B4 Early Years Coalition LeadersInformation for Applicants


This pack is for applicants interested in becoming a B4 Leader. It contains:

•  Information for Applicants

•  B4 Coalition Leader Expression of Interest Form.

To apply to be appointed as a B4 Leader:

•  Complete the Expression of Interest form at the back of this document

•  Submit your Expression of Interest with your resume and any supporting material to:

by COB Friday 27 October 2017

Enquiries to: Annette Fuller Senior Project Officer B4, mobile 0447 731 525 or email

Appointment process

  1. Lodge your application by COB Friday 27 October 2017
  2. The Department of Education will convene a selection panel of three people comprising the B4 Co-Chairs and a representative from the Department of Education to consider the applications and make recommendations to the Minister for Education and Training.
  3. B4 Leaders are appointed by the Minister for Education and Training.
  4. Decisions will be communicated to applicants by mail and subsequently to the community through a media release.


The B4 Early Years Coalition (B4) is part of the Tasmanian Government’s commitment to providing quality early learning and development experiences for all young children, regardless of where they live or their family background.

The early years are a time of rapid change and development for children, as they learn and grow and discover the world around them. Positive experiences in the early years can set a child on a path for wellbeing and success throughout their lives.

The name B4 represents the early years of a child’s life from pregnancy to age four, the years ‘before’ a child begins full-time school. B4 also represents the time before birth, recognising the importance of this very early stage of development.

Support for young children and their families is a whole of community responsibility. Collaborative, community-based action offers a unique opportunity to build happier, healthier lives for young Tasmanians.

B4 consists of twelve Leaders who are appointed by the Minister for Education and Training, with each leader having a specific Sector Focus Area. Currently B4 has two vacant B4 Leader positions.

B4 is seeking expressions of interest from people to fill these two vacant B4 Leader positions targeting specifically potential B4 Leaders with knowledge, expertise and or experience across one or more of the following sectors:

• Arts and Culture

• Business and Industry

• Sport, Recreation and Physical Spaces.

B4 Vision and goals


Every child in Tasmania, is cared for and nurtured through the early years, no matter what.


·  Everyone values the early years

·  Everyone supports the early years

·  Everyone works together for the early years


B4 will connect people and organisations from across the Tasmanian community who are committed to supporting children from pregnancy to age 4 and their families.

B4 is based on the ‘collective impact’ model (Kania and Kramer, 2011) where organisations and individuals from across diverse sectors work together to address social issues.

B4 will bring together individuals, businesses, communities and government to think about what we want for our youngest community members and drive community action to achieve better outcomes for young children and their families.

Membership and structure

B4 is Co-Chaired by the former Chair of the Tasmanian Early Years Foundation, Elizabeth Daly and the Interim Tasmanian Commissioner for Children and Young People, David Clements.

B4 consists of:

B4 Leaders are appointed for an initial period of two years and may be reappointed for a further term of two years.

Member Organisations and individual Supporters can join B4 at any time through a simple on line application form www.b4.education.tas.gov.au.

Role of the B4 Leaders

B4 Leaders will:

·  Raise awareness of the importance of the early years

·  Contribute to the development of goals and priorities for the early years in Tasmania

·  Provide leadership for, and consult with their relevant sector to identify priorities and actions

·  Encourage organisations and individuals to become B4 Members and Supporters

·  Promote shared measurement frameworks and practices

·  Oversee the grant process in line with the goals and priorities of the B4.


B4 Leaders are expected to demonstrate the following standards of professional and ethical behaviour.

·  Participate actively in the activities of B4

·  Represent and promote B4 in the wider community and their sector(s) of interest

·  Share views, provide insight and encourage new ideas concerning support for children in the early years in Tasmania and their families

·  Be well informed on issues being considered by the B4 Leaders, prepare adequately for meetings and seek additional information if required

·  Accept collective responsibility and support decisions of the B4 Leaders

·  Respect the views of other members and demonstrate appropriate conduct at B4 meetings and events

·  Comply with Department of Justice Child Safe Organisational requirements, including Working with Vulnerable People registration as required.

·  Maintain confidentiality of personal information and B4 Leader deliberations

·  Declare any real or potential conflicts of interest as they arise and propose ways to manage these.


B4 Leaders will meet at least four times per year and otherwise as required. B4 Co-Chairs will work together to develop an agenda for meetings, assisted by the B4 Support Team in the Department of Education. The agendas will include any relevant item raised by a member prior to the meeting.

Selection Criteria B4 Leaders

Expressions of interest to be appointed as B4 Leaders are sought from influential community leaders who:

·  Are passionate supporters of Tasmania’s children and understand the importance of the early years in building a strong foundation for future life chances

·  Have expertise, knowledge and or experience in one or more of the following sectors:

o  Arts and Culture

o  Business and Industry

o  Sport, Recreation and Physical Spaces

·  Are highly collaborative and committed to community participation and engagement

·  Have good communication skills

·  Have experience operating effectively in a board-like environment.

Remuneration of members

B4 Leaders are volunteers. B4 Leaders receive no sitting fees, they are entitled to be paid travelling expenses to attend meetings. A claim for reimbursement of travelling expenses will be provided at each meeting.

For further information on B4

Please see the website for further information www.b4.education.tas.gov.au.

B4 Leaders – EOI Form

Please complete this form and include your resume and any other relevant material in your application.

Personal details
Mrs / Ms / Miss / Mr / Dr / Other
Given Name(s)
Family Name
Postal Address
Phone Number / Work / ( ) / Home / ( )
Employer (if any)
Postal Address
Relevant Skills and Experience
Please summarise your skills and experience relevant to the selection criteria (you may prefer to do this on a separate sheet)
Knowledge and or understanding regarding the importance of the early years
Experience, knowledge and expertise within one or more of the following sectors:
•  Arts and Culture
•  Business and Industry
•  Sport, Recreation and Physical Spaces
Ability to collaborate and communicate effectively with people from diverse backgrounds
Please list any boards and committees that you serve on, or have served on (e.g. civic, community, government, professional, recreational, religious, social)
Organisation / Role/Title / Dates of service
Expression of Interest
A statement explaining your interest in applying for the role of B4 Leader
Please provide details of two referees who are able to comment on your skills or experience in relation to the selection criteria
Phone Number : Email:
Phone Number: Email:
I understand that the information contained within this application and all supporting documents (i.e., resume, recommendation letters, etc.) will be used by the B4 selection panel to evaluate my suitability for membership. I also certify, by my signature, that the information provided is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge.
Signature: / Date:
The closing date for applications is COB Friday 27 October 2017
Send applications to the Department of Education via email to .
Personal information is collected from you for the purpose of registering your interest for B4 Early Years Coalition membership. Your personal information will be used for the purpose for which it is collected and will be managed in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act 2004. You can obtain a copy of the Department of Education’s Personal Information Protection Policy on