6th Grade Glimpse
October 26 – October 30
****Parent Teacher Conferences are Thursday Oct. 22 at 2:00-4:30 and 5:30-8:00****
No school Friday Oct 23rd OR Monday Oct. 26th
Counselor’s Corner: Red Ribbon Week is this upcoming week; it is a way for people and communities to unite and take a visible stand against substance abuse. Peer Helpers have chosen dress up days to celebrate living drug-free. Tuesday- Wear Red, Wednesday- Drugs are Tacky, Thursday- Stand up Together to Say “No” (Twin Day), Friday- Halloween Costume . Enjoy your long weekend to gear up for Red Ribbon Week!
Science: This week we will wrap up our Matter unit by reviewing for a test. Blue day test with scenario will be Tuesday, Oct. 27th. Gold day test with scenario will be Wednesday, Oct. 28th. Students should be able to recognize matter is anything that has mass and volume. Students should be able to classify types/examples of matter. Students should also be able to identify, draw and describe the states of matter on a molecular level.
Mrs. Logan an Time: G1 and B4
Reading: We will be continuing our study of literary elements this week. All 6th grade classes meet on Blue day and we will visit the library every Blue Wednesday, in order to take AR tests and check out/renew books. Feel free to contact me with questions or concerns and have a great week!
Mrs. Meyers, , Conf. times: Gold 11:40-1:32, Blue 8:00-9:24
6th Grade Math: Students will wrap up Chapter 9 over Integers. Students will learn to draw polygons in the coordinate plane and use those polygons to find distances. Students will also learn to identify translations and reflections within the coordinate plane.
Accelerated Math: Students will take their Chapter 9 assessment this week on Tuesday. Students will need to know how to identify, compare, order, and graph integers. Students will also need to know how to identify distances, translations, and reflections within the coordinate plane. Students will start working with decimals by the end of the week.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. Be sure to sign up for Remind to receive class and homework updates. Visit my website for further information: Have a great week!
Mrs. Gillilan Conference time - Gold days: 1:36-3:00 Blue days: 8:00-9:24
Communication Arts: Spelling Lesson 4 Test will be Wednesday for G5. We will continue working with pronouns and use the writing process to develop text. Reminder: All homework assignments that receive a grade below a C may be redone for half credit. Assignments must be asked for that day and are due the next class time. Encourage your student to take advantage of this opportunity if needed.
Mrs. Snapp / Conference Times: Gold 4 (12:00-1:30) and Blue 5 (1:35-3:00)
CA Mrs. Lettau - We will continue our study of verbs – helping verbs. If you have questions, you may call me at 660-584-7161 and leave a message or you may e-mail me at If you need to talk to me immediately, I am available on Gold days from 9:30-10:50 and on Blue days from 1:30-3:00.
Social Studies: This week we will be coving the Ancient Egyptians. We will be covering the Egyptian Middle and New Kingdom as well as the fall of the Egyptians. If you have any questions my email is . My plan time is 9:28 to 10:52 on both Gold and Blue Days.
------CUT HERE------CUT HERE------
Student Signature: ______October 22, 2015
Parent/Caregiver Signature: ______Date: ______
For Extra Credit, both signatures must be present and the glimpse needs to be returned to Mrs. Logan no later than Wednesday, October 28, 2015 by 3:15
FACS:The students will be discussing babysitting and the importance of their role as a babysitter. At the end of the week we will be discussing kitchen safety and beginning our unit in the kitchen. There is a $7 fee for this class for the cost of their sewing project.
Keyboarding: Mrs. Sellman: S.W.B.A.T.: Please remember to review the class syllabi and procedures, and return the acknowledgement sheet signed. Thank you. Over the next few weeks students will learn how to identify and accurately demonstrate correct keyboarding posture, home row hand placement and accurately key: the space and enter bars, the letters: A,S,D,F,J,K,L,H,E,O,M,R,I,T,N,C through lessons 1.1 – 1.5. Each lesson contains approximately eight mini lessons. All lessons are taught and completed in class. There are however, many on-line typing programs and/or games that are great for practice! If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me by e-mail or by phone B2: 9:30 – 10:30a.m. or G4 11:40a.m. – 1:00p.m
Art: The class will continue working on a still life drawing next week. Their objective is to observe and illustrate a still life of geometric shapes to appear life-like and three dimensional. This project will take about 2 weeks to complete. A supply list was included in the syllabus they received on the first day they came to my class . They will need to bring in their supplies for class as soon as possible. If you can’t purchase these items please send note of when you expect you might be able to send them and I will make sure your child has some to use in the meantime.
Rhonda Boedeker Conference: Gold 4 and Blue 4 from 11:40-1:32.
Vocal: Students are preparing for the Fall Choir Concert. This concert will be held on Tuesday, November 3 at 7:00 p.m. in the East Gym. 6th grade students should meet on the stage by 6:45. Students should wear their blue music shirts, black dress pants/skirts, black dress shoes, and black socks. Please contact me if you have any questions!
Band: Please mark your calendars for our first concert which will be held on December 14th at 7:00 pm. Students will need a nice pair of black shoes, black dress pants, and their blue music shirt. The music shirt order that was placed this year will be distributed to students in class the week of the concert. If you need help obtaining any of these items, please do not hesitate to contact me.
RISE: Students are working on putting together their presentations for their independent study projects and working on their projects in Scratch. In our Conflicts curriculum our Enduring Understanding is: Understanding the positive and negative sides of conflicts may help people make better choices. The guiding questions with this lesson are: What is a conflict of interest? How could a conflict of interest influence the development of the food pyramid?
Mrs. Bell Conference Time: BLUE 5 (1:36-2:45))
Health and Physical Education: Clearasil sent us a program over self-esteem and skin care, the program includes 3 lessons and activities. At the end of the program students will be receiving a face wash sample. This week Mr. Dudley's class finished their football unit, while Mrs. Briney's class finished their Frisbee unit. Due to the weather being better this week, students ran their 2nd Quarter mile this week and will continue to test next week. If a student is absent or misses a test, he or she is responsible for setting up a time to make up the test with their teacher. We are looking for improvements in all areas. Please remind your student to pack clothes for dressing out. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. Coach Dudley’s plan is Blue 5 and Gold 2. Coach Briney’s plan is Gold 1 and Blue 5
Health Enrichment: Students have started Chapter 14 and completed lesson 1 over Tobacco and Alcohol and started Lesson 2 Tobacco Products. Students are asked to get involved in class discussions over serious issues. Ask them to share with you at home. Students have received grades for returining their syllabus on time, quiz one, a worksheet, and class participation. Next week the class will be finishing Lesson 2 and moving on to Lesson 3 Alcohol. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me, my plan is Gold 1 and Blue 5. You can also reachMrs. Briney through email:
6th Grade Resource – Mrs. Lettau – We will continue Unit 3, over bonus letters and welded sounds. If you have questions, you may call me at 660-584-7161 and leave a message or you may e-mail me at If you need to talk to me immediately, I am available on Gold days from 9:30-10:50 and on Blue days from 1:30-3:00.