West Clinton Fire District Minutes
June 13, 2012
In attendance: Chairman Martin, Commissioner Dingee, Commissioner Cleary, Commissioner Oberly, Treasurer Stutzman and Secretary Brown. Commissioner Lyons was absent. The meeting was called to order at 7:06 PM by Chairman Martin. A salute to the flag was held. The minutes will be recorded for transcription purposes. It was decided to hold off on last month’s minutes due to Chairman Martin and Commissioner Dingee not being in attendance at that meeting.
Correspondence: A hall rental for Sta. #1 for Marty Monaco for June 23rd for a graduation party along with a fee of $50.00 was received. Commissioner Dingee made a motion that the fire district reimburse $25.00 to the company seconded by Commissioner Cleary with all in favor. A hall rental for Sta. #1 was received from Betty Davis for the Strawberry Festival on June 16. The motion for approval and to waive the fire district fee was made by Commissioner Dingee, seconded by Commissioner Oberly with all in favor. A hall rental for Sta. #2 for Nikki Brown for July 8th was received. A motion was made by Commissioner Dingee for approval, seconded by Commissioner Oberly with all in favor. A letter was received from Craig Simpson from Sunset Enterprises stating his disappointment that the fire district did not notify him that his lawn maintenance quote was not accepted. A motion was made by Commissioner Dingee to send a letter of apology to Craig Simpson, seconded by Commissioner Oberly with all in favor. A letter was received from the Association of Fire Districts of DutchessCounty in regard to all of the discussions in regard to Joel Miller’s article in the Poughkeepsie Journal. The Association proposes that they place a full page in the Poughkeepsie Journal on October 11, 2012 in regard to the budget hearings for each fire district at their cost. The proposal will be further discussed and voted on at their meeting to be held on June 26 at East Fishkill headquarters. Commissioner Lyons arrived at 7:22 PM. A letter from the Dutchess County Emergency Response was received in regard to insurance to use the safety trailer. Commissioner Oberly stated he has taken care of it and has given the Secretary the file copy. Discussion was held in regard to responding to the county’s request on when we will be in compliance with the narrowband use. This will again be tabled until the Chief is present. A letter was received from the Board of Elections in regard to upcoming elections. The letter was given to Commissioner Dingee. A letter was received from Company #2 advising the transfer of Kevin Meyers from Co. #1 to Co. #2. The Fire Police and Rescue Squad request to have a coin toss on August 25, rain date August 26. They request using 71-66 on that date. Commissioner Dingee stated that we will have to check with the insurance company. Commissioner Martin stated we will need a list of names of all members who will be participating.
West Clinton Fire District Minutes, June 13, 2012, Page 2
A letter was received from members Steve and Barbara Schaefer stating their opinion on the Board’s position on the recent Chief’s elections and they highlighted concerns in regard to having Michael Traver as a Chief Officer.
A letter was received from Company #1 that on June 4th they voted Tim Ciangiola and Sandy Butler inactive.A registered letter was received from the engineers in regard to bridge replacement at Naylor Farm as they have received no response from the Chief. Chairman Martin stated it has already been done. The results of the hose and ladder tests were presented to the Board. Chairman Martin asked Assistant Chief Marshall if we will be in compliance for narrowband and he responded yes. He was asked to provide prices by the first meeting in July on what is needed in order to be in compliance. The equipment to be removed from the old Chief’s vehicle was scheduled for Monday or Tuesday but it rained.
Treasurer’s report: The Treasurer presented the President of Co. #1 a check for $25.00 for their share of the hall rental for Marty Monaco. The Capital Reserve fund totaled $426,881.29, the checking account totaled $2,978.25, the General fund totaled $352,482.55 and the Repair Reserve fund totaled $50,153.80. The Treasurer discussed the budget to date.All bills were reviewed and signed for approval.
A motion was made by Chairman Martin to accept the Treasurer’s report, seconded by Commissioner Oberly with all in favor. A motion was made by Commissioner Dingee to pay all the bills presented including the Ruge’s bill which we require the invoice from the Chief, seconded by Commissioner Oberly with all in favor. The Treasurer presented a 2013 budget planning sheet which noted low to high priority projects. The check from Omega dated March 28, 2012 was received in the amount of $5,000.00. The check is made out to the fire department instead of the district and Chairman Martin will take the check and rectify the payable to person. A letter will be sent thanking Omega for their continuing donations. The Treasurer reviewed the financial reports.
The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed with a motion made by Commissioner Oberly to accept as amended by Commissioner Cleary with all in favor with the exceptions of Chairman Martin and Commissioner Dingee who abstained as they were not present at that meeting.
Chief’s report: Chief Szabo stated that he has pulled radios from the officers except for the Chief Officers and Rescue Squad Captain and they are being reprogrammed at NYCOMCO. Chief Szabo confirmed we will be in compliance per the time allotments for Narrowband. He requests firefighter gear for member Devin Besze. Commissioner Cleary asked if the Captains and Lt.’s will be getting their radios back and the chief stated that he is still deciding. He stated that most likely the Captains will but the others may go on the trucks. Commissioner Cleary wondered if that may become a security risk if they get taken from the trucks and Chief Szabo responded he hopes not. Further discussion was held.
West Clinton Fire District Minutes, June 23, 2012, Page 3
The Chief will update the inventory sheets for the radios that he has collected. Chief Szabo mentioned upcoming classes.
A motion was made by Commissioner Dingee to spend up to $1,900.00 through MES for the firefighter’s gear out of the Chief’s budget seconded by CommissionerOberly with all in favor. Commissioner Cleary noted that there should be documentation when the gear is in.
New business: Mary Ellen Cookingham recommends that the Board hires a company to do the annual inspection of the stair chair and stretchers which will take the liability off of the district per the recommendation from the state. This is not required but highly recommended.
Old business: The ambulance passed the state inspection. A few items were discussed as to how to improve and Mary Ellen Cookingham stated she will work with Northern Dutchess Paramedics to figure out the standards. She will provide the report to the Board that the ambulance passed. Mary Ellen Cookingham was asked to supply the Board with a current list of EMT card holders and she responded she will work on it but she’s still trying to figure it out. Commissioner Cleary asked how many times the ambulance has responded as per the past month. Mary Ellen Cookingham responded she didn’t know but they are getting better, we are getting out more. Commissioner Dingee will get the information from the county. Mary Ellen Cookingham stated that she would like to add $50.00 for bandage scissors to the quote for supplies from Moore Medical. Commissioner Oberly made a motion to approve the supplies listed from Moore Medical to include the additional $50.00 for a total of $1,143.59. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Lyons with all in favor.
In regard to the accountability tags, the Treasurer stated that Marty Monaco is waiting for photos of the ones that haven’t received a tag yet and past Assistant Chief Andrew Schaefer has not returned the list. Chairman Martin directed Assistant Chief Marshall to get the pictures taken of the ones that are needed and give them to Marty Monaco within 30 days or less. Chief Szabo said he will set a date to train the members on the Scot Paks. Commissioner Oberly stated there should be written training best practices so members know what to do. The Chief will take care of it.
Member Lynn Tompkins asked the status on the request for waiver of the percentage of out of district members. She was advised that we received a letter 2 months ago that the State was sending letters to adjoining fire districts. Lynn Tompkins said she understood that but asked if the Board has followed up on it. Commissioner Oberly made a motion that a letter be sent to Albany requesting the status of our request, seconded by Commissioner Martin with all in favor. Co. #2 President asked if the insurance information was received for the bicycle club and Commissioner Oberly responded yes and it’s all approved. At this time a 5 minute break was held.
West Clinton Fire District Fire District Minutes, June 23, 2012, Page 4
The Board returned to regular business. Commissioner Oberly made a motion that the Secretary prepares 15 copies of the agenda for each meeting for the public. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Dingee with all in favor. Commissioner Cleary stated that we have not appointed a member of the Board for the safety committee. Commissioner Dingee made a motion for Jim Lyons, seconded by Commissioner Oberly. A discussion was held with Commissioner Lyons accepting and the motion passed with all in favor. Commissioner Oberly stated that he has given the Board members envelopes from PERMA with information and stickers to fasten safety belts for the vehicles. There are also 3 or 4 signs that can be put up that were given to Commissioner Lyons. Commissioner Oberly reported that we will receive no insurance credit for adding the security to Sta. #2 at this time as his email previously advised the Board. It may be considered at next year’s renewal.
Commissioner Cleary stated that we need to be aware of the amount of emails that fly between the Board and they need to be documented at the meetings. Commissioner Cleary received the input report from Emergency One today and he will email the report on everyone who has had exams. In regard to the security at Sta. #2, everything is up and running. He presented copies of the burglar alarms and there was 1 call for the police at Sta. #1 but the camera did not detect anyone in the vestibule. At Sta. #2 all calls were driven by the problem with the door to the equipment room. Commissioner Cleary stated that we may want to consider adding a motion sensor light when someone comes in and if we feel it worthy, he can look into it.
Commissioner Lyons has started to look into fitness programs but he is unsure what we want. He is estimating the cost to be approximately $6,000.00. IXL in Rhinebeck will give membership at $25.00 a month with spouse with no commitment. IXL will provide us with a monthly report. Commissioner Lyons will continue to look into it but again stated he is not sure what we are looking for.
Commissioner Dingee stated that both contractors he met with Monday said the air conditioning unit is up and working well and in proper condition. He has a fax from Triple RRefrigeration for 2 compressors and a fan. Commissioner Dingee met with 2 plumbers but as per the procurement policy needs another quote. A quote for servicing the 20 ton package A/C unit was received from Going Green Plumbing and Heating in the amount of $187.50. The price includes greasing and changing filters. Commissioner Oberly made a motion to give the contract to Going Green Plumbing and Heating LLC of Clinton Corners, the motion was seconded by Commissioner Lyons with all in favor.
West Clinton Fire District Minutes, June 23, 2012, Page 5
Commissioner Dingee has set up a meeting with the fire inspector to be sure Sta. #2 meeting hall door on the west side is up to code.
Chairman Martin announced what is needed to be presented to the Board for the months of June and July. He advised Assistant Chief Marshall to be sure all is presented to the Board on time. Prices for servicing all equipment is due by the workshop meeting on June 27th and Assistant Chief Marshall was reminded to be sure to follow the procurement policy.
Chairman Martin made a motion that the Board enter into executive session with the Secretary and Treasurer in regard to medical, financial, credit or employment history of a particular person/corp. or matters leading to dismissal, removal, promotion, appointment, employment, discipline demotion or suspension. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Dingee with all in favor. The Board returned to regular session by motion from Chairman Martin, seconded by Commissioner Lyons with all in favor.
At this time several members voiced their opinions in regard to the continuous Chief elections and the reputation the district is getting in the county which is a laughing stock. A discussion was held in regard to members and officers being disrespectful to the board. A letter was read by Mary Zwecker in regard to her opinion of the continuous elections and the way things are being run in the district. A statement was made in regard to Chief Officers not having gear on at a call. Several members stated they support whatever the Board decision is. The Chief election results will be voted on June 27, 2012.
Members Josh Joshua and Caleigh Osterhoudt Benson have taken and passed their physicals. A motion was made by Commissioner Dingee to lift the suspension and place Josh Joseph back on the active roster seconded by Jim Lyons with all in favor. A motion was made by Commissioner Dingee to lift the suspension and place Caleigh Osterhoudt Benson back on the active roster, seconded by Jim Lyons with all in favor. A passed physical form was received for Sandy Butler but the company has already placed her inactive. Chairman Martin made a motion for adjournment, seconded by Commissioner Lyons with all in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 PM.
Respectfully submitted;
Diane Brown, Secretary