Packing List – Salter Path, NC

Rule #1 – Don’t Over-pack! YOU will carry what you bring.

The following items ARE provided by the Trinity Center: Sheets, Towels, Pillows


·  Bathing suit

·  Sun hat/cap

·  T-shirts (long sleeve, lightweight synthetic shirts are best in the sun which will be a constant)

·  Long sleeve shirt to protect against insects in evenings

·  Work Clothes

·  Work Gloves

·  Beach cover-up

·  Water shoes, Sandals, Tennis Shoes

·  Old tennis shoes that can be thrown away or Keens (outdoor sandals with straps!) to wear while doing restoration work day in the water


·  Flashlight

·  Sunscreen (30 SPF or higher recommended), must be put on prior to our morning and afternoon work sessions.

·  Sunburn Relief (Aloe type)

·  Reusable Water Bottle (Like a Nalgene) with name on it.

·  Sunglasses with some sort of strap

·  Insect Repellent

·  Beach towel

·  Toiletries

·  Small amount of spending money for souvenirs

**iPods/MP3 players and cell phones only during designated times**


·  Bag lunch for van ride after church on Sunday (we will not have time to stop on the way down other than a bathroom break)

·  Snacks for late night circle time– boys bring salty snacks and girls bring sweet snacks


All prescription medications should be turned over to Sarah Lusk. The containers should be clearly marked with the prescription and dosages, and should be in the original container (do not put loose medication in a plastic Ziplock bag!). If you have had any changes in your prescriptions since you completed the application and medical forms please notify Sarah Lusk. She will carry a First Aid kit, which will include basic over-the-counter medications.

Other suggestions:

·  Sand and sweat do not provide a good situation for contact wearers. If you wear contacts, you may want to consider bringing glasses instead.

·  Bring a book (everyone LOVES summer reading)

·  Playing cards

·  Flashlight and batteries