Grade Level/Content Area / 1st Grade


We L.E.A.R.N.!
1. We LEARN from our mistakes!
4. We RESPECT ourselves, our classmates, our teacher, and our classroom!



  • 1 check/rule = Warning
  • 2 checks/rule = Think Time (student will sit apart from the group/be moved for 5 minutes)
  • 3 checks/rule = Meet with teacher at lunch or after school and removal of privilege (work alone instead of with partner, sit away from group, less “free” time)
  • 4 checks/rule = Note and call home
  • 5 checks/rule = Buddy room (student sent to another classroom with something to work on)
  • Severity clause = Sent to the office (physical fighting or broken more than 5 rules) – used at the discretion of the teacher or buddy teacher
  • Note: Student begins at the top of the consequence chart in the morning and the afternoon each day.


Raffle Tickets – hand out raffle tickets when students are following expectations, being kind to their classmates, participating, or generally exhibiting behavior that should be recognized. I will also give out a raffle ticket to everyone in the class if the whole class is lined up quietly or on task. Have the students put their names on the raffle tickets and put them away in their raffle ticket envelope taped to the side of their desk. On Friday the students put all their raffle tickets in the bucket and I pick out 5 or 6 tickets. (A student can only be picked once). These students will get to have lunch with me the next week.
Secret Student – pull one student name out of a hat every day. Put the card in a secret envelope somewhere in the classroom where students can see it. All day I will “watch” the mystery student to see how they are behaving. At the end of the day have a community meeting to talk about which rules were met and which were not. Then, if the class met the expectations, dramatically reveal the “Secret Student.” Give the “Secret Student” a certificate/reward and have the secret student put a marble in the class marble jar. If the class did not meet the expectations, keep the “Secret Student” a mystery and talk about the expectations the class needs to work on. In other words, if the class had a great day, reveal the mystery student, if the class had a bad day do not reveal the mystery student.


Conduct Card – a paper card taped on student’s desk each week. The card will have days of the week, AM/PM, each rule, and the total # of checks for the day and week. Students will get a check mark in the box of the rule they violate. The first check mark in the box is a warning. The second check mark is think time (student is removed from the group). The third check mark is a conference with the teacher after school and removal of a privilege. The fourth check mark is a note and call home. At the fifth check mark the student is sent to a buddy room with something to work on. The consequences for the number of check marks will be clearly posted in the room.
Stamps on hand – at the end of the day students will know where they stand on the behavior chart because they will go home with a stamp on their hand (smiley = great day (0-3 checks), straight face = a few problems following expectations/ procedures (4-5 checks), frown face = consistently did not follow expectations/procedures or had a more serious problem in class (6 or more checks).


Clipboard Tracking Sheet (whole class) – throughout the day I will keep track of each student and which rules they have violated on my own clipboard. At the end of the day I will total how many checks they had for the day.
Behavior Tracking Sheet (individual student) – I will record for each student which rules they have violated, and how many times, on an individual student tracking sheet. Every week I will look at this information for trends and brainstorm strategies to break down the rule for that particular student.
Student Behavior Note Sheets – in each student’s file I will keep an anecdotal notes page on behavior throughout the day (what the behavior was, what my response was, what the student’s reaction was, trends and new strategies to try)


Student Name: ______Dates: ______

Rule 1:
Follow Directions / Rule 2:
Take Care of Others / Rule 3:
Try Hard and Do your Best / Rule 4:
Fix our Mistakes / Total Checks (Day)
Monday AM
Tuesday AM
Wednesday AM
Thursday AM
Friday AM
Total Checks (Week)

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______


  • 1 check/rule = Warning
  • 2 checks/rule = Think Time (student will sit apart from the group/be moved for 5minutes)
  • 3 checks/rule = Meet with teacher at lunch or after school and removal of privilege (work alone instead of with partner, sit away from group, less “free” time)
  • 4 checks/rule = Note and call home
  • 5 checks/rule = Buddy room (student sent to another classroom)
  • Severity clause = Sent to the office (physical fighting or broken more then 5 rules) – used at the discretion of the teacher or buddy teacher
  • Note: Student begins at the top of the consequence chart in the morning and the afternoon each day.

End of day stamps:

  • 0 – 3 checks = Smiley face stamp
  • 4 – 5 checks = Straight face stamp
  • 6 or more checks = Frown face stamp
  • Note: these are cumulative checks for the entire day

______, 2006

Dear ______,

Your child, ______, had a difficult time following the expectations and procedures in class today. I will be calling you tonight at approximately ______to discuss what we can do to help improve your child’s behavior so he or she can achieve more in school. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me at XXX-XXX-XXXX.


Weekly Student Conduct

Rule 1:
Follow Directions / Rule 2:
Take Care of Others / Rule 3:
Try Hard and Do our Best / Rule 4:
Fix our Mistakes / Total Checks (Day)
(student name) / / / / / / / /
(student name) / / / / / / / /
(student name) / / / / / / / /
(student name) / / / / / / / /
(student name) / / / / / / / /
(student name) / / / / / / / /
(student name) / / / / / / / /
(student name) / / / / / / / /
(student name) / / / / / / / /
(student name) / / / / / / / /
(student name) / / / / / / / /
(student name) / / / / / / / /
(student name) / / / / / / / /
(student name) / / / / / / / /
(student name) / / / / / / / /
(student name) / / / / / / / /
(student name) / / / / / / / /
(student name) / / / / / / / /
(student name) / / / / / / / /
(student name) / / / / / / / /
(student name) / / / / / / / /
(student name) / / / / / / / /
(student name) / / / / / / / /
(student name) / / / / / / / /
(student name) / / / / / / / /
(student name) / / / / / / / /
(student name) / / / / / / / /
(student name) / / / / / / / /
(student name) / / / / / / / /
(student name) / / / / / / / /
(student name) / / / / / / / /
Total Checks (Week)