BBC News - Obesity rates
PB: / May come as no surprise (.) that America has the highest levels of obesity in the world (.) but according to a leading doctor (0.2) Wales is fa::st to catching up
Yes about sixty percent of adults in Wales (.) ah are weighting . three and five and Doctor Nadim Haboubi cha::ir of the countries obesity ? forum says thousands of people are missing out on the central surgery and support ? how could it be tackled than (.) Hywel Griffith is looking this (you) delicious center (.) in how give any (further) morning Hywel
Good morning thanks very much yes the health service in Wales already spends over se::venty million pounds a year tackling the problems (.) caused by obesity but according to one leading doctor (.) that's just not enough money needs to be spent to help people (.) to help themselves now in that gym people can be referred ? by their GP in order to help them lose weight but ? there are many more of that (.) who say that desperate to find a way (.) to lose some pounds
The doctor who chairs the obesity forum for Wales says the criteria for surgery here is too strict (.) and could be creating problems for the future
Health economic could tell you (.) tha::t (.) long-term by addressing obesity you will reduce .hhh (.) premature death, .hhh (.) you will reduce medications> the N.H.S. would not spend so much (.) on (.) condition >which are related to obesity<
Tackling obesity is a problem for the health service across the U.K. (.) the welsh government stress their resources are limited (.) may have to get best value for every pound restricting funding for bariatric surgery to people with pressing health issues
Last year eighty-six patients from Wales received bariatric treatment (.) exclaimed five thousand needed help (.) but they are only part of the growing obesity epidemic
I think we are very inactive as a population (.) we don't always treat our diet correctly so portion’s sizes, not cooking at home .hhh how we need to take some responsibility over our own health
Two years ago Pam Blamed made that change (.) taking up exercise and changing her diet (.) has helped to lose thirteen stone (.) but she argues patients need emotional help too.
It really effects, (she quite badly would be in so evil way) ‘cause (0.3) things that people takes for granted like you know sitting cross-legged (.) and and I couldn’t just go into a restaurant (.) and I have to pay through the window to say if they had (0.3) .hhh chairs with arms on horrify you know thus in a front way she gets her table and things like that
J1: / (few pounds) is exercise of course (is the sense) of the people in this gym were (refused/refood) actually by their doctor let's speak to Sarah from the leisure centre how often is weight a problem for the people >who come here?<
Fairly often (.) ehm (.) th- not healthy BMI is 25 (but) it’s been referred on its scheme it has to be 28 or over (.) so quite high percentage is actually through obesity
And you see some people with a really high body mass index
Yeah, we can get BMI to about 60 plus
So for those people for tackling the higher range (.) what kind of exercise can you suggest?
We offer a wide range and (.) quite a (moment share) we do ehm (.) (just) legs size classes () ehm very lowing packed circuit base class (.) we offer the fitness week (.) aqua-aerobics (.) Thai chi we also do walking groups >as well as moment share<
so:: there i::s something for every [one of
=every >shape and size<
Yeah everybody
Well some of the quick words to one of the people is been coming here for the last few years have I just interrupt (.) Liz who’s on the step machine there (.) first of all you have lost some weights since coming here you don’t come you because of you weight but it certainly helps
Yes I have lost two stones since I started this scheme (.) three years ago
And when you started you weren’t >able to do things like this<
No, I was right immobile I could hardly do anything (.) so its been fantastic for me
And what kind of (.) change in life has it given you? and how much energy does it gave you?
Oh it’s a good start to every morning
(0.5) So you are r-ready for it [today
[yeah ((laughs)
=or you aren’t for it?
Fantastic! Thank you very much (.) well as I said this is an example of a program where people can be referred by the health service (.) but there are warnings today that much more needs to happen if Wales is to tackle its obesity problem
yeah, how- thanks very much indeed