ELIGIBILITY: This application may be completed by the student before notification of college acceptance, but only those students accepted at an institution of higher learning will be eligible for the scholarship. One must be a Bow resident to be eligible to receive this scholarship. One can be awarded this scholarship for a maximum of two years.
The following criteria are used to evaluate scholarship applicants: personal data, recommendations, scholastic aptitude, scholastic performance, essay, and financial need.
1. Name:
First Middle Last
2. Home Address:
Street City State Zip
INTRODUCTION: It is important for you to complete each item on the application form as accurately as possible. Please provide a complete picture of yourself and your background to help the committee make a fair evaluation of your application.
3. Date Bow Residence was established: ______
4. Dependents:
Name: ______Age: ______Part/Full Time Employment/School
Name: ______Age: ______Part/Full Time Employment/School
Name: ______Age: ______Part/Full Time Employment/School
Name: ______Age: ______Part/Full Time Employment/School
Name: ______Age: ______Part/Full Time Employment/School
Name: ______Age: ______Part/Full Time Employment/School
5. Application must be accompanied by high school transcript* and College Board (SAT or ACT) scores and/or college or university grades transcript.
*If high school transcripts are not available, please indicate name of high school, town and state, and year graduated; or authorizing state and year received GED.
If you are presently a college student, at what level? Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior
6. Post secondary school or college for which applicant’s scholarship is requested:
Name of school/college:
Anticipated Major:
7. Describe your interests and/or hobbies:
8. List participation in school and community organizations and activities over the past four years:
Do not attach a Resume.
Organization/Activity # Weeks or Months # Hours per week
9. Describe your work experiences. Indicate periods of employment in each job and list amounts earned on each job over the past four years:
Employer Job Description Annual Earnings Total Annual Hours
Employer Job Description Annual Earnings Total Annual Hours
Employer Job Description Annual Earnings Total Annual Hours
Employer Job Description Annual Earnings Total Annual Hours
10. What did you learn from your work experiences?
11. Submit two essays of 250-500 words each describing:
A. What you have done to improve someone else’s life, and what impact has that had on your’s?
B. If you could wave a magic wand and create your own future, what would it look like?
Both questions must be answered. These essays must be on 8 ½ x 11 inch paper.
NOTE: Previous winners need to submit new essays.
12. State any other personal circumstances which warrant the attention of the selection committee:
13. Is there any other information that you believe might be helpful to the selection committee? You may include any awards or recognitions.
14. How did you first learn about the availability of the Bow Rotary Scholarships?
15. The Rotary Club of Bow provides information about scholarship recipients when announcing winners of the scholarships and to the media in promoting the Scholarship Auction and upcoming scholarship opportunities. Given what you have provided for personal information in this application, please write 4 or 5 sentences about yourself that the Bow Rotary Club can use to inform the public about who you are.
16. Submit two letters of recommendation. These letters must be enclosed with application and must be written within the current academic year. Your two letters must also represent two different categories from those listed below:
Teacher, Guidance Counselor or Academic Advisor, Principal, Employer, or Clergy
17. Complete the Financial Information Worksheet. This is the last page of this application.
18. Signature: Date:
Applications must be received by 3:00 PM at the Bow SAU Office on Friday, April 8, 2011.
Please mail to:
Bow Rotary Scholarship Fund Committee
c/o Superintendent of Schools
Bow School District
32 White Rock Hill Road
Bow, NH 03304
IMPORTANT!!! Please remember to attach your Transcripts, SAT scores, and references. Even if you are presently in college,
we still require a copy of HS transcripts and your SAT scores.
Please note: These funds are made possible
through the tremendous support of the
Bow Rotary Club Annual Auction held each fall.
Please ask your family to join us at next year’s auction.
Watch for details next fall.
End of Application
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