Version 1.1
Version Control
Version / Date / Change1.0 / 28/02/2010 / Document created.
-Formversion attribute set to 6.
-Employer and P35L elements moved to external schemas.
-Updated sample file.
1.1 / 20/07/2012 / Updated the following fields to allow them to support the new format registration numbers. The update involves a change to the regular expression used to determine if a number is valid.
Change Details:
Before: “[0-9]{7,8}[A-Wa-w][TWXtwx ]?”
After: “[0-9]{7,8}[A-Wa-w][A-ITWXZa-itwxz ]?”
Sample Numbers:
Existing Format: 1234567T
New Format: 1234567FA
Section / Field
Pg.2 – CompanyDetails / ctnumber
Pg. 3 – Sample File / Updated to include some of the new format numbers
Change Since Version 1.0
Element / ChangeShareholderDetails / Attribute names changed: address11 to address1, address12 to address2, address13 to address3, address14 to address4, address15 to address5
The DWT file should be a well-formed XML document conforming to the Document Type Definition below:
<!DOCTYPE DwtFile [
<!ELEMENT DwtFile (CompanyDetails, Distributiondetails*)>
formversion( 1 )#REQUIRED
language( E | G )#REQUIRED
<!ELEMENTCompanyDetails (Company)>
<!ELEMENTDistributiondetails(ShareholderDetails+, Details)>
<!ELEMENTShareholderDetails EMPTY>
<!ATTLISTisexempt( true | false )“false”
investordesignationCDATA#IMPLIED grossamtdistribution CDATA #REQUIRED
The DwtFile element has the following attributes:
formversion / Numeric, required / Must be equal to “1” for this version of the file format. Will change with each new edition of the form.periodstart / Date, required / Start of tax year in which distribution was made (dd/mm/yyyy)
periodend / Date, required / End of tax year in which distribution was made (dd/mm/yyyy)
language / E or G, required / E for English, G for Irish
It then consists of one CompanyDetails element and one or more Distributiondetails element.
The CompanyDetails element has the following attributes:
ctnumber / AlphaNumeric, required / Corporation Tax Registration Number (7 numeric + 1 or 2 alpha characters)companyname / Alpha, required / Name of Company (max 70 characters)
address1 / AlphaNumeric, required / Line 1 of the full postal address of the company. (max length 35)
address2 / AlphaNumeric, required / Line 2 of the full postal address of the company. (max length 35)
address3 / AlphaNumeric, optional / Line 3 of the full postal address of the company. (max length 35)
address4 / AlphaNumeric, optional / Line 4 of the full postal address of the company. (max length 35)
dateofdistribution / Date, required / Date of Distribution in format dd/mm/yyyy. The Date of Distribution must be a date within the tax year in which the distribution was made and cannot be prior to 06/04/1999.
The Distributiondetails element has no attributes. It consists of one to four ShareholderDetails elements and one Details element.
The ShareholderDetails element contains the following attributes:
benname / Alpha, required / Enter Beneficiary’s name (max 150 characters). The name may take the following format: - Prefix, Forename, Surname, Suffixaddress1 / AlphaNumeric, required / Line 1 of the full postal address of the beneficiary. (max length 35)
address2 / AlphaNumeric, required / Line 2 of the full postal address of the beneficiary. (max length 35)
address3 / AlphaNumeric, optional / Line 3 of the full postal address of the beneficiary. (max length 35)
address4 / AlphaNumeric, optional / Line 4 of the full postal address of the beneficiary. (max length 35)
address5 / AlphaNumeric, optional / Line 5 of the full postal address of the beneficiary. (max length 35)
The Details element has the following attributes:
isexempt / True or False, optional / Indicator of whether or not exempt from DWT deductions.investordesignation / AlphaNumeric, optional / Further identifies underlying beneficiaries. (max 8 characters).
grossamtdistribution / Numeric, required / Enter total amount of Distribution in Euro for that Date (max 11 characters)
dwtdeducted / Numeric / If the isexempt attribute is true, dwtdeducted should be set to zero. If isexempt is false, dwtdeducted is calculated at a rate applicable to the Distribution date already entered.
This is an example of a correct DWT XML file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DwtFile formversion="1" periodstart="01/01/2002" periodend="31/12/2002" language="E">
<Company ctnumber="1234567FA" companyname="ABC Limited" address1="Street1" address2="Estate1" address3="Town1" address4="City1" dateofdistribution="01/01/2002" />
<ShareholderDetails benname="Joe Bloggs" address1="14 Some Street" address2="Some Village" address3="Some Town" address4="Some County" />
<ShareholderDetails benname="Jane Doe" address1="Any Street" address2="Any Village" address3="Any Town" address4="Any County" />
<Details isexempt="true" investordesignation="123q" grossamtdistribution="1232.00" dwtdeducted="0.00" />
<ShareholderDetails benname="A.N. Other" address1="street" address2="town" address13="county" />
<Details isexempt="false" grossamtdistribution="546.00" dwtdeducted="109.20" />
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