Paul G. Blazer High School
ACT Math Lab

Teacher: Shelly Walter
Phone: 606-327-6040 ext. 3208
Course Description

This course is designed as an enhancement for students taking Algebra 2. We will focus on mastering the concepts necessary to reach benchmark on the ACT. Juniors will also work on trying to reach the benchmark score on the mathematics portion of the ACT and seniors will work on trying to reach the benchmark on the college entrance exam (KYOTE or COMPASS).
Method of Evaluation

Your grade in this course will be pass or fail. You are required to have elective credits to graduate and you will receive an elective credit for this class. To pass the course you must pass 6 weeks out of each quarter (9 weeks). You will receive a weekly progress report indicating your grade for that week.

To pass each week, you must complete your homework for your regular math class 4 out of 5 days. You must also participate in daily activities.

Course Materials

You must have a two pocket folder just for your math lab which should contain the current class assignments for your regular math class. You will need pencil, paper and your math book.

Daily Activities

·  Each day you will be required to show your completed math homework to the teacher. If the assignment is not complete, you must work on it during math lab. You may receive assistance from the teacher or other students. When asking for teacher assistance, please follow the “C3B4me” policy. You should refer to 3 resources…notes, book, classmates…before asking the teacher for help.

·  If you have your homework completed and do not need assistance, you may be called upon to help other students or you may work on other assignments.

·  We will be working on practice problems for the ACT/KYOTE tests each day.

Course Procedures/Classroom Rules and Expectations

Out-of-Class Time

·  You are allowed 3 out-of-class events per 9 weeks.

This includes tardies, trips to your locker, trips to the bathroom, etc.

·  Do not ask to leave class to complete work for another teacher. This should be done in their class or on your own time.

Entering the Classroom

·  CALMLY and QUIETLY enter the classroom.

·  Complete the bell ringer on the board

·  Get out the homework assignment from your math class.

·  If all of the above is done, wait quietly.

Raising your hand

·  Do not speak out in class.

·  Raise your hand and wait to be recognized.

·  If you raise your hand and I give you the “wait” sign, I have seen your hand and will answer your question as soon as possible.

·  Please wait to ask to leave the room until I am not in the middle of explaining something.

Student Work Station

·  The student workstation contains a stapler, tape, hole punch, tissues, hand sanitizer, pencils, and other class materials.

·  You may use the workstation ANY TIME I AM NOT TEACHING - YOU DON’T HAVE TO ASK.

·  Only ONE person at a time may be at the workstation.

The following is a list of class rules in addition to all rules in the student handbook.

1.  DRESS CODE IS NOT OPTIONAL! If you think you may NOT be okay, change clothes.

2.  Be respectful by keeping hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

3.  Tardies are defined as any student not in their seat and working before the bell rings. Four tardies or more will result in 15-minute teacher detention, which must be completed within one week of the tardy.

4.  I expect you to be in your seat, quiet, and have materials out, before the bell rings. Running to your desk as the bell rings is defined as tardy.

6.  Do not talk (about non-math subject matter), sleep, write notes to peers, etc. during class time. DO NOT speak negatively about Blazer administrators, teachers, staff, or students after crossing the threshold of classroom 211.

7.  You are not to be out of your seat unless using the student materials work station during class.

8.  All work should be completed in pencil only. Have pencils sharpened before class begins.

During the first few days of school I will issue a Guideline Interaction Card for any violation of school rules or class procedures to help the students adjust to my classroom rules, guidelines, and procedures. However, this is only temporary and students are expected to adjust to the consistent routine. Discipline referrals will be issued after week two. Please feel free to talk to me about any problems that you may be having with the course. I want you to be successful this year and I will help you in any way that I can. I am looking forward to a great year!

Parent Name:______Phone: ______

Parent Signature:______Email: ______

Student Name: ______

Student Signature: ______Date:______