AHRC Research Training Support Grant
Applications 2017/2018
Doctoral students funded by the AHRC (including TECHNE students) can apply tothe AHRC Research Training Support Grant (RTSG) to support study visits, research costs or conference attendance. Applicationscan be made at any time. Full details of eligibility for the funding are to be foundunder ‘Payments’ in the AHRC’sTraining Grant Funding Guide but the key points are summarised below.
- Only AHRC funded doctoral students are eligible
- The RTSG can be used for UK or overseas study visits for the purposes of conducting primary research, attending conferences or covering primary research costs e.g. consumables or materials
- The duration of the study visit should not exceed 12 months
- Students in their writing-up year are not eligible; students are not expected to go on study visits in the last three months of the funded period of the award
- Students who have previously undertaken eligible activities whilst in receipt of an AHRC award can make a retrospective application, though there is no guarantee that retrospective applications will be funded
- Students normally should not expect to receive more than one allocation of RTSG funding; in exceptional circumstances up to two applications may be made.
- Applications should not exceed £750 and may include expenses associated with more than one activity/trip.
Applications should be made on the form below by the student and his/her supervisor and should be sent to . All applications will be acknowledgedand may be referred to the Associate Dean (Doctoral School). We will endeavour to inform applicants of the outcome 2 weeks after submission.
If successful, the applicant should complete a Royal Holloway Expense Claim Form and submit it to their Department for authorisation in the usual way along with the appropriate receipts.Note that the requirement for receipts/tickets means that students are reimbursed rather than being granted money in advance.TECHNE administration will supply a cost code to be used on the Form so that the expense is paid from the central RTSG funds.
AHRC Research Training Support Grant Application Form
1. Name of student:2. Student’s email address:
4.Year of study:
5. Supervisor’s email address:
6. Has the conference/study visit been completed already? Please confirm that supporting receipts are available. Successful applicants must attach receipts to the Expense Claim Form when they submit their claim.
7. Start and end dates of conference/study visit:
8. Location of conference/study visit:
9. Purpose of conference/study visit(to be completed by the student)
10. How is the conference/study visit essential to the completion of the thesis?(brief details to be completed by the supervisor)
11. Amount applied for (max. £750) and outline of how this will be spent