NJASP Winter Conference 2014

Friday, December 12, 2014

Holiday Inn

399 Monmouth St

East Windsor, NJ

(609) 448-7000

Program Schedule

7:45 – 8:30Registration/Refreshments/Exhibits

8:30 – 9:30 Keynote Address – NASP Initiatives

9:30 – 11:45 AM Workshops

11:45 – 1:15 Network/Lunch Buffet/Raffles

1:15 – 3:30 PM Workshops

Workshop Description

WORKSHOP A:Evidence-based Evaluation of English Language Learners: Bridging research and practice to promote equity in assessment (AM & PM)

Samuel Ortiz, Ph.D.

St. John’s University

This workshop will present current research on language, cognitive, and academic development and implications for conducting psychoeducational evaluations that must generate valid data to support conclusions and decisions regarding English learners. Topics include: a review of the evidence-base of common approaches to evaluation of ELLs; the legacy of testing with bilinguals, understanding bias in testing; issues regarding test score validity; presentation of an integrated framework for conducting practical, defensible, and legally compliant evaluations, and use of the Culture-Language Interpretive Matrix as a method for evaluating test score validity. The knowledge and skills gained will be useful to practitioners at all levels and provides a solid base for engaging in evaluation of English learners that constitutes defensible and current best practices.

WORKSHOP B:Damaging Assumptions: Challenging Your LGBTQ, Gender, and Cultural Blind Spots(AM & PM)

Florence Rubinson, Professor

Paul MaCabe, Professor

Maria Scharron del Rio, Associate Professor

Eliza Dragowski, Assistant Professor

Brooklyn College

Participants will learn to recognize and challenge heteronormativity and sexism in schools, and how sexual orientation and gender expression can influence school success or failure. Speakers will present their personal counter-narratives and groups will engage in exercises evaluating their personal beliefs, assumptions, and self-positioning of societal privileges. Participants will learn strategies to respond to social inequalities perpetuated by schools to more effectively advocate for all youth.

WORKSHOP C:An Introduction to the new Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children- Fifth Edition (WISC-V) (AM & PM)

Peter Entwistle, PhD

Consultant for the Psychological Corporation/Pearson

The WISC-V represents a major revision with new content, six new subtests and a new test structure aligned to five clinically and theoretically driven factor-based index scores. It can be administered in multiple formats (traditional and digital) and offers numerous ancillary scores for special clinical purposes. The presenter of this intermediate workshop, a consultant to the primary developers of the WISC-V, offers an insider’s perspective on the revision process. In-depth didactic instruction and hands-on experience is used to convey the critical aspects of the revision.

WORKSHOP D:Responding to Crisis: Mental Health Crisis Intervention (AM only)

Stephen E. Brock, Ph.D., NCSP, LEP

NASP President

Professor and Program Coordinator - California State University

After providing a brief review of the incidence and consequences of traumatic stressors among our nation's school aged youth, this workshop will provide and overview of mental health crisis intervention. Given that when it comes to such a response "one size does not fit all," this session will review psychological triage techniques and offer a range (from least to most restrictive) of mental health crisis interventions. Special attention will be directed toward the relative unique suicide postvention crisis response.

Registration Information

Early Bird Registration (Available until November 14, 2014)

NJASP Member$ 110

Pre-Registration+On-Site Registration

NJASP Members$ 120NJASP Members$ 140

Non-Members$175Non-Members$ 195

Students*$ 40Students*$ 60

Conference/Membership Deal$ 165**

+ Deadline for pre-registration is December1, 2014. You can also register online at until December 6, 2014.

*Requires code from faculty advisor

**Available to newmembers only who qualify for full membership-only available through pre-registration.

Conference attendees will receive 5 CEUs. NJASP is a New Jersey Department of Education Registered Professional Development Provider #204. NJASP is a NASP Approved Provider #1014

Members of the school psychology associations of PA, NY, NH, MA, ME and CT can attend at the members’ rate in accordance with NASP’s NE Regional State Association Conference Sharing Agreement.

Payment Information

  • If paying by credit or debit card, go to to register online.You will not receive confirmation of receipt of your registration unless you register online at njasp.org.
  • If you make payment with a voucher from your school district, please bring a copy of it when you check in at the registration table.
  • Make check payable to NJASP. NJASP Federal I.D. #22-2359102
  • Cancellation policy: To receive a refund, you must email byDecember 1, 2014.
  • Please see for information regarding NJASP’s grievance policy.

Registration Form

Name______Job Title______

Address______City, State, Zip______

Employer:______Phone: (Work)______(Home)______

Membership Status ______Faculty Signature (Student Members):______

Special Arrangements/Diet______Email address:______

Pick two: one AM and one PM session

A.___Evidence-based Evaluation of English Language Learners: Bridging research and practice to promote equity in assessment (AM & PM)

B.___Damaging Assumptions: Challenging Your LGBTQ, Gender, and Cultural Blind Spots (AM & PM)

C.___An Introduction to the new Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children- Fifth Edition (WISC-V)

D. ___ Responding to Crisis: Mental Health Crisis Intervention (AM only)

Mail checks and registration form to:

NJASPWinter Conference
PO Box 9658
Hamilton, NJ 08650

Phone: 609-331-5244

Questions? ContactCynthia DeFina ()

This is to apprise you that the New Jersey Association of School Psychologists is a volunteer, professional, statewide, non-profit association organized and certified to provide members of the school psychologist profession with opportunities for continuing professional development. As such, it is not subject to the recent Business Regulation Certification Act per P.L. 2004, c.57, II. c. For your records, our tax identification number is 22-2359102.

Holiday Inn

East Windsor, NJ

(609) 448-7000




FRIDAY, December 12, 2014

Holiday Inn

399 Monmouth St

East Windsor, NJ

(609) 448-7000