Core Path Network Questionnaire– Stage 1
Dundee City Council is developing a core path plan to highlight opportunities for walking, riding and cycling in Dundee.
Over the next two years we will be developing draft plan of Dundee's core paths. This plan will show a network of paths sufficient for the purpose of giving the public reasonable access throughout the Council area. The network may include a wide variety of path types ranging from well-surfaced and maintained paths to trodden earth paths. The ‘core paths’ will link into the wider network of paths and access areas.
We need your help in identifying the Core Path Network in Dundee. You can help us by telling us what paths you use at the moment and what paths you would like to be able to use in the future. All you need to do is fill in the following questionnaire. If you want to give us more information please use the Stage 2 questionnaire.
About you:
Where do you live?
Type of path use (please mark all that apply):
Walking Cycling Horse riding Dog Walking Pushchair Wheelchair Other
In order of importance to you list the main paths you use
Your age:
Under 1818 – 30 31 – 60 Over 60
Are you:
If you would like to be on our mailing list for information about core paths and other access matters please give your contact information.
The information in this questionnaire will be processed by the Council to find out what you think about core path provision and core path planning in Dundee. The information will be used to inform the planning and delivery of core paths and the development and implementation of related policies. We will also send you information about core paths and other access issues where you have provided your contact details above. If you wish to stop receiving communications please contact: Access Officer, Leisure & Communities Dept, Dundee City Council, Floor 13, Tayside House, Crichton Street, Dundee, DD1 3RA. All of the information you give will be held securely by the Council and will be treated as confidential except where the law requires the Council to disclose such information. Under the Data Protection Act 1998, you are entitled to access any of the personal information held about you by Dundee City Council.
I authorise the use of my personal information for the purposes stated above
Agree Disagree
Please return this form to:
Post: Access Officer, Leisure & Communities Dept, DundeeCity Council, Floor 13, Tayside House, Crichton Street, Dundee, DD1 3RA
Fax: 01382 433211