Table A1.Population names, sample codes, sample sizes, date of collection, tissue source, and collectors for genetic samples (used in genetic analysis)

Region (province as in Fig. 1) / Population / Sample code / N / Date / Tissue / Collector
Northeastern Sakhalin
(51) / Piltun River / 1 / 8 / 1997-1999 / skin/scales / Sergey Safronov
Val River / 2 / 14 / August 3-4, 2011 / finclips / AndreyYurchenko, DmitriDidenko
DagiRiver / 3A / 31 / Sept. 13-21, 2009 / fin clips / Anatoly Semenchenko, Dmitri Didenko, AndreyYurchenko, Lev Zhivotovsky
Dagi Bay / 3B / 9 / June, 2005 / skin/scales / Sergey Safronov
TymRiver / 4 / 11 / July 31, 2011 / finclips / AndreyYurchenko, DmitriDidenko
NabilRiver / 5A / 9 / September 11, 1999 / finclips / Bronov
5B / 11 / October, 2009 / fin clips / Dmitri Didenko
Langeri River / 6 / 10 / September 9-11, 2011 / fin clips / Dmitri Didenko, Lev Zhivotovsky
Terpenie Bay
(73) / PoronayRiver / 7 / 11 / June - October, 2008 / finclips / DmitriDidenko
OnorkaRiver / 8 / 12 / August, 2010 / finclips / AndreyYurchenko, Anatoly Semenchenko, Sergey Zolotukhin
BrusnichnayaRiver / 9 / 11 / September 19, 2009 / finclips / SergeySafronov
ElnayaRiver / 10 / 21 / August, 2010 / finclips / AndreyYurchenko, Anatoly Semenchenko, Sergey Zolotukhin
NevskoeLake / 11 / 8 / November 4, 2006 / skin/scales / SergeySafronov
Southeastern Sakhalin
(84) / TunaichaLake / 12A / 10 / 2006 / skin/scales / SergeySafronov
12B / 6 / May, 2012 / finclips / VladimirSamarsky
VavaiskoeLake / 13A / 10 / 2005 / skin/scales / SergeySafronov
13B / 18 / September, 1999 / finclips / SergeySafronov
UrjumRiver / 14 / 3 / August, 2011 / finclips / SergeyMakeev, AndreyYurchenko
UljanovkaRiver / 15A / 4 / July, 2011 / finclips / SergeyMakeev, AndreyYurchenko
15B / 7 / 2001 / skin/scales / SergeySafronov
MoguchiRiver / 16 / 6 / October, 2011 / finclips / SergeyMakeev
Iturup Island
(74) / LebedinoeLake / 17 / 7 / 2011 / finclips / VictorPogodin
KuibyshevkaRiver / 18 / 7 / Sept. 16-19, 2010 / fin clips / Sergey Borzov, Lev Zhivotovsky
Kunashir Island
(94) / ValentinaLake / 19 / 6 / 1998 / skin/scales / Dmitry Sokov
Hokkaido / SarafutsuRiver / 20 / 9 / 2006 / fin clips / MichioFukushima
Southwestern Sakhalin (83) / TainoeLake / 21 / 9 / October, 2013 / finclips / AlekseyTaibulatov, SergeyMakeev, LevZhivotovsky
Western Sakhalin
(72) / AinskoeLake / 22A / 30 / September, 2010 / finclips / AnatolySemenchenko, AndreyYurchenko, LevZhivotovsky
22B / 20 / 2002 / skin/scales / SergeySafronov
22C / 10 / 1998 / skin/scales / SergeySafronov
AgnevoRiver / 23A / 3 / June, 2009 / finclips / DmitriDidenko
23B / 10 / August 8, 2002 / skin/scales / SergeySafronov
ViakhtuRiver / 24A / 32 / June-July, 2010 / finclips / Vladimir Samarsky, AnnaLapshina
ViakhtuBay / 24B / 10 / 2002 / skin/scales / SergeySafronov
TykBay / 25 / 10 / July 4, 2002 / skin/scales / SergeySafronov
(71) / UlikaRiver / 26 / 15 / June-July, 2011 / finclips / SergeyZolotukhin
Tumnin River / 27A / 17 / June 9-15, 2011 / finclips / AndreyYurchenko, SergeyZolotukhin
27B / 9 / September, 2011 / finclips / SergeyZolotukhin
KoppiRiver / 28A / 13 / June 18-22, 2010 / finclips / AndreyYurchenko
28B / 11 / July, 2011 / finclips / SergeyZolotukhin
Primorye (82) / SamargaRiver / 29 / 9 / 2004 / finclips / ---
Primorye (100) / KievkaRiver / 30 / 6 / 1997 / finclips / AlisaPoljakova
fish market / --- / 13 / 2012 / finclips / SergeyZolotukhin


Table A2. Microsatellite markers involved in the study

Microsatellite marker / Source
Omy301 / Jackson et al. 1998
Oki10-G / Smith et al. 1998
Smm17 / Crane et al. 2004
BleTet5,BleTri3 / Froufe et al. 2004
Hper4-G, Hper5, Hper6-G, Hper15,
Hper16-G, Hper25-G / Hatakeyama et al. (2005)
Pper1-G, Pper2-G, Pper3-G, Pper5, Pper6-G, Pper7-G, Pper8-G, Pper11-G / Kopun et al. (2008)

Note. “G” stands for loci with newly designed primers to fit the size of amplification products (Shitova et al. 2012). The productswere fractionated by electrophoresis in 6% polyacrylamide gels, stained with ethidium bromide and documented under ultraviolet light. The allele sizes for each locus were determined by using both an external standard and a sequenced reference sample in each gel to insure exact scoring and facilitate cross-referencing among gels.


Crane PA, CJ Lewis, EJ Kretschmer, SJ Miller, WJ Spearman, AL DeCicco, MJ Lisac, and JK Wenburg (2004) Characterization and inheritance of seven microsatellite loci from Dolly Varden, Salvelinusmalma, and cross-species amplification in Arctic char, S. alpinus. Cons Gen 5:737-741.

Froufe E, K Sefc, P Alexandrino, and S Weiss (2004) Isolation and characterization of Brachymystaxlenok microsatellite loci and cross‐species amplification in Hucho spp. and Parahuchoperryi. Mole Ecol Notes 4:150-152.

Hatakeyama, M, T Watanabe, M Ikeda, M Nakajima, H Kawamula, and N Taniguchi (2005) Isolation and characterization of microsatellite DNA loci for endangered fish, Japanese huchen (Huchoperryi). Mol Ecol Notes 5:893-895.

Jackson TR, MM Ferguson, RG Danzmann, AG Fishback, PE.Ihssen, MO'Connell, and TJ Crease (1998) Identification of two QTL influencing upper temperature tolerance in three rainbow trout (Oncorhynchusmykiss) half-sib families. Heredity 80:143-151.

Kopun T, KA Winkler, and S Weiss (2009) Eight new polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers for Sakhalin taimenParahuchoperryi. Cons Gen 10:1089-1091.

Shitova M, AYurchenko, E Shaykhaev, and L Zhivotovsky (2012) A panel of microsatellite loci for population studies of Sakhalin taimenParahuchoperryi (Brevoort). Rus J Gen 48:831-837.

Smith C, B Koop, and R Nelson (1998) Isolation and characterization of coho salmon (Oncorhynchuskisutch) microsatellites and their use in other salmonids. Mol Ecol 7:1614-1616.

Table A3. Relative biomass (g/m2) of Sakhalin taimen in the watersheds of SakhalinIsland (rows sum up to 1).Population codes are given in Fig. 1.

Population / Watershed segment
Tributary / Lake / Upper / Middle / Lower / Estuary / Lagoon / Seashore
Piltun(1) / --- / --- / --- / 0.188 / 0.206 / 0.264 / 0.342 / ---
Val (2) / --- / --- / --- / 0.055 / 0.258 / 0.293 / 0.394 / ---
Dagi(3) / --- / --- / --- / 0.041 / 0.204 / 0.512 / 0.244 / ---
Nabil(5) / --- / --- / --- / 0.090 / 0.208 / 0.236 / 0.466 / ---
Chamgu(6) / 0.240 / --- / --- / 0.080 / 0.284 / 0.189 / --- / 0.207
Bogataya(6) / 0.223 / --- / --- / 0.125 / 0.291 / 0.146 / --- / 0.216
Poronay(7-10) / 0.269 / --- / 0.440 / 0.292 / --- / --- / --- / ---
Tunaicha(12) / --- / 0.558 / 0.054 / 0.081 / 0.165 / 0.141 / --- / ---
Vavaiskoe(13) / --- / 0.507 / 0.040 / 0.173 / 0.119 / 0.162 / --- / ---
Tambovka (14) / 0.212 / --- / --- / 0.111 / 0.372 / 0.091 / --- / 0.214
Uljanovka (15) / 0.139 / --- / --- / 0.137 / 0.294 / 0.125 / --- / 0.305
Ainskoe (22) / --- / 0.573 / 0.034 / 0.227 / 0.034 / 0.131 / --- / ---
Agnevo (23) / 0.203 / --- / --- / 0.083 / 0.104 / 0.106 / --- / 0.504
Viakhtu (24) / --- / --- / --- / 0.111 / 0.338 / 0.206 / 0.345 / ---
Tyk (25) / --- / --- / --- / 0.161 / 0.230 / 0.228 / 0.380 / ---

Note 1. These samples were taken from locations of fish during the active feeding period (from the end of July to October) to studylife-history characteristics of Sakhalin taimenand evaluate population-specific spatial distribution of Sakhalintaimenwith respect to their natal river.Our goal was to generate an index that would reflect to some extent the population eco-type with respect to migratory patterns (e.g. resident, lake, and estuary). Sample catch data were collected from 1999 to 2011 (collectors: S.N. Safronov and V.D. Nikitin). To relate these data to the genetic ones, we estimated Sakhalin taimen biomass from watershed segments (habitat types) across the majority of SakhalinIsland watersheds listed in Fig.1.

These surveys were carried out in the upper, middle, and lower courses of these river systems as well as in lakes, tributaries, estuaries, lagoons, and the adjacent seashore, defining eight different habitat types.Fish were sampled with: beach seines in coastal waters, lakes, lagoons, and estuaries; drag nets up to ten meters long in rivers not wider than 35 m; and scoop-nets in small creeks up to two meters wide. To effectively sample large-size fish in stronger current, we temporarily blocked the river with upstream and downstream set nets with a mesh size 45-50 mm and dragged nets from the upstream net to the downstream net.

For each sample effort, the weight of all fish captured was divided by the netted area to determine biomass density (i.e.catch per unit of effort or the weight of fish captured per square meter of netted area).Multiple samples within each watershed segment were averaged to estimate biomass in each segment.These segment biomass estimates were converted to relative biomass values by dividing them into the total sum of biomass estimates over the entire watershed and adjoining coastal area, for each of the watersheds.

Note 2. This list of Sakhalin Island populations is taken for analysis of the biomass distributions only, differ from the genetic samples (Fig.1), and is incomplete compared to those in Fig.1. Namely, the Tym River population (#4 in Fig.1) is absent as its migration behavior is greatly affected by the salmon hatcheries, although the river drains into a well developed lagoon similarly to that found in neighboring populations Val, Dagi and Nabil. The Nevskoetaimen(#11) were observed in the channel from the lake to offshore waters and in the adjacent seashore (the semi-anadromous behavior), but could not be officially registered. Missing data on migration behavior of the taimen in Langeri (#6) and Urjum (#14) were substituted by those for the neighboring populations denoted by the corresponding population codes; the latter can also hold for Moguchi (#16). Genetic samples 7-10 correspond to the same watershed, the Poronay River system.


Table A4. Significance (p-values) for evaluating deviation from Hardy-Weinberg expectations. Significant deviations fromHWE (p<0.05)

are shown with grey shading. Superscripts+ and-stand respectively for positive and negative values of the inbreeding coefficient f.

Sample / Locus
Pper1g / Pper2g / Pper3g / Pper5g / Hper25E / Pper8g / Smm17 / Omy301
Piltun (1) / 0.064 / 0.105 / 0.094 / 0.529 / 1 / 0.529 / 1 / 1
Val (2) / 0.087 / 0.142 / 0.606 / 0.375 / 1 / 0.461 / 1 / 1
Dagi (3A) / 0.518 / 0.921 / 0.354 / 0.022+ / 0.689 / 0.383 / 0.704 / 0.624
DagiBay (3B) / 0.367 / 0.752 / 0.704 / 0.702 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1
Tym (4) / 0.614 / 0.519 / 0.344 / 0.658 / 0.437 / 0.297 / 1 / 1
Nabil (5A) / 0.785 / 0.454 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1
Nabil (5B) / 0.600 / 0.135 / 0.358 / 1 / 1 / 0.585 / 1 / 1
Langeri (6) / 0.543 / 0.406 / 0.962 / 0.429 / 0.218 / 0.575 / 1 / 0.046-
Poronay (7) / 0.100 / 0.965 / 0.213 / 1 / 0.503 / 1 / 0.277 / 1
Onorka (8) / 0.260 / 1 / 0.120 / 1 / 0.595 / 0.179 / 1 / 0.486
Brysnichnaya (9) / 0.077 / 0.752 / 0.198 / 0.232 / 0.108 / 0.407 / 1 / 0.257
Elnaya (10) / 0.240 / 0.187 / 0.498 / 0.254 / 1 / 0.234 / 1 / 1
Nevskoe (11) / 0.041+ / 0.132 / 0.026+ / 0.218 / 1 / 0.047+ / 1 / 0.386
Tunaicha (12A) / 0.038+ / 0.0015+ / 0.436 / 0.046+ / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1
Tunaicha (12B) / 0.332 / 0.833 / 0.446 / 0.518 / 1 / 0.030+ / 1 / 1
Vavaiskoe (13A) / 0.090 / 0.091 / 0.170 / 1 / 1 / 0.373 / 0.215 / 1
Vavaiskoe (13B) / 0.222 / 0.0023+ / 0.968 / 1 / 0.0052+ / 0.536 / 0.271 / 0.251
Urjum (14) / 0.600 / 1 / 0.599 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1
Uljanovka (15A) / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1
Uljanovka (15B) / 1 / 0.143 / 0.034+ / 0.110 / 1 / 0.440 / 1 / 1
Moguchi (16) / 0.769 / 0.168 / 0.638 / 0.237 / 1 / 0.633 / 1 / 1
Lebedinoe (17) / 1 / 0.327 / 1 / 1 / 0.160 / 1 / 1 / 1
Kyibishevka (18) / 1 / 0.664 / 0.442 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1
Valentina (19) / 1 / 0.258 / 0.619 / 1 / 1 / 0.396 / 1 / 1
Sarafutsu (20) / 1 / 0.011+ / 0.770 / 0.317 / 1 / 0.531 / 0.249 / 1
Tainoe (21) / 0.290 / 0.294 / 0.239 / 1 / 1 / 0.059 / 1 / 1
Ainskoe (22A) / 0.077 / 0.307 / 0.357 / 0.437 / 0.711 / 0.199 / 1 / 1
Ainskoe (22B) / 0.0020+ / 0.897 / 0.598 / 0.150 / 1 / 0.568 / 0.242 / 1
Ainskoe (22C) / 0.209 / 0.105 / 0.170 / 0.269 / 1 / 0.126 / 0.572 / 1
Agnevo (23A) / 1 / 0.332 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 0.200 / 1 / 0.198
Agnevo (23B) / 0.576 / 0.442 / 0.609 / 0.335 / 0.246 / 0.130 / 0.443 / 1
Viakhtu (24A) / 0.503 / 0.386 / 0.110 / 0.279 / 0.732 / 0.412 / 0.137 / 1
Viahtu (24B) / 0.0023+ / 0.663 / 0.718 / 0.029+ / 1 / 0.0023+ / 0.269 / 1
Tyk (25) / 0.648 / 0.655 / 0.367 / 1 / 1 / 0.643 / 0.157 / 1
Ulika (26) / 0.040+ / 0.191 / 0.547 / 0.851 / 0.259 / 0.565 / 1 / 0.328
Tumnin (27A) / 0.416 / 0.225 / 0.346 / 0.762 / 0.329 / 0.400 / 0.809 / 0.287
Tumnin (27B) / 0.775 / 1 / 0.554 / 0.551 / 1 / 0.173 / 1 / 1
Koppi (28A) / 0.433 / 0.013+ / 0.186 / 0.482 / 1 / 0.15 / 0.093 / 0.500
Koppi (28B) / 1 / 1 / 1 / 0.440 / 0.538 / 0.441 / 0.066 / 1
Samarga (29) / 1 / 0.620 / 1 / 1 / 0.340 / 0.341 / 1 / 0.495
Kievka (30) / 0.932 / 0.792 / 0.297 / 1 / 0.092 / 1 / 0.271 / 0.274

Table A4 (continued).

Sample / Locus
Pper11g / Hper15E / Hper4E / Hper16E / Hper6E / Pper6g / Pper7g / Bletri3 / BleTet5 / Hper5E / Oki10g
Piltun (1) / 0.301 / 0.138 / 1 / 0.015+ / 1 / 0.433 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 0.440 / 0.095
Val (2) / 0.603 / 0.608 / 1 / 0.026+ / 0.075 / 0.616 / 1 / 0.489 / 1 / 0.319 / 0.476
Dagi (3A) / 0.536 / 1 / 1 / 0.222 / 0.359 / 0.765 / 1 / 0.102 / 1 / 0.259 / 0.263
DagiBay (3B) / 0.297 / 0.713 / 1 / 0.421 / 1 / 0.386 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 0.273 / 0.330
Tym (4) / 0.240 / 1 / 1 / 0.0094- / 0.02+ / 1 / 0.916 / 1 / 1 / 0.553 / 0.030+
Nabil (5A) / 0.555 / 0.443 / 1 / 0.531 / 0.0053+ / 0.144 / 0.538 / 0.641 / 1 / 0.227 / 0.433
Nabil (5B) / 0.333 / 0.473 / 1 / 0.604 / 1 / 0.106 / 0.629 / 0.304 / 1 / 0.576 / 0.029+
Langeri (6) / 0.442 / 0.772 / 0.306 / 0.022+ / 0.479 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1
Poronay (7) / 0.696 / 0.404 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 0.062 / 0.402 / 1 / 1 / 0.213 / 0.882
Onorka (8) / 0.034+ / 0.303 / 0.592 / 1 / 1 / 0.662 / 0.067 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 0.242
Brysnichnaya (9) / 0.181 / 1 / 1 / 0.441 / 1 / 0.093 / 1 / 0.502 / 1 / 1 / 0.087
Elnaya (10) / 0.985 / 0.826 / 0.192 / 1 / 1 / 0.119 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 0.642 / 0.173
Nevskoe (11) / 0.353 / 0.776 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 0.578 / 0.199 / 0.078 / 1 / 1 / 0.096
Tunaicha (12A) / 0.053 / 0.064 / 1 / 0.199 / 0.0092+ / 0.18 / 0.182 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 0.030+
Tunaicha (12B) / 0.298 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 0.588 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 0.612
Vavaiskoe (13A) / 0.434 / 0.305 / 1 / 0.215 / 1 / 0.18 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 0.108 / 0.393
Vavaiskoe (13B) / 0.455 / 0.272 / 1 / 0.374 / 1 / 0.659 / 0.255 / 1 / 1 / 0.290 / 0.896
Urjum (14) / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 0.198 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1
Uljanovka (15A) / 0.772 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 0.085 / 0.086 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 0.315
Uljanovka (15B) / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 0.0098+ / 0.106 / 1 / 1 / 0.090 / 1
Moguchi (16) / 0.644 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 0.654 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 0.191 / 0.071
Lebedinoe (17) / 1 / 0.476 / 1 / 0.442 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1
Kyibishevka (18) / 0.133 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 0.012+ / 0.719 / 1 / 0.105 / 1 / 1 / 0.190
Valentina (19) / 0.203 / 0.101 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 0.653 / 0.099 / 1 / 1 / 0.305 / 0.050
Sarafutsu (20) / 0.767 / 1 / 1 / 0.073 / 1 / 0.764 / 1 / 0.216 / 1 / 0.458 / 0.878
Tainoe (21) / 0.343 / 0.703 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 0.682 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 0.725 / 0.035+
Ainskoe (22A) / 0.031+ / 0.454 / 1 / 0.230 / 1 / 0.198 / 0.505 / 0.084 / 0.338 / 0.469 / 0.110
Ainskoe (22B) / 0.622 / 0.654 / 1 / 0.689 / 1 / 0.974 / 0.307 / 0.159 / 1 / 0.535 / 0.547
Ainskoe (22C) / 0.557 / 0.7 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 0.316 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 0.682
Agnevo (23A) / 1 / 0.598 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 0.598 / 1 / 1 / 1
Agnevo (23B) / 0.265 / 0.448 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 0.887 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 0.226 / 0.129
Viakhtu (24A) / 0.120 / 0.0066+ / 1 / 0.024+ / 0.136 / 0.506 / 0.744 / 0.778 / 0.614 / 1 / 0.262
Viahtu (24B) / 0.486 / 0.358 / 0.052 / 0.324 / 1 / 0.562 / 0.197 / 0.052 / 1 / 1 / 0.113
Tyk (25) / 0.516 / 1 / 1 / 0.448 / 0.480 / 0.926 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 0.142
Ulika (26) / 0.500 / 0.117 / 1 / 0.418 / 1 / 0.4 / 0.269 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 0.0032+
Tumnin (27A) / 0.762 / 0.511 / 1 / 0.0030+ / 1 / 0.308 / 0.658 / 0.384 / 0.179 / 0.043+ / 0.783
Tumnin (27B) / 0.775 / 0.645 / 1 / 0.636 / 1 / 0.860 / 0.167 / 0.127 / 1 / 1 / 1
Koppi (28A) / 0.033+ / 0.741 / 1 / 0.505 / 1 / 0.133 / 0.769 / 0.257 / 0.475 / 0.258 / 0.820
Koppi (28B) / 0.313 / 0.510 / 1 / 0.176 / 1 / 0.355 / 0.545 / 0.546 / 0.175 / 1 / 0.752
Samarga (29) / 0.487 / 0.641 / 1 / 0.398 / 1 / 0.567 / 0.225 / 0.336 / 0.3 / 1 / 0.173
Kievka (30) / 0.271 / 0.271 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 0.429 / 1 / 0.031+ / 0.151 / 1 / 0.047+

Table A5. Summary statistics of microsatellite variation in genetic samples of Sakhalin taimen (473 individuals).

Shown is the number of samples typed for each locus, the total number of different alleles, the expected heterozygosity (He),

and the estimated FST across all samples for each locus.

Locus / Sample
size / # alleles / He / FST
Pper1g / 460 / 54 / 0.957 / 0.077
Pper2g / 464 / 24 / 0.929 / 0.107
Pper3g / 460 / 25 / 0.929 / 0.097
Pper5g / 465 / 11 / 0.610 / 0.145
Hper25E / 468 / 2 / 0.489 / 0.099
Pper8g / 471 / 8 / 0.777 / 0.192
Smm17 / 469 / 7 / 0.471 / 0.175
Omy301 / 473 / 2 / 0.341 / 0.174
Pper11g / 452 / 20 / 0.882 / 0.124
Hper15E / 470 / 8 / 0.651 / 0.156
Hper4E / 472 / 4 / 0.104 / 0.174
Hper16E / 467 / 9 / 0.633 / 0.191
Hper6E / 452 / 7 / 0.260 / 0.040
Pper6g / 464 / 16 / 0.834 / 0.118
Pper7g / 466 / 7 / 0.540 / 0.116
Bletri3 / 466 / 9 / 0.548 / 0.189
BleTet5 / 471 / 11 / 0.248 / 0.181
Hper5E / 465 / 3 / 0.471 / 0.145
Oki10g / 455 / 34 / 0.922 / 0.098

Table A6. Overall statistics averaged across loci for each genetic sample.

Shown are: sample name (code); D, allelic diversity (or expected heterozygosity, He); Ho, observedheterozygosity;f, the inbreeding coefficient.

Sample / Allele diversity,
D (He) / Observed
heterozygosity, Ho / Inbreeding
coefficient, f
Piltun (1) / 0.47 / 0.42 / 0.12
Val (2) / 0.51 / 0.49 / 0.05
Dagi (3A) / 0.48 / 0.49 / -0.02
DagiBay (3B) / 0.56 / 0.56 / -0.01
Tym (4) / 0.51 / 0.5 / 0.02
Nabil (5A) / 0.55 / 0.56 / -0.02
Nabil (5B) / 0.57 / 0.54 / 0.05
Langeri (6) / 0.57 / 0.62 / -0.1
Poronay (7) / 0.53 / 0.52 / 0.03
Onorka (8) / 0.44 / 0.48 / -0.09
Brysnichnaya (9) / 0.49 / 0.43 / 0.13
Elnaya (10) / 0.54 / 0.55 / -0.02
Nevskoe (11) / 0.60 / 0.47 / 0.22
Tunaicha (12A) / 0.50 / 0.42 / 0.17
Tunaicha (12B) / 0.53 / 0.54 / 0
Vavaiskoe (13A) / 0.55 / 0.56 / -0.02
Vavaiskoe (13B) / 0.55 / 0.53 / 0.03
Urjum (14) / 0.48 / 0.51 / -0.06
Uljanovka (15A) / 0.46 / 0.47 / -0.03
Uljanovka (15B) / 0.43 / 0.33 / 0.24
Moguchi (16) / 0.54 / 0.51 / 0.06
Lebedinoe (17) / 0.31 / 0.37 / -0.24
Kyibishevka (18) / 0.38 / 0.39 / -0.02
Valentina (19) / 0.53 / 0.57 / -0.09
Sarafutsu (20) / 0.54 / 0.56 / -0.04
Tainoe (21) / 0.34 / 0.32 / 0.07
Ainskoe (22A) / 0.61 / 0.58 / 0.05
Ainskoe (22B) / 0.57 / 0.57 / 0
Ainskoe (22C) / 0.59 / 0.56 / 0.06
Agnevo (23A) / 0.59 / 0.6 / -0.01
Agnevo (23B) / 0.58 / 0.58 / 0.01
Viakhtu (24A) / 0.54 / 0.52 / 0.04
Viahtu (24B) / 0.56 / 0.48 / 0.15
Tyk (25) / 0.49 / 0.48 / 0.02
Ulika (26) / 0.55 / 0.52 / 0.05
Tumnin (27A) / 0.60 / 0.57 / 0.04
Tumnin (27B) / 0.57 / 0.58 / -0.03
Koppi (28A) / 0.60 / 0.58 / 0.04
Koppi (28B) / 0.60 / 0.63 / -0.05
Samarga (29) / 0.58 / 0.6 / -0.03
Kievka (30) / 0.46 / 0.39 / 0.17

Table A7. Matrix of pairwiseFSTestimates θP between genetic samples (sample sizes and sample codes are listed in Appendix A1)

2 / 0.0697
3A / 0.0508 / 0.0361
3B / 0.0706 / 0.0433 / 0.0091•
4 / 0.2165 / 0.1307 / 0.1488 / 0.0971
5A / 0.0836 / 0.0648 / 0.0555 / 0.0229• / 0.0986
5B / 0.0648 / 0.0481 / 0.0349 / 0.0059• / 0.1061 / 0.0005•
6 / 0.1569 / 0.0799 / 0.0872 / 0.0734 / 0.1288 / 0.0777 / 0.0599
7 / 0.1522 / 0.1491 / 0.1491 / 0.1383 / 0.2465 / 0.1451 / 0.1274 / 0.1055
8 / 0.2373 / 0.2092 / 0.2043 / 0.2014 / 0.3064 / 0.1922 / 0.1873 / 0.1464 / 0.0753
9 / 0.1651 / 0.1517 / 0.1477 / 0.1285 / 0.2048 / 0.1424 / 0.1125 / 0.0998 / 0.0708 / 0.1499
10 / 0.1276 / 0.1133 / 0.124 / 0.1095 / 0.1762 / 0.1007 / 0.0807 / 0.0977 / 0.0767 / 0.1390 / 0.0577
11 / 0.0994 / 0.0685 / 0.1031 / 0.0608 / 0.11 / 0.0594 / 0.0312 / 0.0546 / 0.0935 / 0.1539 / 0.0865 / 0.0400
12A / 0.0840 / 0.1196 / 0.1257 / 0.1040 / 0.1837 / 0.1091 / 0.0804 / 0.1545 / 0.1737 / 0.2727 / 0.1687 / 0.1153 / 0.0542
12B / 0.1373 / 0.1420 / 0.1343 / 0.0936 / 0.1711 / 0.0954 / 0.0574 / 0.1134 / 0.1619 / 0.2273 / 0.1291 / 0.0907 / 0.0147
13A / 0.1730 / 0.1429 / 0.1839 / 0.1331 / 0.1635 / 0.1366 / 0.1122 / 0.1600 / 0.2018 / 0.2793 / 0.2142 / 0.1563 / 0.0721
13B / 0.1404 / 0.1243 / 0.1442 / 0.1067 / 0.17 / 0.1144 / 0.0863 / 0.1338 / 0.1642 / 0.2418 / 0.1765 / 0.1335 / 0.0700
14 / 0.1249 / 0.0913 / 0.1368 / 0.1097 / 0.215 / 0.0818 / 0.0810 / 0.1155 / 0.1595 / 0.2188 / 0.1915 / 0.1360 / 0.0262
15A / 0.1447 / 0.1472 / 0.1310 / 0.1174 / 0.2218 / 0.1070 / 0.0973 / 0.1287 / 0.1411 / 0.2433 / 0.1274 / 0.1029 / 0.0776
15B / 0.1434 / 0.1390 / 0.1596 / 0.1498 / 0.2169 / 0.1322 / 0.1234 / 0.1525 / 0.1564 / 0.2235 / 0.1386 / 0.1017 / 0.0707
16 / 0.1251 / 0.1244 / 0.1175 / 0.0802 / 0.1634 / 0.0622 / 0.0600 / 0.0944 / 0.1204 / 0.1978 / 0.1205 / 0.0755 / 0.0056
17 / 0.3157 / 0.256 / 0.2526 / 0.2284 / 0.2243 / 0.2382 / 0.2320 / 0.2424 / 0.3315 / 0.4221 / 0.3229 / 0.2697 / 0.2349
18 / 0.2298 / 0.1739 / 0.1874 / 0.1634 / 0.2019 / 0.1785 / 0.1776 / 0.2043 / 0.2648 / 0.3300 / 0.2632 / 0.2036 / 0.1542
19 / 0.1126 / 0.1015 / 0.1345 / 0.1057 / 0.1629 / 0.1023 / 0.0787 / 0.1179 / 0.1408 / 0.2262 / 0.1586 / 0.0925 / 0.0360
20 / 0.1278 / 0.0798 / 0.1293 / 0.1116 / 0.1562 / 0.1030 / 0.0981 / 0.1014 / 0.1366 / 0.2147 / 0.1349 / 0.1098 / 0.0572
21 / 0.2107 / 0.1917 / 0.1863 / 0.1715 / 0.3191 / 0.1876 / 0.1480 / 0.2422 / 0.2901 / 0.3584 / 0.2902 / 0.2016 / 0.1652
22A / 0.0742 / 0.0582 / 0.0788 / 0.0498 / 0.1269 / 0.0539 / 0.0305 / 0.0688 / 0.0989 / 0.1606 / 0.1011 / 0.0530 / 0.0002
22B / 0.0630 / 0.0628 / 0.0709 / 0.0581 / 0.1443 / 0.0742 / 0.0447 / 0.0836 / 0.0984 / 0.1810 / 0.0926 / 0.0464 / 0.0207
22C / 0.0749 / 0.0678 / 0.0748 / 0.0497 / 0.1387 / 0.0670 / 0.0372 / 0.0677 / 0.0947 / 0.1698 / 0.1034 / 0.0623 / 0.0122
23A / 0.1116 / 0.0701 / 0.0676 / 0.0393 / 0.1067 / 0.0425 / 0.0334 / 0.0526 / 0.1337 / 0.2170 / 0.1458 / 0.1041 / 0.0377
23B / 0.1154 / 0.0727 / 0.1083 / 0.0915 / 0.1423 / 0.1050 / 0.0737 / 0.0820 / 0.1560 / 0.2162 / 0.1623 / 0.1037 / 0.0440
24A / 0.1257 / 0.1009 / 0.1310 / 0.1313 / 0.1763 / 0.1205 / 0.1051 / 0.1201 / 0.1781 / 0.2623 / 0.1702 / 0.1273 / 0.0982
24B / 0.0671 / 0.0735 / 0.0889 / 0.0815 / 0.1708 / 0.0876 / 0.0615 / 0.0945 / 0.1279 / 0.2231 / 0.1153 / 0.0855 / 0.0525
25 / 0.1321 / 0.106 / 0.1485 / 0.1536 / 0.1857 / 0.1508 / 0.1312 / 0.1328 / 0.1764 / 0.2853 / 0.1795 / 0.1332 / 0.0823
26 / 0.1245 / 0.0976 / 0.1258 / 0.1137 / 0.2016 / 0.1241 / 0.082 / 0.1149 / 0.1447 / 0.1987 / 0.1335 / 0.0933 / 0.0818
27A / 0.0866 / 0.0733 / 0.0900 / 0.0818 / 0.1462 / 0.0925 / 0.0738 / 0.0779 / 0.1354 / 0.2060 / 0.1190 / 0.0908 / 0.0527
27B / 0.1318 / 0.0913 / 0.1406 / 0.1200 / 0.1682 / 0.1120 / 0.0909 / 0.1154 / 0.1619 / 0.2264 / 0.1353 / 0.0748 / 0.0360
28A / 0.0971 / 0.1003 / 0.1032 / 0.0888 / 0.1678 / 0.1048 / 0.0855 / 0.0949 / 0.1306 / 0.1893 / 0.1255 / 0.0959 / 0.0783
28B / 0.1390 / 0.1309 / 0.1483 / 0.1224 / 0.1722 / 0.1212 / 0.1144 / 0.1329 / 0.1665 / 0.2314 / 0.1550 / 0.1211 / 0.1081
29 / 0.1941 / 0.1838 / 0.1976 / 0.1686 / 0.2164 / 0.1830 / 0.1588 / 0.1592 / 0.1883 / 0.2602 / 0.1865 / 0.1636 / 0.1566
30 / 0.3164 / 0.3024 / 0.3014 / 0.2677 / 0.3248 / 0.2954 / 0.2634 / 0.2643 / 0.2772 / 0.3722 / 0.2902 / 0.2599 / 0.2550
1 / 2 / 3A / 3B / 4 / 5A / 5B / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11

Table A7 (continued)

12B / 0.0709
13A / 0.1043 / 0.0904
13B / 0.0896 / 0.0759 / 0.0028•
14 / 0.1424 / 0.1081 / 0.1099 / 0.1216
15A / 0.1151 / 0.0892 / 0.1783 / 0.1403 / 0.1565
15B / 0.0930 / 0.1321 / 0.1664 / 0.1581 / 0.1600 / 0.1541
16 / 0.0892 / 0.0250 / 0.1150 / 0.0916 / 0.0441 / 0.0456 / 0.1059
17 / 0.2608 / 0.2668 / 0.2803 / 0.2451 / 0.3938 / 0.3077 / 0.3900 / 0.2893
18 / 0.1951 / 0.2044 / 0.2278 / 0.2188 / 0.2143 / 0.2346 / 0.2508 / 0.2222 / 0.2403
19 / 0.0737 / 0.1058 / 0.1091 / 0.1070 / 0.1082 / 0.1538 / 0.1134 / 0.0868 / 0.3076 / 0.2271
20 / 0.1460 / 0.1312 / 0.1473 / 0.1305 / 0.1289 / 0.1278 / 0.1387 / 0.1045 / 0.2230 / 0.1916 / 0.1167
21 / 0.1938 / 0.2207 / 0.2429 / 0.1986 / 0.2408 / 0.2491 / 0.2966 / 0.1852 / 0.4600 / 0.3935 / 0.2340 / 0.2698
22A / 0.0608 / 0.0444 / 0.0770 / 0.0647 / 0.0392 / 0.0764 / 0.0952 / 0.0291 / 0.2048 / 0.1504 / 0.0367 / 0.0682
22B / 0.0539 / 0.0704 / 0.1036 / 0.0795 / 0.0967 / 0.0850 / 0.100 / 0.0610 / 0.2250 / 0.1781 / 0.0423 / 0.0680
22C / 0.0722 / 0.0506 / 0.1087 / 0.0757 / 0.0767 / 0.0773 / 0.1195 / 0.0511 / 0.2228 / 0.1798 / 0.0489 / 0.0912
23A / 0.1018 / 0.0731 / 0.1189 / 0.0957 / 0.1381 / 0.1125 / 0.1347 / 0.0683 / 0.2494 / 0.2010 / 0.1187 / 0.0828
23B / 0.0976 / 0.0820 / 0.1252 / 0.1144 / 0.1073 / 0.1318 / 0.1613 / 0.0980 / 0.2616 / 0.1976 / 0.0899 / 0.0880
24A / 0.1183 / 0.1157 / 0.1507 / 0.1321 / 0.1729 / 0.1414 / 0.1667 / 0.1279 / 0.2309 / 0.2151 / 0.1586 / 0.0818
24B / 0.0666 / 0.0710 / 0.1191 / 0.0972 / 0.1338 / 0.073 / 0.0653 / 0.0932 / 0.2474 / 0.1847 / 0.0914 / 0.0703
25 / 0.1185 / 0.1317 / 0.1720 / 0.1559 / 0.1781 / 0.1518 / 0.1693 / 0.1361 / 0.2820 / 0.2232 / 0.1593 / 0.0882
26 / 0.1033 / 0.1111 / 0.1446 / 0.1047 / 0.1446 / 0.1287 / 0.1362 / 0.1285 / 0.2888 / 0.2399 / 0.1082 / 0.1359
27A / 0.0678 / 0.0715 / 0.1084 / 0.0947 / 0.1027 / 0.0777 / 0.0908 / 0.0812 / 0.2116 / 0.1474 / 0.0916 / 0.0763
27B / 0.0955 / 0.0847 / 0.1118 / 0.0956 / 0.1088 / 0.113 / 0.0848 / 0.0747 / 0.2750 / 0.2022 / 0.1004 / 0.0763
28A / 0.0825 / 0.0978 / 0.1458 / 0.1229 / 0.1447 / 0.1207 / 0.1148 / 0.1079 / 0.2452 / 0.1838 / 0.1003 / 0.1031
28B / 0.1132 / 0.1230 / 0.1553 / 0.1387 / 0.1720 / 0.148 / 0.1514 / 0.1403 / 0.2382 / 0.1902 / 0.1400 / 0.1140
29 / 0.1605 / 0.1822 / 0.1940 / 0.1753 / 0.2335 / 0.1973 / 0.2092 / 0.1849 / 0.2839 / 0.2583 / 0.1814 / 0.1663
30 / 0.2539 / 0.2722 / 0.2899 / 0.2577 / 0.3662 / 0.3015 / 0.3034 / 0.2686 / 0.4156 / 0.3964 / 0.3015 / 0.2860
12A / 12B / 13A / 13B / 14 / 15A / 15B / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20

Table A7 (continued)

22A / 0.1205
22B / 0.1373 / 0.0039•
22C / 0.1314 / 0.0050• / -0.0002•
23A / 0.2642 / 0.0319 / 0.0499 / 0.0496
23B / 0.1975 / 0.0318 / 0.0485 / 0.0427 / 0.0285•
24A / 0.2432 / 0.0808 / 0.0851 / 0.1213 / 0.0732 / 0.0774
24B / 0.2072 / 0.053 / 0.0470 / 0.0613 / 0.0377 / 0.0594 / 0.0555
25 / 0.2939 / 0.0835 / 0.0938 / 0.1272 / 0.1249 / 0.0769 / 0.0075• / 0.0497
26 / 0.2046 / 0.0653 / 0.0679 / 0.0675 / 0.119 / 0.0913 / 0.1174 / 0.0805 / 0.1372
27A / 0.193 / 0.0522 / 0.0485 / 0.0629 / 0.0401 / 0.0534 / 0.0583 / 0.0332 / 0.0704 / 0.0472
27B / 0.2264 / 0.0472 / 0.0609 / 0.0871 / 0.0892 / 0.0778 / 0.073 / 0.0584 / 0.0834 / 0.045 / 0.0225
28A / 0.2191 / 0.0591 / 0.0551 / 0.0705 / 0.0443 / 0.0605 / 0.0816 / 0.0538 / 0.1019 / 0.054 / 0.0126 / 0.0479
28B / 0.2643 / 0.0868 / 0.0922 / 0.108 / 0.0548 / 0.0943 / 0.0936 / 0.0852 / 0.1301 / 0.0819 / 0.0238 / 0.051
29 / 0.3205 / 0.1292 / 0.1325 / 0.1435 / 0.0836 / 0.1218 / 0.1488 / 0.1252 / 0.1899 / 0.1228 / 0.0685 / 0.1061
30 / 0.4423 / 0.2206 / 0.2311 / 0.2472 / 0.1981 / 0.2324 / 0.2262 / 0.2261 / 0.284 / 0.2064 / 0.1483 / 0.2103
21 / 22A / 22B / 22C / 23A / 23B / 24A / 24B / 25 / 26 / 27A / 27B

Table A7 (continued)

28B / 0.0039•
29 / 0.0366 / 0.0103•
30 / 0.1081 / 0.0936 / 0.0628
28A / 28B / 29

•Insignificant FST estimates, i.e. those falling within the 95% confidence intervals obtained by bootstrapping over loci. All other pairwiseFST estimates are considered to be significant.

Note. Samples from the same population differ from each anotherinsignificantly, except for a small difference between samples from the Tumnin population (#27, A&B), and great differences for Tunaicha Lake (#12, A&B) and Uljanovka River (#15, A&B). While the summer and fall samples in the same year from the Tumnin River population show not highly significant differentiation, probably caused by small sample sizes, the highly significant difference in allele frequencies between two samples from Tunaicha Lake (in 2006 and 2012) may be due to either temporal genetic change within the same generation or samples drawn from different subpopulations. The latter seems more plausible because both samples were obtained from within the same generation given the fact that taimen mature at the age of 6-8 and spawn up to the age of 20 and the later sample included mature fish only. Tunaicha is a large lake with a few tributaries, and thus it is conceivable that a few subpopulations are extant in the watershed. It is unclear how to explain the great divergence of samples from the Uljanovka River population (taken in 2001 and 2011); probably its heterogeneity was coupled with a great change in allele frequencies due to a dramatic decrease in effective size (Table A9). As was hypothesized in the main text, taimen from the Viakhtu River may consist of a few genetically distinct subpopulations as well (section 3.3).

Table A8. Recent migration rates between Sakhalin taimen populations estimated with the method of Wilson and Rannala (2003).

Estimates greater than their threefold standard deviations are shaded grey.

Migrationinto / Migration from
51-LG / 51-SA / 73-FR
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
51-LG / Piltun (1) / 0.6780 / 0.0088 / 0.0792 / 0.0083 / 0.0082 / 0.0090 / 0.0095 / 0.0094 / 0.0086 / 0.0095
±0.0107 / ±0.0088 / ±0.0273 / ±0.0080 / ±0.0079 / ±0.0083 / ±0.0091 / ±0.0092 / ±0.0084 / ±0.0088
Val (2) / 0.0069 / 0.6763 / 0.1199 / 0.0078 / 0.0083 / 0.0080 / 0.0072 / 0.0078 / 0.0071 / 0.0072
±0.0066 / ±0.0094 / ±0.0205 / ±0.0071 / ±0.0079 / ±0.0077 / ±0.0073 / ±0.0072 / ±0.0065 / ±0.0073
Dagi (3) / 0.0053 / 0.0056 / 0.8423 / 0.0057 / 0.0050 / 0.0048 / 0.0061 / 0.0066 / 0.0073 / 0.0059
±0.0050 / ±0.0055 / ±0.0219 / ±0.0054 / ±0.0046 / ±0.0050 / ±0.0059 / ±0.0060 / ±0.0059 / ±0.0059
Tym (4) / 0.0084 / 0.0090 / 0.0757 / 0.7060 / 0.0081 / 0.0075 / 0.0083 / 0.0083 / 0.0088 / 0.0085
±0.0077 / ±0.0095 / ±0.0310 / ±0.0232 / ±0.0071 / ±0.0067 / ±0.0079 / ±0.0089 / ±0.0083 / ±0.0085
Nabil (5) / 0.0060 / 0.0068 / 0.1358 / 0.0062 / 0.6829 / 0.0062 / 0.0066 / 0.0064 / 0.0063 / 0.0059
±0.0056 / ±0.0070 / ±0.0359 / ±0.0064 / ±0.0206 / ±0.0064 / ±0.0065 / ±0.0063 / ±0.0057 / ±0.0053
51-SA / Langeri (6) / 0.0082 / 0.0083 / 0.0316 / 0.0089 / 0.0091 / 0.6792 / 0.0072 / 0.0090 / 0.0097 / 0.0125
±0.0083 / ±0.0081 / ±0.0184 / ±0.0081 / ±0.0089 / ±0.0134 / ±0.0070 / ±0.0090 / ±0.0090 / ±0.0118
73-FR / Poronay (7) / 0.0077 / 0.0085 / 0.0130 / 0.0080 / 0.0084 / 0.0079 / 0.6781 / 0.0723 / 0.0103 / 0.0299
±0.0074 / ±0.0077 / ±0.0111 / ±0.0077 / ±0.0079 / ±0.0077 / ±0.0114 / ±0.0303 / ±0.0105 / ±0.0179
Onorka (8) / 0.0072 / 0.0076 / 0.0096 / 0.0074 / 0.0081 / 0.0089 / 0.0078 / 0.7708 / 0.0083 / 0.0111
±0.0074 / ±0.0078 / ±0.0086 / ±0.0071 / ±0.0077 / ±0.0094 / ±0.0080 / ±0.0236 / ±0.0077 / ±0.0098
Brusnichnaya (9) / 0.0090 / 0.0074 / 0.0080 / 0.0084 / 0.0076 / 0.0087 / 0.0075 / 0.0116 / 0.6920 / 0.0891
±0.0085 / ±0.0067 / ±0.0079 / ±0.0086 / ±0.0073 / ±0.0076 / ±0.0077 / ±0.0094 / ±0.0322 / ±0.0403
Elnaya (10) / 0.0075 / 0.0067 / 0.0064 / 0.0063 / 0.0069 / 0.0071 / 0.0064 / 0.0070 / 0.0061 / 0.8052
±0.0069 / ±0.0071 / ±0.0059 / ±0.0077 / ±0.0064 / ±0.0067 / ±0.0058 / ±0.0077 / ±0.0060 / ±0.0234
73-LG / Nevskoe (11) / 0.0082 / 0.0084 / 0.0096 / 0.0089 / 0.0109 / 0.0092 / 0.0097 / 0.0091 / 0.0095 / 0.0201
±0.0086 / ±0.0080 / ±0.0085 / ±0.0089 / ±0.0096 / ±0.0101 / ±0.0093 / ±0.0089 / ±0.0085 / ±0.0131
84-LK / Tunaicha (12) / 0.0082 / 0.0079 / 0.0105 / 0.0070 / 0.0075 / 0.0071 / 0.0078 / 0.0078 / 0.0079 / 0.0074
±0.0079 / ±0.0071 / ±0.0084 / ±0.0067 / ±0.0078 / ±0.0073 / ±0.0073 / ±0.0073 / ±0.0072 / ±0.0067
Vavaiskoe (13) / 0.0054 / 0.0058 / 0.0113 / 0.0053 / 0.0060 / 0.0051 / 0.0054 / 0.0045 / 0.0066 / 0.0071
±0.0055 / ±0.0052 / ±0.0089 / ±0.0048 / ±0.0057 / ±0.0049 / ±0.0052 / ±0.0052 / ±0.0054 / ±0.0065
84-SA / Urum (14) / 0.0095 / 0.0100 / 0.0112 / 0.0113 / 0.0103 / 0.0105 / 0.0112 / 0.0116 / 0.0098 / 0.0097
±0.0088 / ±0.0095 / ±0.0110 / ±0.0102 / ±0.0100 / ±0.0097 / ±0.0105 / ±0.0116 / ±0.0087 / ±0.0099
Uljanovka (15) / 0.0105 / 0.0107 / 0.0092 / 0.0096 / 0.0110 / 0.0102 / 0.0105 / 0.0101 / 0.0097 / 0.0096
±0.0094 / ±0.0101 / ±0.0083 / ±0.0093 / ±0.0103 / ±0.0099 / ±0.0095 / ±0.0099 / ±0.0098 / ±0.0093
Moguchi (16) / 0.0099 / 0.0075 / 0.0094 / 0.0091 / 0.0088 / 0.0100 / 0.0094 / 0.0099 / 0.0100 / 0.0092
±0.0092 / ±0.0069 / ±0.0089 / ±0.0090 / ±0.0087 / ±0.0096 / ±0.0093 / ±0.0092 / ±0.0093 / ±0.0086
74 / Lebedinoe (17) / 0.0096 / 0.0074 / 0.0101 / 0.0100 / 0.0099 / 0.0100 / 0.0091 / 0.0098 / 0.0095 / 0.0091
±0.0083 / ±0.0076 / ±0.0094 / ±0.0092 / ±0.0094 / ±0.0090 / ±0.0082 / ±0.0089 / ±0.0090 / ±0.0079
Kuibyshevka (18) / 0.0089 / 0.0091 / 0.0160 / 0.0088 / 0.0098 / 0.0091 / 0.0082 / 0.0100 / 0.0104 / 0.0090
±0.0087 / ±0.0082 / ±0.0177 / ±0.0085 / ±0.0090 / ±0.0099 / ±0.0078 / ±0.0102 / ±0.0095 / ±0.0083
94 / Valentina (19) / 0.0087 / 0.0085 / 0.0142 / 0.0093 / 0.0093 / 0.0092 / 0.0088 / 0.0101 / 0.0087 / 0.0094
±0.0078 / ±0.0080 / ±0.0128 / ±0.0097 / ±0.0084 / ±0.0092 / ±0.0083 / ±0.0099 / ±0.0082 / ±0.0089
Hokkaido / Sarafutsu (20) / 0.0084 / 0.0083 / 0.0098 / 0.0079 / 0.0083 / 0.0080 / 0.0092 / 0.0110 / 0.0086 / 0.0134
±0.0087 / ±0.0089 / ±0.0088 / ±0.0074 / ±0.0083 / ±0.0077 / ±0.0086 / ±0.0106 / ±0.0085 / ±0.0124
83 / Tainoe (21) / 0.0093 / 0.0086 / 0.0079 / 0.0084 / 0.0084 / 0.0084 / 0.0093 / 0.0091 / 0.0093 / 0.0080
±0.0089 / ±0.0085 / ±0.0081 / ±0.0078 / ±0.0069 / ±0.0089 / ±0.0085 / ±0.0090 / ±0.0084 / ±0.0073
72-LK / Ainskoe (22) / 0.0037 / 0.0038 / 0.0081 / 0.0038 / 0.0037 / 0.0034 / 0.0042 / 0.0037 / 0.0029 / 0.0068
±0.0039 / ±0.0034 / ±0.0072 / ±0.0043 / ±0.0035 / ±0.0038 / ±0.0036 / ±0.0033 / ±0.0026 / ±0.0063
72-SA / Agnevo (23) / 0.0080 / 0.0082 / 0.0095 / 0.0069 / 0.0075 / 0.0081 / 0.0074 / 0.0074 / 0.0075 / 0.0078
±0.0078 / ±0.0075 / ±0.0087 / ±0.0065 / ±0.0073 / ±0.0078 / ±0.0074 / ±0.0075 / ±0.0069 / ±0.0076
72-LG / Viakhtu (24) / 0.0059 / 0.0058 / 0.0110 / 0.0056 / 0.0072 / 0.0060 / 0.0052 / 0.0051 / 0.0052 / 0.0068
±0.0054 / ±0.0063 / ±0.0089 / ±0.0052 / ±0.0067 / ±0.0049 / ±0.0049 / ±0.0055 / ±0.0047 / ±0.0061
71 / Ulika (26) / 0.0070 / 0.0069 / 0.0090 / 0.0075 / 0.0071 / 0.0081 / 0.0076 / 0.0073 / 0.0067 / 0.0085
±0.0066 / ±0.0065 / ±0.0082 / ±0.0087 / ±0.0068 / ±0.0082 / ±0.0067 / ±0.0075 / ±0.0065 / ±0.0082
Tumnin (27) / 0.0056 / 0.0065 / 0.0087 / 0.0062 / 0.0074 / 0.0057 / 0.0059 / 0.0059 / 0.0061 / 0.0075
±0.0063 / ±0.0057 / ±0.0073 / ±0.0067 / ±0.0063 / ±0.0057 / ±0.0055 / ±0.0060 / ±0.0055 / ±0.0072
Koppi (28) / 0.0064 / 0.0053 / 0.0080 / 0.0064 / 0.0052 / 0.0059 / 0.0061 / 0.0071 / 0.0065 / 0.0103
±0.0062 / ±0.0056 / ±0.0097 / ±0.0059 / ±0.0050 / ±0.0066 / ±0.0059 / ±0.0069 / ±0.0064 / ±0.0098
82 / Samarga (29) / 0.0073 / 0.0073 / 0.0086 / 0.0070 / 0.0077 / 0.0082 / 0.0080 / 0.0082 / 0.0074 / 0.0087
±0.0071 / ±0.0072 / ±0.0077 / ±0.0073 / ±0.0072 / ±0.0075 / ±0.0081 / ±0.0079 / ±0.0072 / ±0.0077
100 / Kievka (30) / 0.0099 / 0.0094 / 0.0099 / 0.0103 / 0.0094 / 0.0104 / 0.0085 / 0.0089 / 0.0094 / 0.0100
±0.0094 / ±0.0092 / ±0.0095 / ±0.0105 / ±0.0082 / ±0.0094 / ±0.0082 / ±0.0082 / ±0.0092 / ±0.0104

Table A8 continued

Migrationinto / Migration from
73-LG / 84-LK / 84-SA / 74 / 94 / Hokkaido
11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20
51-LG / Piltun (1) / 0.0080 / 0.0168 / 0.0084 / 0.0097 / 0.0083 / 0.0089 / 0.0085 / 0.0091 / 0.0078 / 0.0085
±0.0080 / ±0.0116 / ±0.0081 / ±0.0091 / ±0.0085 / ±0.0086 / ±0.0076 / ±0.0092 / ±0.0072 / ±0.0084
Val (2) / 0.0078 / 0.0080 / 0.0079 / 0.0069 / 0.0082 / 0.0075 / 0.0081 / 0.0068 / 0.0075 / 0.0078
±0.0075 / ±0.0075 / ±0.0072 / ±0.0070 / ±0.0082 / ±0.0076 / ±0.0083 / ±0.0071 / ±0.0069 / ±0.0073
Dagi (3) / 0.0059 / 0.0049 / 0.0049 / 0.0061 / 0.0048 / 0.0057 / 0.0058 / 0.0051 / 0.0063 / 0.0058
±0.0057 / ±0.0051 / ±0.0047 / ±0.0061 / ±0.0050 / ±0.0052 / ±0.0058 / ±0.0049 / ±0.0065 / ±0.0052
Tym (4) / 0.0079 / 0.0078 / 0.0071 / 0.0075 / 0.0082 / 0.0081 / 0.0083 / 0.0079 / 0.0077 / 0.0078
±0.0081 / ±0.0069 / ±0.0076 / ±0.0075 / ±0.0087 / ±0.0081 / ±0.0079 / ±0.0078 / ±0.0075 / ±0.0076
Nabil (5) / 0.0065 / 0.0071 / 0.0061 / 0.0065 / 0.0062 / 0.0057 / 0.0062 / 0.0066 / 0.0068 / 0.0060
±0.0069 / ±0.0068 / ±0.0065 / ±0.0057 / ±0.0058 / ±0.0058 / ±0.0064 / ±0.0072 / ±0.0068 / ±0.0056
51-SA / Langeri (6) / 0.0085 / 0.0084 / 0.0074 / 0.0080 / 0.0083 / 0.0089 / 0.0092 / 0.0092 / 0.0086 / 0.0084
±0.0080 / ±0.0084 / ±0.0077 / ±0.0078 / ±0.0078 / ±0.0085 / ±0.0091 / ±0.0088 / ±0.0086 / ±0.0076
73-FR / Poronay (7) / 0.0079 / 0.0081 / 0.0083 / 0.0074 / 0.0082 / 0.0085 / 0.0083 / 0.0094 / 0.0074 / 0.0078
±0.0086 / ±0.0084 / ±0.0084 / ±0.0076 / ±0.0082 / ±0.0081 / ±0.0088 / ±0.0087 / ±0.0071 / ±0.0077
Onorka (8) / 0.0072 / 0.0081 / 0.0090 / 0.0076 / 0.0085 / 0.0085 / 0.0081 / 0.0079 / 0.0077 / 0.0083
±0.0070 / ±0.0075 / ±0.0083 / ±0.0070 / ±0.0076 / ±0.0086 / ±0.0081 / ±0.0078 / ±0.0072 / ±0.0095
Brusnichnaya (9) / 0.0080 / 0.0077 / 0.0069 / 0.0077 / 0.0073 / 0.0083 / 0.0079 / 0.0096 / 0.0074 / 0.0078
±0.0074 / ±0.0085 / ±0.0068 / ±0.0069 / ±0.0076 / ±0.0081 / ±0.0075 / ±0.0089 / ±0.0068 / ±0.0078
Elnaya (10) / 0.0061 / 0.0074 / 0.0055 / 0.0066 / 0.0063 / 0.0072 / 0.0067 / 0.0060 / 0.0071 / 0.0065
±0.0055 / ±0.0071 / ±0.0057 / ±0.0060 / ±0.0061 / ±0.0070 / ±0.0062 / ±0.0059 / ±0.0066 / ±0.0068
73-LG / Nevskoe (11) / 0.6778 / 0.0107 / 0.0089 / 0.0091 / 0.0091 / 0.0091 / 0.0079 / 0.0085 / 0.0081 / 0.0097
±0.0109 / ±0.0097 / ±0.0086 / ±0.0086 / ±0.0087 / ±0.0089 / ±0.0079 / ±0.0078 / ±0.0076 / ±0.0087
84-LK / Tunaicha (12) / 0.0082 / 0.7073 / 0.0156 / 0.0065 / 0.0076 / 0.0066 / 0.0070 / 0.0082 / 0.0079 / 0.0072
±0.0080 / ±0.0330 / ±0.0110 / ±0.0065 / ±0.0069 / ±0.0067 / ±0.0070 / ±0.0075 / ±0.0078 / ±0.0076
Vavaiskoe (13) / 0.0061 / 0.0053 / 0.8190 / 0.0046 / 0.0068 / 0.0062 / 0.0062 / 0.0066 / 0.0055 / 0.0064
±0.0061 / ±0.0051 / ±0.0230 / ±0.0047 / ±0.0067 / ±0.0066 / ±0.0053 / ±0.0057 / ±0.0046 / ±0.0060
84-SA / Urum (14) / 0.0099 / 0.0105 / 0.0108 / 0.6793 / 0.0099 / 0.0096 / 0.0100 / 0.0101 / 0.0113 / 0.0090
±0.0092 / ±0.0096 / ±0.0101 / ±0.0117 / ±0.0094 / ±0.0090 / ±0.0097 / ±0.0098 / ±0.0109 / ±0.0089
Uljanovka (15) / 0.0098 / 0.0095 / 0.0105 / 0.0107 / 0.6791 / 0.0098 / 0.0098 / 0.0102 / 0.0098 / 0.0104
±0.0091 / ±0.0090 / ±0.0094 / ±0.0106 / ±0.0118 / ±0.0096 / ±0.0094 / ±0.0096 / ±0.0092 / ±0.0106
Moguchi (16) / 0.0089 / 0.0091 / 0.0099 / 0.0090 / 0.0089 / 0.6779 / 0.0089 / 0.0094 / 0.0088 / 0.0087
±0.0088 / ±0.0090 / ±0.0096 / ±0.0088 / ±0.0083 / ±0.0107 / ±0.0081 / ±0.0090 / ±0.0083 / ±0.0093
74 / Lebedinoe (17) / 0.0097 / 0.0093 / 0.0089 / 0.0098 / 0.0097 / 0.0086 / 0.7355 / 0.0090 / 0.0108 / 0.0089
±0.0084 / ±0.0079 / ±0.0080 / ±0.0098 / ±0.0090 / ±0.0081 / ±0.0237 / ±0.0085 / ±0.0098 / ±0.0088
Kuibyshevka (18) / 0.0095 / 0.0094 / 0.0083 / 0.0087 / 0.0095 / 0.0097 / 0.0102 / 0.6902 / 0.0089 / 0.0096
±0.0092 / ±0.0092 / ±0.0083 / ±0.0082 / ±0.0089 / ±0.0091 / ±0.0118 / ±0.0254 / ±0.0090 / ±0.0088
94 / Valentina (19) / 0.0084 / 0.0092 / 0.0090 / 0.0090 / 0.0094 / 0.0097 / 0.0095 / 0.0094 / 0.6800 / 0.0099
±0.0083 / ±0.0089 / ±0.0089 / ±0.0088 / ±0.0091 / ±0.0091 / ±0.0088 / ±0.0094 / ±0.0138 / ±0.0091
Hokkaido / Sarafutsu (20) / 0.0090 / 0.0086 / 0.0101 / 0.0082 / 0.0091 / 0.0083 / 0.0082 / 0.0080 / 0.0080 / 0.6843
±0.0084 / ±0.0088 / ±0.0091 / ±0.0078 / ±0.0086 / ±0.0084 / ±0.0080 / ±0.0081 / ±0.0083 / ±0.0170
83 / Tainoe (21) / 0.0088 / 0.0092 / 0.0079 / 0.0094 / 0.0090 / 0.0104 / 0.0091 / 0.0081 / 0.0087 / 0.0099
±0.0081 / ±0.0089 / ±0.0077 / ±0.0092 / ±0.0072 / ±0.0113 / ±0.0086 / ±0.0076 / ±0.0096 / ±0.0096
72-LK / Ainskoe (22) / 0.0041 / 0.0040 / 0.0053 / 0.0035 / 0.0033 / 0.0040 / 0.0037 / 0.0040 / 0.0036 / 0.0034
±0.0037 / ±0.0036 / ±0.0055 / ±0.0032 / ±0.0030 / ±0.0038 / ±0.0033 / ±0.0039 / ±0.0028 / ±0.0031
72-SA / Agnevo (23) / 0.0074 / 0.0077 / 0.0076 / 0.0076 / 0.0081 / 0.0085 / 0.0075 / 0.0076 / 0.0076 / 0.0078
±0.0070 / ±0.0072 / ±0.0075 / ±0.0079 / ±0.0081 / ±0.0083 / ±0.0073 / ±0.0077 / ±0.0076 / ±0.0074
72-LG / Viakhtu (24) / 0.0047 / 0.0055 / 0.0060 / 0.0055 / 0.0052 / 0.0059 / 0.0044 / 0.0059 / 0.0054 / 0.0049
±0.0044 / ±0.0053 / ±0.0059 / ±0.0054 / ±0.0052 / ±0.0057 / ±0.0044 / ±0.0054 / ±0.0046 / ±0.0047
71 / Ulika (26) / 0.0070 / 0.0076 / 0.0079 / 0.0078 / 0.0069 / 0.0074 / 0.0076 / 0.0066 / 0.0076 / 0.0068
±0.0070 / ±0.0076 / ±0.0074 / ±0.0074 / ±0.0063 / ±0.0068 / ±0.0083 / ±0.0069 / ±0.0083 / ±0.0070
Tumnin (27) / 0.0056 / 0.0068 / 0.0069 / 0.0062 / 0.0060 / 0.0070 / 0.0067 / 0.0058 / 0.0058 / 0.0057
±0.0059 / ±0.0069 / ±0.0062 / ±0.0056 / ±0.0058 / ±0.0069 / ±0.0067 / ±0.0048 / ±0.0058 / ±0.0060
Koppi (28) / 0.0061 / 0.0066 / 0.0053 / 0.0060 / 0.0060 / 0.0065 / 0.0064 / 0.0053 / 0.0055 / 0.0053
±0.0053 / ±0.0069 / ±0.0054 / ±0.0059 / ±0.0062 / ±0.0054 / ±0.0065 / ±0.0049 / ±0.0060 / ±0.0051
82 / Samarga (29) / 0.0085 / 0.0081 / 0.0084 / 0.0076 / 0.0078 / 0.0085 / 0.0072 / 0.0078 / 0.0072 / 0.0079
±0.0078 / ±0.0075 / ±0.0081 / ±0.0074 / ±0.0078 / ±0.0083 / ±0.0069 / ±0.0071 / ±0.0074 / ±0.0083
100 / Kievka (30) / 0.0087 / 0.0089 / 0.0093 / 0.0106 / 0.0096 / 0.0096 / 0.0098 / 0.0092 / 0.0097 / 0.0092
±0.0079 / ±0.0088 / ±0.0083 / ±0.0107 / ±0.0083 / ±0.0099 / ±0.0100 / ±0.0087 / ±0.0099 / ±0.0089

Table A8 continued

Migrationinto / Migration from
83 / 72-LK / 72-SA / 72-LG / 71 / 82 / 100
21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30
51-LG / Piltun (1) / 0.0077 / 0.0099 / 0.0090 / 0.0083 / 0.0083 / 0.0081 / 0.0085 / 0.0087 / 0.0090
±0.0077 / ±0.0095 / ±0.0085 / ±0.0081 / ±0.0080 / ±0.0074 / ±0.0086 / ±0.0076 / ±0.0081
Val (2) / 0.0071 / 0.0077 / 0.0078 / 0.0074 / 0.0077 / 0.0070 / 0.0075 / 0.0073 / 0.0075
±0.0062 / ±0.0074 / ±0.0073 / ±0.0071 / ±0.0074 / ±0.0065 / ±0.0068 / ±0.0074 / ±0.0072
Dagi (3) / 0.0053 / 0.0070 / 0.0046 / 0.0052 / 0.0054 / 0.0061 / 0.0052 / 0.0056 / 0.0058
±0.0046 / ±0.0063 / ±0.0048 / ±0.0055 / ±0.0055 / ±0.0056 / ±0.0047 / ±0.0053 / ±0.0053
Tym (4) / 0.0080 / 0.0097 / 0.0069 / 0.0090 / 0.0070 / 0.0073 / 0.0080 / 0.0083 / 0.0089
±0.0081 / ±0.0085 / ±0.0070 / ±0.0080 / ±0.0073 / ±0.0071 / ±0.0076 / ±0.0076 / ±0.0080
Nabil (5) / 0.0059 / 0.0176 / 0.0059 / 0.0063 / 0.0059 / 0.0070 / 0.0069 / 0.0060 / 0.0056
±0.0056 / ±0.0110 / ±0.0057 / ±0.0067 / ±0.0061 / ±0.0068 / ±0.0064 / ±0.0055 / ±0.0056
51-SA / Langeri (6) / 0.0085 / 0.0604 / 0.0092 / 0.0089 / 0.0099 / 0.0091 / 0.0085 / 0.0088 / 0.0078
±0.0081 / ±0.0329 / ±0.0084 / ±0.0094 / ±0.0095 / ±0.0085 / ±0.0089 / ±0.0082 / ±0.0084
73-FR / Poronay (7) / 0.0083 / 0.0091 / 0.0083 / 0.0084 / 0.0083 / 0.0080 / 0.0077 / 0.0087 / 0.0078
±0.0078 / ±0.0090 / ±0.0079 / ±0.0076 / ±0.0080 / ±0.0077 / ±0.0076 / ±0.0080 / ±0.0075
Onorka (8) / 0.0085 / 0.0080 / 0.0092 / 0.0091 / 0.0075 / 0.0074 / 0.0068 / 0.0083 / 0.0075
±0.0078 / ±0.0080 / ±0.0100 / ±0.0090 / ±0.0077 / ±0.0068 / ±0.0067 / ±0.0079 / ±0.0071
Brusnichnaya (9) / 0.0082 / 0.0078 / 0.0079 / 0.0077 / 0.0086 / 0.0079 / 0.0079 / 0.0086 / 0.0076
±0.0078 / ±0.0074 / ±0.0077 / ±0.0077 / ±0.0076 / ±0.0075 / ±0.0082 / ±0.0083 / ±0.0072
Elnaya (10) / 0.0075 / 0.0119 / 0.0070 / 0.0074 / 0.0073 / 0.0077 / 0.0062 / 0.0071 / 0.0072
±0.0074 / ±0.0109 / ±0.0085 / ±0.0075 / ±0.0069 / ±0.0076 / ±0.0061 / ±0.0068 / ±0.0061
73-LG / Nevskoe (11) / 0.0088 / 0.0671 / 0.0086 / 0.0085 / 0.0100 / 0.0092 / 0.0080 / 0.0090 / 0.0084
±0.0082 / ±0.0282 / ±0.0085 / ±0.0078 / ±0.0098 / ±0.0092 / ±0.0084 / ±0.0080 / ±0.0084
84-LK / Tunaicha (12) / 0.0073 / 0.0800 / 0.0077 / 0.0079 / 0.0076 / 0.0069 / 0.0077 / 0.0070 / 0.0069
±0.0070 / ±0.0326 / ±0.0077 / ±0.0080 / ±0.0073 / ±0.0070 / ±0.0079 / ±0.0078 / ±0.0074
Vavaiskoe (13) / 0.0064 / 0.0172 / 0.0062 / 0.0066 / 0.0049 / 0.0063 / 0.0064 / 0.0052 / 0.0058
±0.0067 / ±0.0123 / ±0.0060 / ±0.0071 / ±0.0057 / ±0.0064 / ±0.0058 / ±0.0046 / ±0.0050
84-SA / Urum (14) / 0.0106 / 0.0440 / 0.0108 / 0.0095 / 0.0099 / 0.0100 / 0.0105 / 0.0098 / 0.0095
±0.0105 / ±0.0199 / ±0.0102 / ±0.0086 / ±0.0094 / ±0.0097 / ±0.0095 / ±0.0100 / ±0.0086
Uljanovka (15) / 0.0094 / 0.0518 / 0.0096 / 0.0100 / 0.0098 / 0.0097 / 0.0089 / 0.0101 / 0.0099
±0.0091 / ±0.0253 / ±0.0093 / ±0.0090 / ±0.0090 / ±0.0096 / ±0.0086 / ±0.0090 / ±0.0099
Moguchi (16) / 0.0087 / 0.0741 / 0.0091 / 0.0088 / 0.0086 / 0.0093 / 0.0095 / 0.0104 / 0.0088
±0.0084 / ±0.0281 / ±0.0083 / ±0.0087 / ±0.0082 / ±0.0086 / ±0.0090 / ±0.0100 / ±0.0081
74 / Lebedinoe (17) / 0.0102 / 0.0134 / 0.0087 / 0.0086 / 0.0090 / 0.0098 / 0.0086 / 0.0086 / 0.0083
±0.0094 / ±0.0132 / ±0.0086 / ±0.0084 / ±0.0077 / ±0.0090 / ±0.0085 / ±0.0086 / ±0.0084
Kuibyshevka (18) / 0.0097 / 0.0518 / 0.0095 / 0.0090 / 0.0088 / 0.0099 / 0.0096 / 0.0091 / 0.0093
±0.0094 / ±0.0317 / ±0.0087 / ±0.0089 / ±0.0079 / ±0.0091 / ±0.0096 / ±0.0085 / ±0.0088
94 / Valentina (19) / 0.0100 / 0.0640 / 0.0096 / 0.0093 / 0.0095 / 0.0095 / 0.0096 / 0.0092 / 0.0098
±0.0095 / ±0.0281 / ±0.0092 / ±0.0088 / ±0.0081 / ±0.0089 / ±0.0087 / ±0.0088 / ±0.0100
Hokkaido / Sarafutsu (20) / 0.0078 / 0.0700 / 0.0081 / 0.0113 / 0.0087 / 0.0141 / 0.0083 / 0.0083 / 0.0085
±0.0074 / ±0.0394 / ±0.0084 / ±0.0100 / ±0.0086 / ±0.0124 / ±0.0088 / ±0.0078 / ±0.0077
83 / Tainoe (21) / 0.7530 / 0.0082 / 0.0082 / 0.0093 / 0.0100 / 0.0093 / 0.0081 / 0.0082 / 0.0086
±0.0234 / ±0.0089 / ±0.0085 / ±0.0089 / ±0.0097 / ±0.0085 / ±0.0080 / ±0.0078 / ±0.0078
72-LK / Ainskoe (22) / 0.0041 / 0.8752 / 0.0040 / 0.0075 / 0.0031 / 0.0088 / 0.0054 / 0.0042 / 0.0048
±0.0043 / ±0.0186 / ±0.0036 / ±0.0071 / ±0.0032 / ±0.0059 / ±0.0047 / ±0.0038 / ±0.0040
72-SA / Agnevo (23) / 0.0070 / 0.1088 / 0.6758 / 0.0115 / 0.0082 / 0.0110 / 0.0076 / 0.0068 / 0.0076
±0.0071 / ±0.0275 / ±0.0089 / ±0.0119 / ±0.0077 / ±0.0093 / ±0.0072 / ±0.0065 / ±0.0073
72-LG / Viakhtu (24) / 0.0053 / 0.0174 / 0.0046 / 0.8279 / 0.0050 / 0.0056 / 0.0068 / 0.0056 / 0.0045
±0.0056 / ±0.0154 / ±0.0046 / ±0.0224 / ±0.0050 / ±0.0053 / ±0.0071 / ±0.0049 / ±0.0044
71 / Ulika (26) / 0.0086 / 0.0087 / 0.0073 / 0.0072 / 0.7215 / 0.0712 / 0.0134 / 0.0065 / 0.0069
±0.0088 / ±0.0090 / ±0.0081 / ±0.0069 / ±0.0390 / ±0.0533 / ±0.0128 / ±0.0062 / ±0.0077
Tumnin (27) / 0.0053 / 0.0355 / 0.0051 / 0.0093 / 0.0057 / 0.7890 / 0.0095 / 0.0058 / 0.0067
±0.0055 / ±0.0212 / ±0.0058 / ±0.0080 / ±0.0048 / ±0.0260 / ±0.0077 / ±0.0062 / ±0.0066
Koppi (28) / 0.0073 / 0.0139 / 0.0064 / 0.0078 / 0.0057 / 0.0864 / 0.7343 / 0.0063 / 0.0059
±0.0072 / ±0.0105 / ±0.0058 / ±0.0077 / ±0.0059 / ±0.0571 / ±0.0492 / ±0.0061 / ±0.0066
82 / Samarga (29) / 0.0085 / 0.0087 / 0.0082 / 0.0078 / 0.0076 / 0.0084 / 0.1051 / 0.6802 / 0.0082
±0.0074 / ±0.0081 / ±0.0081 / ±0.0077 / ±0.0074 / ±0.0082 / ±0.0304 / ±0.0166 / ±0.0085
100 / Kievka (30) / 0.0098 / 0.0092 / 0.0097 / 0.0097 / 0.0099 / 0.0181 / 0.0490 / 0.0104 / 0.6835
±0.0095 / ±0.0089 / ±0.0094 / ±0.0091 / ±0.0092 / ±0.0121 / ±0.0244 / ±0.0102 / ±0.0170

Table A9. Point estimates and 95%-confidence intervals (CI) for effective population size based on linkage disequilibrium (Wapples and Do 2010), heterozygote excess (Pudovkin et al. 2010), and molecular coancestry (Nomura 2008) methods (software “NeEstimator2” by Do et al. 2013).

Estimate / Parametric CI / Estimate / Parametric CI / Estimate / Jackknife CI
Piltun (1) / inf / 50,7 / inf / inf / inf / inf / inf / inf / inf
Val (2) / 33,5 / 16,5 / 197,2 / inf / 13,7 / inf / 7,5 / 3,3 / 13,4
Dagi (3A) / 212,9 / 70,4 / inf / 127 / 10,1 / inf / 21,7 / 0,5 / 80,1
Dagi (3B) / inf / 70,4 / inf / 182,4 / 8,9 / inf / inf / inf / inf
Tym (4) / 10,4 / 5,4 / 23 / inf / 7,6 / inf / 6,4 / 3,3 / 10,4
Nabil (5A) / inf / 57,2 / inf / inf / 8,3 / inf / inf / inf / inf
Nabil (5B) / 1101 / 29,1 / inf / inf / 14,8 / inf / 13 / 2,2 / 33,2
Langeri (6) / 30,2 / 12,7 / inf / 10,2 / 5,2 / inf / 11 / 4,6 / 20,2
Poronay (7) / 49,9 / 15,9 / inf / inf / 9,3 / inf / 21,1 / 5,8 / 46,3
Onorka (8) / 2,6 / 2 / 4,7 / 6,5 / 3,6 / 52,5 / 7,6 / 3,7 / 13
Brusnichnaya (9) / 14,7 / 6,5 / 70,6 / inf / inf / inf / 12,5 / 0 / 62,7
Elnaya (10) / 11 / 8,1 / 15,2 / 38,1 / 8,5 / inf / 9,6 / 5,3 / 15,3
Nevskoe (11) / inf / 32,4 / inf / inf / inf / inf / 8,2 / 3,9 / 14,2
Tunaicha (12A) / inf / 31,5 / inf / inf / inf / inf / inf / inf / inf
Tunaicha (12B) / inf / inf / inf / inf / 8,7 / inf / inf / inf / inf
Vavaiskoe (13A) / 22,3 / 11 / 107,3 / inf / 8,6 / inf / 89 / 0,1 / 446,7
Vavaiskoe (13B) / 45,5 / 24,5 / 166,2 / inf / 16,7 / inf / 11,8 / 2,8 / 27
Urjum (14) / inf / inf / inf / 16 / 4,5 / inf / 47,1 / 0 / 236,7
Uljanovka (15A) / inf / 2,4 / inf / 13,1 / 3,5 / inf / 31,9 / 0 / 160,3
Uljanovka (15B) / inf / 10 / inf / inf / inf / inf / 13,7 / 0,3 / 50,7
Moguchi (16) / inf / 8,9 / inf / inf / 11,9 / inf / 5,8 / 2,8 / 9,9
Lebedinoe (17) / 3,3 / 1,4 / inf / 3,8 / 2,4 / 9,9 / inf / inf / inf
Kuibyshevka (18) / 19,9 / 2,6 / inf / 31,2 / 3,9 / inf / 12,5 / 2,1 / 32,1
Valentina (19) / 17,6 / 3,3 / inf / 12,5 / 4,1 / inf / 7,4 / 3,6 / 12,4
Sarafutsu (20) / 42,5 / 13,8 / inf / inf / 7,6 / inf / 8,9 / 4,6 / 14,5
Tainoe (21) / 4,4 / 2,2 / 13,2 / inf / 16,2 / inf / 2,1 / 1 / 3,5
Ainskoe (22A) / 126,5 / 65,9 / 755,5 / inf / inf / inf / inf / inf / inf
Ainskoe (22B) / inf / 108,6 / inf / inf / 16,9 / inf / inf / inf / inf
Ainskoe (22C) / inf / 41,1 / inf / inf / 57,4 / inf / 15,8 / 1,9 / 44
Agnevo (23A) / inf / inf / inf / 205 / 4,4 / inf / 36,2 / 0 / 181,7
Agnevo (23B) / inf / 60,8 / inf / inf / 12,8 / inf / inf / inf / inf
Viakhtu (24A) / 21,6 / 16,5 / 29,4 / inf / 172,1 / inf / 8,2 / 4 / 13,9
Viakhtu (24B) / inf / 35,6 / inf / inf / inf / inf / 9,1 / 0,7 / 28,2
Tyk (25) / 43,2 / 15,2 / inf / inf / 10,5 / inf / 7,7 / 2,3 / 16,3
Ulika (26) / 19 / 11 / 42,3 / inf / inf / inf / 5 / 3,4 / 7
Tumnin (27A) / 119,3 / 46,6 / inf / inf / 13,8 / inf / 8,1 / 3,4 / 14,8
Tumnin (27B) / inf / 56,5 / inf / 130,8 / 9,8 / inf / 17,6 / 4,3 / 40,3
Koppi (28A) / 219 / 27,5 / inf / 10 / 4,8 / inf / 12,9 / 5 / 24,5
Koppi (28B) / inf / 73,9 / inf / inf / 45,6 / inf / inf / inf / inf
Samarga (29) / inf / 32,9 / inf / 55,7 / 7,8 / inf / 9 / 2,7 / 19,1
Kievka (30) / 1,6 / 1,1 / 2,4 / inf / 28,6 / inf / 2 / 1,3 / 2,8

‘inf’ stands for an infinite value.

Note. The linkage disequilibrium estimates of effective population size may be biased downward up to 30% because the samples are represented by individuals of different ages (Waples RS, Antao T, and Luikart G (2014) Effects of overlapping generations on linkage disequilibrium estimates of effective population size. Genetics, 197, 769–780).