Every community college may apply its courses differently, even if the course has the same title and course number. Consult with a counselor for up to date information. Areas A1, A2, A3, B4 must be completed with a grade of “C” or higher before transferring to a CSU
THIS FORM SUBJECT TO CHANGE EACH YEAR Please Consult with a Counselor / C / IP / NA /
/9 Semester /12 Quarter UNITS
/Select 1 course from each area+.
A-1. Oral Communication: Speech 101, 102, 121, 151A-2. Written Communication: English 101
A-3. Critical Thinking: English 102***, 103; Philosophy 6, 8; Speech 104
English 103 is a CSULA requirement
+All coursework in this area must be completed with a “C” or better to meet admissions requirements to a CSU campus.
Other College ______
/Advanced Placement______
/9 Semester /12 Quarter UNITS
/Select 3 courses to include one from B-1, one from B-2, and one from B-4. A corresponding lab course is required. Lecture courses with Lab included are marked L. Separate Lab courses are marked *
B-1. Physical Science: Astronomy 1; Chemistry 51L+, 60L+,101L, 102L, 211L, 212L; Earth Science 1; Environmental Science 1; Geography 1, 15*; Geology 1, 6*; Oceanography 1; Physics 6L+, 7L+,12, 14*, 37L+, 38L+, 39L+; (+UC transfer credit limit : Credit given for only one series Physics 6/7 or Physics 37/38/39)
(+Chemistry 51 and 60 combined: max credit one course. No credit for Chem. 51 or 60 if taken after Chem. 101 or 102)
B-2. Life Science: Anatomy 1L; Anthropology 101; Biology 3A & 3B*(to receive UC/CSU credit for 3A+, 3B+ must be completed), 6L+, 7L+, 10L; Environmental Science 2; Microbiology 20L; Physiology 1L; Psychology 2(+No credit for Bio 3A,3B if taken after Bio 7 or 7)
B-3. Laboratory Activity: This requirement may also be satisfied by completion of any lecture with lab course listed in area B1 or B2 above that is marked with a L :
Anthropology 111*; Biology 3B*(to receive UC/CSU credit for 3A, 3B must be complete); Geography 15*; Geology 6*; Physics 14*(Lab for Physics 12);
B-4. Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning: Math 215, 227, 235, 236, 240, 241, 245, 260, 261, 262, 263, 270, 275
Coursework in area B-4 (Math/Quantitative Reasoning) must be completed with a “C” or better for admission to a CSU.
Other College ______
/Advanced Placement______
/9 Semester /12 Quarter UNITS
/Choose 1 course from C-1, 1 course from C-2, and a third course from either C-1 or C-2.
C-1. Arts: Art 101, 102, 103, 107, 109, 111, 201, 501, 502, 708, 709; Cinema 3(same as Theater 505), 107; Humanities 73***, Music 101, 111, 121, 122,141; Physical Education 814; Theater 100, 110, 200, 505(same as Cinema 3)
C- C-2. Humanities: Arabic 1; American Sign Language 1, 2; Chinese 1, 21; English 102***,127, 203, 204 , 205, 206, 209, 211, 215, 219, 233+ (same as Jewish Studies 6) 234, 239, 275; French 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; 10+(same as History 22); History 1, 2, 22, (same as French 10), 86, 87; Humanities 1, 30, 31, 60, 61, 77; Japanese 1, 21; Jewish Studies 3, 6+(same as English 233), 26, 27; Philosophy 1, 20, 24, 33, 41; Spanish 1 or 21, 22, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; Speech 135; Theater 120 (ea);repeatable
Ot Other College ______Advanced Placement ______
/9 Semester /12 Quarter UNITS
/ / /Courses must be chosen from at least two disciplines (please review box below for additional options).
CSU graduation requirement in U.S. History, Constitution & American Ideals May be met prior to transfer by taking one U.S. History and Political Science 1. U.S. History courses are marked with **. These courses are not required for certification and may be counted in area D– one from section A, one from B and other courses must be taken from D0 – D9
A. Political Science 1**
B. African American Studies 4**, 5**;, History 11**, 12**, 13, 41,** 42**
D-0. Sociology & Criminology: Admin. Of Justice 1, 4, 67; Sociology 1, 2, 11
D-1 Anthropology Archeology Anthro 102,103,121,134
D-2. Economics: Business 1; Economics 1, 2, 10, 11
D-3. Ethnic Studies: African American Studies 2, 4**, 5**; English 219**, 234**; History 41**, 42**
D-4. Gender Studies: History 1, 52***
D-5. Geography: 2 / D-6. History: African American Studies 4**,5**; History 2, 5, 6, 11**, 12**, 13**, 14, 29, 41**,42**, 52, 86, 87
D-7. Interdisciplinary Social or Behavioral Science: Psychology 64;
D-8. Political Science, Government & Legal Institutions: Administration of Justice 4; Law 3; Political Science 1**, 4, 7, 14
D-9. Psychology: Child Development 1; Psych 1, 14, 41***
Other College ______
/Advanced Placement ______
/E /
/ 3 Semester /4 Quarter UNITS / / /Family & Consumer St. 21; Health 2, 7, 11; Personal Development 20, 40; Psychology 41***, 52, 64;
PE Activity: Dance 225, 228, 229;Dance TQ 333; Physical Education 102, 262, 289, 301, 440, 460, 470, 508, 553, 630, 665, 666, 667, 668, 679, 682, 683, 684, 690, *Only 1 unit of DANCE, DANCETQ, P.E., Phys Ed, or PHYSFIT activity may be counted in this area
Other College ______/ Advanced Placement ______/ Military Credit ______
Major Prep Courses:
/ (C = Completed, IP = In Progress, N = Need) TOTAL
(***) May be counted in one area only; (**) Meets U. S. History & Institutions requirement by UC, CSU or both; (*) Separate Laboratory course; (+) courses where transfer credit may be limited; (L) Course with a Laboratory component.
Counselor signature______Date______