Implementing the European Health Policy Health 2020 and Strengthening Public Health Capacities and Services Through Improved Collaboration and Synergy of Health Promotion Networks

Meeting Summary

Tuesday, 16 October 2012


·  WHO Europe (DSP-PHS):

o  Hans Kluge

o  Jo Nurse

o  Alexey Novozhilov

o  Charmian Moller-Olsen

·  WHO Venice Office / Regions for Health Network:

o  Erio Ziglio


o  Snezhana Cicevaliava

·  WHO Europe / Healthy Prisons:

o  Stefan Enggist

·  WHO Europe / Healthy Schools:

o  Vivian Barnekow


o  Marie Claude Lamare

·  Healthy Universities:

o  Mark Dorris

·  Euro Health Net:

o  Clive Needle

·  HPH:

o  Hanne Tønnesen

o  Jeff Svane

o  Irene Nielsen

Workshop notes:

·  Inspiration: How can insights, tools and ideas from one Network be transferred to another?

·  To link up better – and not be simply a list of separate networks

·  Learn from organizational strategy and administration

·  Mapping the actors. ID of collaborators/actors in the field

·  Teaching and training in HP (bridging clinical and public health worlds)

·  How to persuade organizations/entities to do HP (HP is not the core business of prisons, universities, even not of H/HS)

·  Staff health promotion – we all have staff

·  Funding – any collaboration possible?

·  Research needs a boost – via all designs/disciplines as appropriate.

·  Get more networks, more people on board for next time.

·  Not competing: By being organized we become transparent and we can collaboratively approach international bodies for needed steps, action and support.

·  To do: Internal WHO Networks will have its own meeting to get organized.

·  WHO will invite all HP Networks (individually or collectively) at annual meeting.

Meeting notes:

·  WHO CC makes a project zone online with password:

o  Include all meeting docs, plus H2020 and EAP.

o  Include all presentations.

o  Include discussion forum + webex link up.

·  Sharing calendars on meetings and conferences.

o  What to work with?

o  What to focus on?

o  Where does it make sense?

o  Agree on scope

Next Meeting

·  Schedule a Webex meeting in January.

·  Next meeting could be at Finnish HP Conference? (Or Nordic HP research Conference in Oslo, June 2013)