Quilpie Shire Priorities

Quilpie Shire Priorities



The RADF Program supports the arts and cultural development of regional communities across Queensland. The Program has adopted new guidelines which include new priorities for funding, determined by Quilpie Shire Council and the community.
Before submitting an EOI please ensure that you have read the RADF Program Guidelines (available at ).
For any queries please contact the Quilpie Shire Council’s RADF Liaison Officer.
E: ;T: (07) 4656 0500
Return your completed EOI to the Quilpie Shire Council by email to: . It is recommended that projects are completed by June 2017. Please contact the RADF Liaison Officer if your project will extend past this timeframe.


Applicant name
(full name of individual, group or organisation)
Contact person
Phone number
Email address



What priority/ies does your project contribute toward:
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  1. Our People & Community
A creative, engaged, cohesive community which supports and acknowledges its artists and artisans
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  1. Our Place
An appealing, attractive Shire with quality arts & cultural facilities and amenities
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  1. Our Past
Preservation and celebration of our rich natural and cultural heritage
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  1. Our Partnerships
Productive partnerships and alliances within and external to the Region
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  1. Our Prosperity
An arts and cultural sector that contributes economic value and prosperity


Please select the category which most suits your project.
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  1. Developing Regional Skills
For Council, individual professional artists and artsworkers to attend or secure professional development seminars or activities; master classes; mentorships with recognised arts and cultural peers; and placements with recognised arts and cultural organisations.
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  1. Building Community Cultural Capacity
For community groups to engage a professional artist or artsworker to work with them on developing their arts practice or to run arts development workshops or community projects.
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  1. Participation and Engagement
For activities that encourage broad community engagement and/or participation in arts and cultural activities, including projects, events, festivals
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  1. Cultural Diversity
For projects and activities that promote cultural diversity and inclusiveness
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  1. Placemaking and public amenity
For projects and activities that promote placemaking, sense of place and the enhancement of public appeal and amenity
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  1. Preservation of history and heritage
For projects and activities that promote the preservation and/or celebration of local history and heritage
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  1. Cultural Tourism
For projects and activities that use and or develop the community’s locally distinct arts, culture and heritage and to appeal to and/or attract visitors
Project name (< 10 words)
Project description (briefly)
Identify the community benefit
Identify partnerships for this project/s
(which may include - arts and non-arts partners as new audiences / participants including health, sport, education and tourism)
Approximatetotal cost of project / $
Approximate RADF Grant request / $


Signature: / Date: / Click here to enter a date.
Name in full:


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