jennifer wants to talk to you
- JUSTUS:About what?
- NORA:You don’t have to be rude. At least give her some time. You know she’s been there for us as VHT member.
- JUSTUS: I don’t want to talk to anyone right now
- NORA: (CAREFULLY) Justus, she has told me that there is a group in the village we can join.
- JUSTUS:What group is that?
- NORA:Ask her. She’s there… (CALLING) Jennifer…
- JUSTUS:(BORED TONE) Hello Jennifer. How are you these days?
- JENNIFER:I am okay, Justus. And you? How have you been?
- JUSTUS:(SOURLY) I am feeling much better now. In fact, I think I am healed.
- JENNIFER:(SHE HANDLES HIM TENDERLY FROM THIS POINT)… Justus, that is one thing I was hoping to talk to you about. How are you finding the treatment?
- JUSTUS:(SCOFFS) Treatment. I don’t think I need to take those tablets again.
- JENNIFER:But won’t you get sick again?
- JUSTUS:(SCOFFS) Jennifer, I am sick already. It’s not like I am going to get healed. Besides, I take a little waragi and I am okay. And besides, they give me all those tablets like you want to kill me off quickly.
- JENNIFER:But Justus, surely! Those tablets are supposed to make you better, not kill you. ARVs don’t kill.
- JUSTUS:Then you don’t know what you are talking about. (AMUSED)
- JENNIFER:What do you mean?
- JUSTUS:(RHETORICALLY) Do you know what those tablets have done to me? I can’t eat, I can’t sleep, my head always feels like its going to burst.
- JENNIFER:I am sorry to hear that.
- JUSTUS:And then you say, they don’t want to kill me. Anyway, never mind. I am dying already.
- JENNIFER:Justus! That is a bad thought. You are not dying. Obviously, you are reacting to the treatment you are on.
- JUSTUS:But I went to the health center and they gave me other tablets. They are just like the first ones.
- JENNIFER:Well, I am sorry, but maybe, if you were not drinking.
- JUSTUS:Well…
- JENNIFER:Yes, Justus. Let me give you an example. If you drink, it is very possible that you don’t have the appetite for food. Yet, eating all your meals will help soooooo much in taking away all those things you feel when you take the ARVs.
- JUSTUS:But Jennifer, what do you want me to do? Look at me. What hope do I have? I will not even live to see my daughter grow.
- JENNIFER:Don’t even let that get to you Justus. Do you have any idea how many are living with HIV like you in Uganda?
- JUSTUS:I have heard something about it but I am not sure.
- JENNIFER:They are even here in Obbanywa and also from the villages. In fact, they even have a group that meets at the Church on some days.
- JUSTUS:Really? There is such a group?
- JENNIFER:Yes. What they have done is make things better for them. And it has not taken much. They decided to change the way of their lives. People there will share their experiences with you more than I can tell you.
- JENNIFER:In fact, they even have some activities that make for them. They do hand-made crafts, and you know how these things are in high demand. I am telling you, you’ll love it there.
- NARRATOR:(JENNIFER) And that went better than I had braced myself for. And Justus has been to the Church group since then. And he has gone back, and gone back again. I guess he feels that he belongs and that is a good thing. And, oh yeah; Justus is Waragi- free. He has never turned back. Him and Nora got to meet other people who have been living with HIV for a long time. There were so many things I am told that they learnt about other people living with HIV. Nora started selling her knitting through the group’s development initiative. Justus went back to the health center and he was counseled on how to get through the side-effects. (JUSTUS CALLING: Nora my dear, it’s time to take our ARVs…) Yes. You heard it yourself. The health center even gave him a calendar to help him remember to take his medicine. Now, he knows the importance of taking care of himself and eating a regular meal, avoiding stress as well as being faithful to each his wife Nora. It’s been 4 months now since and I am glad to say, another job well done