February 25, 2018

At St. Michael’s …


A Tuesday evening discussion series with simple soup supper, led by Pastor Joe Britton

(Sponsored by the Newcomers Ministry, but for the whole parish!)

6:00 – 8:00 pm in the Pavilion

February 27: Is Jesus the only way?

March 6: How can I use, but not abuse, the Bible?

March 13: What does being made in God’s image mean for me?

March 20: How can I make Holy Week a spiritual pilgrimage?


Being a person of faith in times of anxiety

A Sunday morning Forum series, led by Pastor Joe Britton

10:15 am in the Pavilion


A daily Bible study focused on reading Luke and Acts, led by Mandy Taylor-Montoya

Sunday gatherings at 10:15 am in the Library


A monastic morning retreat, led by Pastor Joe Britton

Based on the film “Into Great Silence” on the Carthusian mother house in France

Saturday, March 3, 9:00 am to 12 noon


Wednesday, March 7, 7:00-8:30 pm

Gentle, candlelight Yoga to let go and make sacred space within.

Class limited to 14. Contact Kathryn in the office for your committed reservation. If you have reserved a space and cannot attend (plans change) please let Kathryn know so someone else can take your spot.


Gallery St. Michael announces an exhibit of the Stations of the Cross Project first used during Lent in 2016, available for viewing in the Pavilion through Easter.

The Stations hung in the church are by parishioner Brett Braud: a devotional booklet is available on the table to the right of the altar.

AN UPDATE ON OUR ANGOLAN REFUGEE FAMILY: Angolan Family Update!Thanks to all the St Michael's angels for the generous gifts of time, fabric, outings, driving,advice, Smith's Cards and work for Bela! Making connections helps Bela and the kidsfeel more at home here. They were able to visit their husband and father in detention in El Paso again last weekend, and monthly visits are beingplanned. Options are being discussed in the AsylumWorking Group, a sub-committee of the larger immigrationgroup, which focuseson support for Bela's family. Pray for true justice and mercy. ContactGarth Bawden regardingthe Working Group: .

Prayer is especially requested for Armando's immigration hearing this Tuesday, February 27 - legal representation is still uncertain.We will hold a prayer vigil in the church at noon on that day. Please join us if you are able.

NEW MEXICO FAITH COALITION FOR IMMIGRANT JUSTICE.Save the date: OnApril 7, the Faith Coalition will hold itsannual fiesta fund, friend and awareness raiser to be held at the Unitarian Church (Carlisle & Commanche). Besides music, poetry, and immigration updates,St Michael's will have a table and Bela will sell her sewing projects! Carol Raish will have current details as the date nears: .

ST. MIKE’S HIKES AND BIKES (or Walks and Talks, depending on your mood): Get together with others from St Michael's for some time outdoors, meet new people! So far our groups have been small so we all walk together at a pace that is comfortable for everyone. Join us forour nexthike in the Bosque: Monday, March 5th, 11:00 am in Alameda Open Space parking lot. This is on the South side of Alameda between Rio Grande Blvd. NW and the river. You can Google the location.See you then! Need more info? Contact: Rosanne de Filippo or Alice Lloyd

GREAT COURSES: Do you like to continue to learn about God's World andUniverse? Check out the Great Courses Series on Wednesdays from 1:30 to 3:30 in the Pavilion. The Rev. Alan Conley, retired priest and new member (with Corinne, his wife) will lead the group in discussion after viewing the 30-minute DVDs for the Great Courses organization. They produce hundreds of different courses on a wide variety of subjects presented by outstanding professors from all parts of the U.S. The class will choose which courses we wish to see and whether to view one or two DVDs (30 minutes each) in each class. If you have questions, call Fr. Conley at 830-459-9789 or , or show up on Wednesdays at 1:30.

CASA SAN MIGUEL FOOD PANTRY: If you have thought about volunteering at the food pantry, come any Tuesday morning and just see what it's all about--no commitment. Come around 8:30 and see who the volunteers are and what we do. We open at 9:00 to start people through the grocery line and close at 10:00. Also, we can always use some healthy volunteers on Monday mornings to help unload the Roadrunner truck. The time for the delivery varies, so if you are interested in helping on Mondays contact nd we can tell you when the truck isexpected (they are not necessarily punctual).

PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: The next meeting is February 27th at 11:00 in the Pavilion.

ALL ANGELS DAY SCHOOL NEEDS A NEW FRIDGE. Do you have one to donate? Contact Anne Duran at or505-345-8147, Ext. 161

GOODWILL BIN BRINGS DOLLARS FOR YOUTH: By bringing household items, clothing, etc. to place in the bin in the Parish Hall, you help the parish youth earn money for their activities--$50 per bin!

BECOME AN AMBERCARE HOSPICE VOLUNTEER: Share your skills in listening, empathy, and companionship to patients and families during the profound period of transition that is the end of life. As a hospice volunteer, you make a difference in simple ways. Volunteeropportunities include patient comfort, music, crafts, andoffice volunteers, and much more. We welcome veterans to participate in our Honor Veterans program. Please contact Adrienne Mathewson, Ambercare Volunteer Coordinator, at 505-244-0046 ext. 11272. Email .


Our thanks to Barbara Koenig for hosting yesterday’s inaugural tea

for St. Michael’s “Band of Angels,” expressing appreciation to all those who had already

included the parish in their wills or estate plans.

Now ANYONE is invited to participate in this new ministry

to provide for our parish’s future—

whatever the size, or whatever the form of the bequest!

All you need to do is to let the Business Office know of your intention:

and please ask if we can be of any assistance!

For more information, watch for upcoming information sessions, or visit:




St. Michael & All Angels Church

A congregation of The Episcopal Church

Office Phone: (505) 345-8147

Facebook: St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church